Getting a new bunny!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Hi everyone!I'm glad to say that I'llbe getting a new bunny anytime now. I need to start remodeling Pepsi'sold cage, so Idon't know whether it will be in aweek, or ina month.

Her name is Poppy and she's two and a half years old. She's a lop xwith uppy ears. She's gray and white. I made a threadaboutbunny sitting her before.

She's my friends rabbit, but it got to be too much work for my friendso she's wanting torehome her. I've known Poppy for almostall her life and she is a darling! I can't wait!Although shedoesn't do well withother rabbits, I don'tmind.

Here ismy to-be baby!



Spring I am so happy for you!

Im sure you will give this bunny a wonderful home and you never know, maybe someday she and Pebbles will become friends.

Shes one beautiful little girl!
YAY!!! What a cute littlePoppy!!!! I'm so happy for you! How wonderful, andwhat an adorable little bun!! :)

Come home soon, Poppy!!

:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower do a Happy BunnyWelcome Home Soon Bunny Dance for you and Poppy! :)
I am so happy for you Spring! :kiss:

That is fantastic news. Poppy is so gorgeous, and I love the name!

I am so glad you are getting another bun, you are such an awesome bunnymum and I know that Poppy will be very happy in her new home.
Wow! I'm so happy for you. She is so lucky. Give her a hug for me and I expect los of picures!
Oh Spring, how wonderful for you andPoppy! Congratulations, happens for a reason! Justlike how I got Snuffles. It amazes me how alike us bunnypeeps are, we will do anything for these precious beings.:inlove:

BTW-Poppy is sooo beautiful, I want to hold and hug and kiss!
Hello everyone! Thought I'd pop my head in tosay a quick hi, just so you don't forget me! ;). I'll just keep thisupdate shortand sweet :).

Still no updates for Poppy, and to tell you the truth, I'm getting very impatient!

Pebbles has gone from bad, to extreme with food aggression. I can'thand feed her anything, or she just attacks my hands very badly. Lasttime I fed her oats, some got in between the cracks of my fingers,andI guess she got angry and bit...but she didn'tlet go for a few seconds! My whole hand was throbbing after! She's asweetie, but as soon as I have food near her, she gets very aggressive.Hopefully it's just hormones that are settling down!

I'mdoing alright. Just finished an English project,and before that had a Spanish test/project that consumed most of mytime. So busy after school with homework and Pebbles!

Hope to talk more later, but for now,


Hey there, Hun!! We miss you, but also understand that you've got a lot goin' on right now. :)

I would be impatient, too! You're all ready for a new friend, and waiting is frustrating at a time like that! you think Pebbles could be reacting to missingPepsi? Maybe when Poppy finally comes home, she'll settledown a little bit. I don't know a whole heck of a lot of thedynamic between buns when they're not bonded, but I would imagine thatany changes you're seeing in Pebbles could be her missing her friend.

Glad to hear you got your projects done! YAY! Good for you, Girl!! :)

Happy to hear from you, and hope sweet Poppy comes to her new home soon!!

We're eagerly awaiting word that she's finally in her new home...:)

Love and hugs to you all!

Ohh Spring i'm so happy for you,i remember whenyou bunny sat Poppy,she is such a pretty little thing,and i'm justhappy that you eventually get to look after Poppy full time:)

I am so happy for you! she is so beautiful. Sorry that pebblesbit you.
Hey everyone! Still no Poppy, but hopefully soon I'll have the cage done and she can come then!

As my luck has it, my home computer has a nasty virus and won't loadrabbits only, so I'm on another computer for a quick update.

I made an adjustment to Pebbles cage so I can take some NIC grids offeasily so she can have free run of the rabbit room while I'm home, soshe's lovin' that!

Hopefully I can update every few days, better yet, get my computer fixed, but I'm trying to stay with the forum!

Talk to you soon!
Spring and the fiesty senorita, Pebbles!
Poppy's here! She came yesterday, and is fittingin well! I have her in Pebbles old purple cage. I still don't have mycomputer fixed, just using a different computer that's not at home, soI don't have pictures. I'll have to load some onto a disk so I can showyou! She's doing great, haven't had the two girls see each other yet!Poppy's just in my room. I don't have too much time to have a hugeupdate, but I'm really excited!
Talk to you soon!
YAYYYYY!! Congratulations, and Welcome Home, Poppy!!

She must be so happy!! And I'm sure you're brimming with happiness as well!

Wonderful news!! :D

:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower do the Welcome Home, Poppy Dance!! :)

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