Fur Mites/Respiratory issues

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Do you place it sideways under the skin while pinching it or straight into a muscle?

I was never taught to give it subqutaneously under the skin as I have heard that it is very irritating to tissue;

if their is any confusion as to how to administer it possibly you could visit the vet again

I was taught it give it with a short needle straight into a muscle either on the flanks or leg
In my experiences with it it works very quickly ..surprising so
bun heaving and barely able to breathe having no symptoms after a comple injections.
Fluffy looked really good last night when I gave him his shot all tho he moved the first time on me so he got a bit of a loss of blood. But the second time went in fine I felt the bubble of meds.

But today I picked him up and noticed a small red patch on his side in the are I normally give him his meds. The vet told me I could reuse the needle a couple of times is that ok??
Here's a photo of this red patch, could this be an reaction from the meds??

Ok this photo isn't the greatest but on the top there u can see a red spot under the new black fur.
subqutaneous baytril is extremely irritating to tissue. ; maybe he (vet)could show you how to give it straight into the muscle.

Ihave done it with no ill effects
I would never reuse a needle butI have been taught sterile technique in dealing with human patients.

Iknow that many vets are not strict about this.

seen it myself
You could sterilize it by drawing ethanol through it--you want something like ethyl rubbing alcohol.
I only have 7 needle tips left and 1 week left on this med. So would be ok to use twice then switch it out? Or maybe I should call the vet and change the way it's given it to him.
angieluv wrote:
I would never reuse a needle butI have been taught sterile technique in dealing with human patients.

Iknow that many vets are not strict about this.

seen it myself
it is Ok but the problem is that the taste is absolutely terrible.; I meanreally really bad You could possibly buy some low cal syrup (to mix into coffee) and try that as a mixer.

you could also call the vet and ask if he knows of a pharmacy that would compound the baytril.; that means a pharmacist would mix it with a flavoring so that it wouldn't taste so terrible.

there is a pharmacy whre I live in which the pharmacist will do this with veterinary drugs.

otherwise maybe you could go back to the vet, have them show you how to do the injections again and also get more needles.

usually if baytril is give sq it is buffered with lactated ringers (like Randy talks about re. bicillin) as it is an irritant.
if it is given in the muscle it doean't have to be diluted.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are you giving him the baytril and saline in 2 separate injections or in the same one? It would be best to draw up the 2.5mL of saline and also the 2.5mL of baytril, shake the syringe a bit, and then inject. I'm not trying to insult you if you're already doing that. Just wanted to mention because sometimes things like that can be overlooked.

Also, what is the difference between diluting with saline and with a lactated ringer? I know lactated ringers have some other components to them that a saline solution does not, but what is preferred and is there really a difference?
I am drawing up the baytril first then the saline

tonyshuman wrote:
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are you giving him the baytril and saline in 2 separate injections or in the same one? It would be best to draw up the 2.5mL of saline and also the 2.5mL of baytril, shake the syringe a bit, and then inject. I'm not trying to insult you if you're already doing that. Just wanted to mention because sometimes things like that can be overlooked.

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