get partner for my rabbit questions

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
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hello eveyone
well i have female Fixed rabbit and she is about 1year old now
as i said in other topic she is in relaxing position for almost 90% of day and night time
but she have no cage and she is free in our house and even garden but yet choosed to be inactive after fixing...

i still have feeling that she is sad or bored and trying to play with her many hours in day yet she choose to go under something and lay down
sometime she lay down for about 7 hour , i force her to get out to eat something and she dont scare of me or the place at all

now i dont want, but look like must get second rabbit for mine,
first its good idea? or have any other way to fix this boredom?
2nd can i get another Baby female (about 4week old) rabbit as partner?
because i really dont want to try neutering EVER AGAIN so i guess female rabbit can be better option for my fixed female rabbit,
any suggestion about this?
4 weeks old it MUCH to young to get a bunny. On that note baby bonds aren’t true bonds. Do you have any rescues near you? I would take your bunny there and see if she is compatible with any of the bunnies, then you can foster that bunny until they are bonded. I have bonded bunnies and it 100% cleared up my og rabbits bordem, so i personally 100% recommend it. What are your concerns with neutering? My bunny was neutered fine, it is actually much safer than spaying, I had a bunny die while getting spayed(it’s a much more invasive procedure) Since you don’t want to get you’re new rabbit neutered and male
female bonds work the best id 100% get a male rabbit from a shelter.
If you think your rabbit needs a friend (which is possible, some rabbit need one), I would have to say I think same gender works perfectly fine (having an unfixed male leads to lots of mounting and higher hormones since he's around a female). It depends on how you want to approach getting another rabbit, you can rescue which is great, but their are some cons, just stuff as simple as the rabbit being aggressive toward you. Many rescue animals have unknow pasts (health history, age, etc.). Now, understand I think rescuing is a great thing (I have a rescued pitbull mix)! But sometimes you might find it's not right for you. Your second option is to get a retired breeding rabbit from a breeder, which would make you a retirement home, so the rabbit may be older. A con to this is the rabbit might have higher hormones because she has had kits in the past. A third option is getting a young rabbit (she has to be at least 8 weeks old). I find I support the young rabbit the most because I truly believe that older animals see younger animals as their adoptive children, so I think it will be easier to bond them. Especially if your rabbit is more motherly. With getting a retired rabbit or young rabbit, you can always ask the person you buy from to have a meet up to let your current rabbit and your potential rabbit to meet to see how they get along if you feel that is needed!
Having a friend could help with chewing since you think she's bored. Best of luck finding the best bun friend for your rabbit!
4 weeks old it MUCH to young to get a bunny. On that note baby bonds aren’t true bonds. Do you have any rescues near you? I would take your bunny there and see if she is compatible with any of the bunnies, then you can foster that bunny until they are bonded. I have bonded bunnies and it 100% cleared up my og rabbits bordem, so i personally 100% recommend it. What are your concerns with neutering? My bunny was neutered fine, it is actually much safer than spaying, I had a bunny die while getting spayed(it’s a much more invasive procedure) Since you don’t want to get you’re new rabbit neutered and male
female bonds work the best id 100% get a male rabbit from a shelter.

i really like rabbits and really want to give one good life but sadly there is no shelter here, just shops and i hate to support them but i have to.
at the shop near our house was some baby rabbits and some really grown(maybe old) rabbit , so i preferred to get the baby one, so you suggest get the adult or old ones?

and my problem with neutering is my rabbit changed much and she is much more lazy or called calm after that , never follow me never welcome me again , and she is like zombie as i said in topic , but was much much more active and playful before it but never aggressive,
some people suggested its because she is adult now but well, its just happend right after neutering.
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that’s strange, my bunny got spayed and she is completely normal! only slumps around when the room gets hot!
yeah thats some part of her problem too , here its near summer and normally its going around 35C(95 F) to 38C (100F) outside, indoors about 27 or something
but its just started to getting hot now so i expect more slumps from now
27c is about the temp where my bunnies start to slump around. That’s about 80f. Is there anyway you can get it down to 24C? Provide tiles or fans? You should see your rabbit go back to normal
27c is about the temp where my bunnies start to slump around. That’s about 80f. Is there anyway you can get it down to 24C? Provide tiles or fans? You should see your rabbit go back to normal
let me ask you a question, do you have single bunny? what they do during the day.
mine wakeup at 6AM and get mad if dont open his cage by 7AM(Start to pickup her things and move them) after i let her free in my room she is active for about 1hour and then hiding and relaxing start until 4 PM (not move at all if i wont force her to) then start eating some pallet, hay or treats(very small amount) then go under something and relaxing again if im not playing with her until 8 PM and then she is semi active(20% more active) , at those hours i try to play with her the most , she is semi active till 10 PM , then she start to eat Large amount of anything 5x time more than 4PM)at 12 AM start to be active and want me to touch her forehead forever until i put her back to cage and sleep :D

