Fur Mites/Respiratory issues

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Wait, this is the same bunner that may have an upper respitory infection? Hmm, that seems strange, maybe both are happening.

Best of luck at the vet on the 5th! Will the vet be checking out both issues?

Let us know how it goes!;)

P.S. Thinking we should combine the two threads for Fluffy. What do you think? I can do that if you think it's a good idea as well.;)
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Wait, this is the same bunner that may have an upper respitory infection? Hmm, that seems strange, maybe both are happening.

Best of luck at the vet on the 5th! Will the vet be checking out both issues?

Let us know how it goes!;)

P.S. Thinking we should combine the two threads for Fluffy. What do you think? I can do that if you think it's a good idea as well.;)

Yes this is the same poor bunner with upper respitory issue. But seems to have cleared UP :)
Yep i'll talk to the vet about both issues. He just saw the vet last month about his eye. Poor little baby the U of S seems to be second home.

Yep u can combine booth threads.
Well today we are heading to the vet to get Fluffy looked at. Today seems very tired.


I'll update u when as to what wrong when we get back.
I had to deal with a case of fur mites a couple of years ago (I'd associated it with a bale of hay I'd picked up at the local feed store, but can't be 100% certain...though since ditching that hay, they haven't returned).

I dealt with them using Ivermectin from the vet's...cleared them up in no time. I treated all of the animals in my house as I wasn't certain if the dog and cat had them or not, but I do know that both rabbits had them. Anyway, treatment worked like a charm. :)

Let us know how the vet visit goes!

You can use a prescription product called Revolution to keep mites (and fleas) away. It's one of those once a month gels you put on their neck.:)
Back from the vet. Fluffy does a case of the snuffle's and is being treated with Novo-Trimel he gets 1.7ml twice a day for 2 weeks.

And for the Fur mites both were treated with Revolution.

The both have to go back in 2 weeks for another does of Revolution and Fluffy to see if his Snuffle's is better.

I love the vet college but i don't exactly like the vet intern we see. Every time i go in with mom he always talks to her like i'm not there. I'm 27 and HE'S my bun.. He should know this he has seen me and Fluffy a few times. ERRRRR... Sorry just had to let that off my chest.

Now it's time for cage cleaning.... Wow what fun... Was told to shrub the cage down so it get's rid of the mites....

ETA: I forgot to say. The vet said his ear's were dirty but didn't clean them out. And his need to be clipped again but didn't do that either. ERRR. Can't wait for July when the new Intern comes in.
As Randy has pointed out many times "snuffles" is an outdated term that refers to any number of respiratory infections in a rabbit. Many vets still use the term because it comes to their minds when they see a rabbit with a a purulent nasal discharge and sneezing. If a culture was done on the discharge it could indicate any number of different bacteria. In other words different bacteria can cause symptoms that appear the same.

In the evolution of veterinary medicine upper respiratory infections have been easier to treat due to the use of better and stronger medication I believe that the medication prescribed for your rabbit is a sulfa drug with trimethoprim which is commonly prescribed for rabbits and is safe.
2 weeks is not a long time for treatment so you may want to ask your vet if he would conider possibly a stronger mediation for a longer period of time...... many bacteria have become resistant to the drugs like enrofloxicin and ciprofloxicin and the sulfa drugs due to over-useand drug resistance.

If any of this sounds familar it is because I have learned it from Randy who would ask you to suggest meds like zithromax, and / or chloramphenicalafter a culture of the exudate
in this day and age "snuffles" is a highly common and very treatable condition in a pet rabbit. Fluffy should be fine in a few weeks or so..

here is the library info on upper respiratory infections


As Maureen said knowing exactly what is causing the sneezing and treat for that.

Ringo and his Ongoing Story of Hope

My best advice is to find out exactly what is causing it. Treating blind isn't going to help. With Ringo I treated it like that at first and it was a big mistake. Also with Connor. They were both treated with meds that had no effect on what they had. Eventually they got the right med. For Connor it was great. He is healthy and happy. For Ringo I don't know. He is happy, active but healthy? I will be treating his flare ups for the rest of his life unless a miracle cure is found.

In that thread you will see times where yea I considered having him PTS. Why because I wasn't sure if he was going to get better. I wasn't sure if he would be safe in a rolling episode. Not because it couldn't be treated. He is treated just has flare ups. Though we have tracked them and pinpointed the bad times.

ETA: Ringo would do better on meds (the wrong ones) for a very short time it would flare up the minute he stopped. He needed something stronger, longer use and the right med.
Hi Everyone,

Fluffy seems to doing ok. Umm but his Head-Tilt kinda looks a just a smidge tilted than it normally is. Could that be cause from the URI?? He still has a good appetite and still drinks his water so should i be concered?? If it looks worse in the moring i'll call the vet and take him his week.

Soory very leaving but it needed to. Elf Mommy made me come back. :p
I over reacted with Fluffy head tilt. He likes to scare me. I took photo's of him and compared to his past photo's taken like a week ago and they are the same. Fluffy is doing very well he should be finishing his med's this week and they both go in Jan 26 to see the vet. That's the earliest i can get them with my schedule and there's.

Fluffy wasn't on meds very long
2 weeks?
which is not very long
if he still has a tilt you may want to ask the docotor about stronger medicine for a lengthier period of time

if it was an ear infection then it is possible that his head will still straighten out when the infection is resolved

hard to know because oftentimes an infection can be gone but the tilt remains because of the muscles in that area contracting.

All in all 2 weeks is probably not long enough to determine if the tilt will resolve.
Anyway we will hope for the best for Fluffy and you :)

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