general anxiety disorder and mood disorders that carry bi-polar components

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
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, Michigan, USA
so for the past year i have been taking medication for my general anxiety disorder. to put bluntly i take meds to help me deal with my anxiety attacks

so life has been going not so good lately. i am having the racing heart panic attacks again, i am always tired, always in a funk, or i am wide awake, unable to keep up with my mind.

so i went back to the doctor. after a long visit, and talking about my life, my triggers, what goes wrong. . . a new diagnosis is added to the list

mood-disorder with bi-polar components

meaning that we know i have a mood disorder, but it is to early to lable it as bi-polar, even though that is what it is.

i am slightly shocked, and upset. i know that i needed the help, but to have the lable of 'mood-disorder' or 'bi-polar' is a hard thing to handle.

to add to it all, we were talking about my racing heart. . . my doctor is worried that without testing there is no way to tell if i am getting an anxiety attack that causes heart palpitations (or 'racing heart), or if my heart palpitations (sp?) is causing me to have an anxiety attack.

so i also have to go in for an ultrasound on my heart.

so now, i am dealing with the possiblity of a heart condition while i am adjusting to bi-polar meds, AND an upped does of my anxiety medication.

blah, i just needed to rant. . .currently, life sucks.
Hang in there!! I have depression that came w/some anxiety after developing some heart probs. I hope they find that stuff is causing your heart probs and not the other way around!

Understand the need to rant...rant away and the best thing to do is try to talk to someone that understands....others can say they do...but unless they've experienced it...they don't it all changes you alot....I don't emotionally/mentally deal with anything the way I did before all this!

It can get rough...hang in there and just ask, I'll try to help if I can, as mine is a lil different.....but in some ways, very much the same!
:hug:Being bi-polar is scary. My brother is and has been his WHOLE life. I know I am. Not as severe but it is there. I just won't get treated. I know my signals and try to head it off. I also have an amazing husband who notices too.

If you ever need to talk I am here. On RO, messengers anything. Just let me know.
Katt, my hubby has almost the same diagnosis as you, except the mood disorder is more obvious than the anxiety. His docter won't put him on bipolar meds unless he's fully diagnosed as bipolar- which pretty much requires you do something to hurt yourself or others. Not gonna happen. So he's on a mild antidepressant (stronger ones have been known to keep him wired and awake for 24+hours at a time). He's always willing to talk to people about this, so you're welcome to pm him. His user name is Mr. Stee.

And I feel your pain, having depression and anxiety also.:hug:

My recommendation is to cuddle your bunnies more, petting animals is proven to reduce anxiety in people. Not that you needed an excuse to cuddle them.:) If your insurance covers it, therapist visits might be a good idea. Or group therapy if you want to talk to more people- although just the idea makes me more upset about myself, LOL. I tried a therapist before drugs but haven't been back since she told me I really needed medication. Ouch. Others have better experiences.
I have depression and anxiety too.

i couldn't go to school for the past two weeks cause they were so bad, i missed some exams, but luckily my teachers are nice and are leting me take them at a later date.

i know it scary and horrible and you wish you could just be normal
thanks guys, it is just getting past this first few weeks on new meds and more meds that is really hard. i have no drive to do anything, i am very zombie feeling right now.

this is why i love this board, the overwhelming "pm me, i am willing to talk anytime" i see give me hope that if i need someone there will always be someone around.

i have considered thearpy. the women's resouce center up here has income based thearpy, meaning they will get me in with a thearpist at a rate that reflects how much i make so i can afford it. i am thinking about looking into it, i just am not ready to talk about it yet.

but alas, time heals, once i have my heart all figured out, and my meds to a stable point life will look a little brighter

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