Garrrr, I hate you, hair dye box.

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
The package said "Dark Brown". I was just expecting to get the red tone out of my medium-dark brown hair. I know I am not a hair stylist or anything, but this just put another dent in my day!

My hair color just a few hours ago...


My hair now...


I can't decide if I like it. I am kind of scared, as I think some people will call me "gothic" because of my eye make up and hair. Heh :surrender.
I think it looks good either way, the dark colour will fade over time then you'll probably want some red/warmth back in it when it does.

My partner just said you're very attractive :biggrin2:, but your makeup scares the crap outta him :shock:! LOL :p.
Imo the darker shade looks pretty (though your natural shade looks even better). It might be a little goth with all black clothes + your makeup (hard to tell exactly how dark your hair is in the pic). Dont' fret, I bet since you live in sunny Arizona, it will get highlights or turn a lighter shade in no time! :)
I think the colour really suits you.

What does it matter if people call you gothic? It's only a stupid label that doesn't really mean anything.

Just so long as you are happy with how you look and stuff, that's the important thing.

Your makeup causes me great wonderment though. How on Earth do you get it like that without smearing it all over your face? Or do you? lol
i like the reddish color better, imo, but i like reddish brown hair. You do look gothy with the dark hair and make up but who cares you look good. Not everyone can wear makeup like that and look good..............:shock: i am not hitting on you, lol.

Now having said that i went to hair school many, many , many moons ago and i dont know if the reddish color was dye or natural, but if it was dyed red is VERY HARD to get out of your hair. You either have to let it grow out or strip it out. i would not suggest stripping it out because that does a number on your hair. I use to dye my hair a reddish brown and loved it and one day i decided i wanted something different and went darker well now i am stuck with darker unless i want a dye line on my head, lol. But i like the darker hair on me. Even though i like the reddish color better the dark color looks good on you too. you are one of those people i dislike that everything is going to look good on you, lol. How about trying BLONDE :shock: :biggrin2:
i forgot to add that you can also try some harsher shampoos to try to strip out as much as possible with out having to go the harsher route. Some harsher shampoo's, imo, are like suave and the more cheaper shampoos. I have heard that baby shampoo is harsh, though i dont see it being harsh since you use it on a baby's head. But last summer my niece put those pink and purple colors in her hair and was told to use baby shampoo when she wanted it out and a few washings later it was out, and she has dirty blonde hair.
Thanks, guys :biggrin2:!

I guess I just had to take some time to get used to it. I'm actually kind of liking it now!

Oh, and icequeen.....I've gone to all sorts of shades...even bleach blond. I like darker much better :p.
I like is dark too, I would'nt worry it will wash out and go lighter soon.

My hair dye never looks the same on my head it always comes out a different shade. :?
theicequeen99121 wrote:
Amy i want to see pics of the blonde

These pictures are sooo embarassing, hahaha. I looked horrible as a blonde....and thin eye brows were NOT my style. These were uhm, 3 years or so ago....when I went through that whole "whatever! punk" stage, hahaha.



Hence, the good friend with a wicked mohawk, and ya could have the worst hair in the world, but you are still an amazing person, despite what you look like!


And then this was me erm, 2 years ago with black hair (and a friend)...


Old pictures are soooo embarassing :hiding:.

Yeah haha I hate ALL hair dye boxes. But in my Professional Opinion (love saying that hehe) You look hot with dark hair. And BTW even if you look goth you look Hot-Goth and you can just punch the stupid people in the face:biggrin2:
Sounds like me back in my highschool days :). I changed mine from black hair to black w/ dark red or purple streaks, then went reddish copper and then black again so i could grow out my normal color finally (which is close to black brown with some red). You know you have dark hair when you dye it black and people ask if it's your natural color.. haha.

The dark looks best, imo. :D

I also think it looks good (and I liked it before, too). And it very well may lighten in a few days. My hair is brown, I dye it a reddish brown ("auburn brown") and for the first few days it's REALLY red then goes more brown (the first time I was all upset until it toned down... now I like the redder color that doesn't stay haha!)


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