before neutering all was same but she was active from 5 PM and very active (following me , jump around , fast run ,Curiosity
until i put her into cage
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It is very unlikely that the change in behaviour is due to spaying and far more likely it's due to the heat. All pet rabbits, especially females, should be neutered. If you get another rabbit, you need to get him/her neutered first, keep the bunnies separated until 8 weeks after neutering and then try to bond on neutral territory. Baby bunnies should be with their mother until at least 8 weeks old so definitely do not get a 4 week old. If there are no rescue centres where you can adopt a neutered male then probably the best thing is to go for a male and have him neutered as soon as you can.
I have a bonded pair right now, but last summer it was just my bunny single alone. Same behavior! My rabbits have the most energy in the morning and evening because they are crepuscular! So they will be the most active from like 4-7am and then 7-10 at night, the rest of the day they sleep! Considering the heat in your home i’m guessing that’s limiting how much she wants to play, as she doesn’t want to over heat. I guess what I’m saying is when you’re outside, do you really want to run around and use a lot of energy, probably not because it’s hot!
I have a bonded pair right now, but last summer it was just my bunny single alone. Same behavior! My rabbits have the most energy in the morning and evening because they are crepuscular! So they will be the most active from like 4-7am and then 7-10 at night, the rest of the day they sleep! Considering the heat in your home i’m guessing that’s limiting how much she wants to play, as she doesn’t want to over heat. I guess what I’m saying is when you’re outside, do you really want to run around and use a lot of energy, probably not because it’s hot!
let me correct myself , i said its going to be like this in summer and summer just started, now its around 22C and for sure im going to use cooler for my little bun
inactivity from her other sources now , and my only guess was boredom or loneliness or hormones problem after fixing.
im just trying to figure out how to help her become more active and happy
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My bunnies love cardboard tunnels or houses made from boxes with doorways cut out on three sides. Does she have things like that to play with, and wooden things or grass mats to chew on? Also, try keeping her more confined to a pen overnight and only letting her out in a small area, and changing which rooms she can be in. That makes her “out” time more interesting because she's exploring new territory. Sometimes when they have free run of the place, they get bored because they know everything about everywhere!
Here are some of my past bunnies with their cardboard hideouts. They run through them, chew on them, dig up the bottom, jump on top of them. It's their favorite thing! And if they get bored with it, I just move it to a different place in the room and it's all new and exciting to them 😄

Here are some of my past bunnies with their cardboard hideouts. They run through them, chew on them, dig up the bottom, jump on top of them. It's their favorite thing! And if they get bored with it, I just move it to a different place in the room and it's all new and exciting to them 😄

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they are so cute <3
i dont have boxes like this just some wooden chew toys that she bite once in month
some wooden ring balls
and a cat 3ways tunnels that she use once in day or so
and i handmade her cage like this

i will try those box houses as soon as i find some box, thank you for your advice but i guess she must be in small area to use them,
and for new place i leave her sometimes in our yard and garden but cant leave her there for long because we have romaing cats and i must stand there as bodyguard till get tired


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Hi! I have a single female rabbit. She is 3.5 years, spayed, incredibly active. She plays in the house and an enclosed area outside, she relaxes on her own while I work from home and she also plays with me. But I think thats because it's her personality. She had a female partner (Ghost sadly passed away last April) who was just mellow, very chill. She did get enough exercise and opportunities to play freely but she liked to just relax and be on her own. I tried many times to give her lots of attention but she came to me when she wanted it, not the other way around 😊. Your rabbit is doing exactly what they say on websites - active during the early morning and evening, and night. She probably would be more active at night but you don't see it because she is confined. No hate here, I'm just saying. I know not everyone can free roam.
I am not saying allow your rabbit to be lazy or slumpy, I'm only suggesting that maybe she is comfortable and happy, and just likes to be that way. If your bunny is not overeating, getting overweight, or showing signs of illness, stress or sadness (you can learn more about what signs to look for on this forum), maybe ensure she gets a few hours play time and petting with you, and leave her be. Maybe she is content 😊
Hi! I have a single female rabbit. She is 3.5 years, spayed, incredibly active. She plays in the house and an enclosed area outside, she relaxes on her own while I work from home and she also plays with me. But I think thats because it's her personality. She had a female partner (Ghost sadly passed away last April) who was just mellow, very chill. She did get enough exercise and opportunities to play freely but she liked to just relax and be on her own. I tried many times to give her lots of attention but she came to me when she wanted it, not the other way around 😊. Your rabbit is doing exactly what they say on websites - active during the early morning and evening, and night. She probably would be more active at night but you don't see it because she is confined. No hate here, I'm just saying. I know not everyone can free roam.
I am not saying allow your rabbit to be lazy or slumpy, I'm only suggesting that maybe she is comfortable and happy, and just likes to be that way. If your bunny is not overeating, getting overweight, or showing signs of illness, stress or sadness (you can learn more about what signs to look for on this forum), maybe ensure she gets a few hours play time and petting with you, and leave her be. Maybe she is content 😊
sorry for your lost
she was just like mine , she come to me when she want or i have tasty food for her , i guess this is my problem i cant understand that she is bored and have noting to do or just like to be lazy :D, but yep she is very healthy not overweight or overeating just eat same as her activity and only thing i know she love is sit there i pet her and she lick my hand until she lost her tongue and never getting tired of this 😁
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