Ok, I always thought it was a rather commonthing, but from reading threads on here it seemed that it wasn't ascommon as I thought. *shrug*
Anyway, I have been keeping people out of the pet room as best I can,and there hasn't been any loud kids up there (except my nehpew; he's 3years old) whom isn't veryloud andshe doesn't mindhim:
And I chewed my dog out for going in there - he knows he's not supposedto and 99% of the time he doesn't without being told not to.

But anyway, he's quiet, and Emmy is somewhat used to himbeing around. Also, the buck, Blue, is very quiet and I can'teven recall the last time he thumped.
Anyway, there's some rather good news! Last night whilechecking on them I found another one!

So she's back up tothree. At least it's not so lonely now. It's funny- the night before I was saying to my mom, "I've got a feeling she'shiding more than two in that huge pile of fur."

I almostwonder if there's evenmore than 3!
Well, thanks very much for the replies; I think she'll be oknow. She has seemed a lot more calm and lessaggressive. She doesn't start growling the minute I get tooclose to her cage anymore. lol