Getting a new bunny!

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Hi everyone! Glad to be finally back!

The last computer we had was a 98, and it was pretty much toasted fromthe virus so we decided to get a whole new computer! I'm still testingthings out, but I'm learning!

I cannot believe how well Poppy is adjusting to the move! I've alreadyfound out she handles stress great, and is very docile and friendly!She's very over weight, so any suggestions or s to get her to loosesome weight would be appreciated! She doesn't like to be picked up fromthe cage, and when I have her out she usually just explores a bit, butshe likes to stay in her cage if she has the option.

Still haven't gotten around to finnishing the cage. I moved it to adifferent, larger table and I have taken it apart a bit then added on.I still have some of Pepsi's cage left, but it's double the size. It'sconfusing to explain, but is is double the size of Pepsi's cage withthe add on. I wasn't at home when my dad built it, so I was overjoyedwhen I first looked at it! I love it!

I'm not sure how to add pictures for the new computer, I'll have to letmy dad show me how, but hopefully I can load up the pictures to showyou guys of both Poppy and Pebbles.

Talk to you soon!

Yay! Springs back!

And I want Poppy pics!:D

Maybe you can lure her out with a small treat, just to give her theidea? Do you have cardboard boxes and stuff for her to hidein?
She has a cardboard box to hide in and is really enjoying destroying that!

When I move her to the bigger cage, I was planning on getting a catcarrier to put oats or apple etc. in and when I hold it to the openingof the cage she will be able to go in then I can just shut the door andbring it to the floor. It lets me take her out of the cage and put herback easily without her getting freaked out about being picked up fromthe cage.

She usually comes to explore if I put tiny bits of apple on the floor.
Aww...what a cutie.

So nice to have you back! We missed you tons! How are you doing? How's cute little Pebbles?

So nice to hear how Poppy is doing, and that she's adjusting well, andthat things are steadily improving. :) Sounds likeshe's still adjusting to her new home.

What has Pebbles' reaction been to having her around all the time now?

So happy to hear from you!


I'm doing fantastic! :D.

Pebbles has her good days, and days she can be pretty rough to bearound. She's been having her teen mood swings lately, so I have towatch my fingers around her!

They've only seen each other face to face a few times since Poppy is inmy room. So Pebbles only really knows she's there if I forget to washmy hands after playing with Poppy and then she smells Poppy on me. Sheloves to sniff my hands if she smells Pops though!

Aww...that's good sign, right? The fact that she loves to sniff your hands when you've got Poppy's scent on them?

Very happy to hear that you're doing well. :)
Still no pictures! I have some on my camera I'mgetting developed, I'm just in the process of loading them on thecomputer. When I do get them loaded, I'll try to make a blog with awhole bunch of pictures!

Spring and the girls.:bunny2
YAAAAAAYYYYYYY!! I can't wait to see pictures of Poppy in her new home with her new Mama!! :D

How wonderful...for you, and for her, and for Pebbles! :D What perfect timing that wound up being, eh?

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