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Awww so cute..all of these ones. Now I know that my bun is really just trying to protect me from "snakes". Geez. Lol mine made a snip on a blue handbag...maybe bunnies have something against blue?? (Blue wire, blue handbag..) lol
Awww so cute..all of these ones. Now I know that my bun is really just trying to protect me from "snakes". Geez. Lol mine made a snip on a blue handbag...maybe bunnies have something against blue?? (Blue wire, blue handbag..) lol

I'm more inclined to suspect that they LIKE the color blue - in my experience, bunnies only destroy the things they love!
We just lost yet another phone charger to one of the bunnies, so this really hits home.

I have two words for you: cordless charger.

This could potentially cost no more than $15-20... or if you want the extra-frugal, "bare-bones" version of the solution, it'd cost you a mere $5.59 (in other words, less than what a single bunny-vulnerable charger normally goes for ;)). Either way, for bunny owners, the solution is pretty much guaranteed to pay for itself!

First, you need a universal battery charger:
This one's dirt cheap ($4) from my go-to site for phone accessories and it's reliable, but a pain in the butt to get the little prongs lined up right and the battery can easily be dislodged. Cricket offered to sell me the exact same thing for $25 when the port for the charger cord on my phone wasn't working right... glad I laughed in their faces, went online, and found this site, lol.

There's a better option, though - this one, for $5.59, is WAY more user-friendly and holds the battery much more securely. I own both now and don't even know where the first one is because I like the second one so much better that I shoved it away somewhere. It also seems faster, though I haven't bothered to verify that hunch.
[As a note, these work on more than just cell phone batteries! I was going nuts the other day because I couldn't find the charger for my digital camera's battery... then I had a *facepalm* moment and realized - duh - I could just use the universal charger. Worked like a charm!]

Also, you'll probably want a second battery unless you'd only ever need to charge the phone overnight or something, since obviously you have to take the battery out of your phone to use the universal charger (also, it's slower than traditional chargers). Keep one battery in the charger/one in your phone and swap them out as needed.

Unfortunately, the cellphoneshop site doesn't carry batteries for all phones (I'm really sad they don't sell one for my ZTE Engage), but they do carry a LOT of different brands and it looks like the vast majority of their batteries are < $10. From this page, you can narrow down the listings by brand.

If you opt to buy from that site, here's the current coupon codes that I get via email:
SPRING14SH - free shipping on orders $5+ (standard shipping is a flat $4.99 regardless of how little or how much you order; the on-site version of this coupon requires a $20+ purchase)
SPRING14D - 20% off total purchase (orders of $25+)
(Only one coupon code can be used per order; also, they can't be stacked with the on-site coupon codes for 7% or whatever off your order)
Those codes are good until Feb 25th... but once they expire, it's usually not more than 1-2 weeks before they send out new coupons (exact same details, just different codes) so if anyone is interested after these expire, just PM me and I can provide new ones once I get them.

I've ordered from that site numerous times and have always been happy with stuff - it's "retail" quality products but "fell off a truck" pricing :p. The only downside is that standard shipping takes a while (a week or two, iirc) and rush shipping is around $17 (no matter how little or how much you buy). As a note, all their stuff says "last day clearance sale" and shows a massively discounted price and a "deal expires in:" counter - ignore that BS, it's just a marketing ploy. The prices are always that low, lol.

They've actually got a lot of great, cheap stuff... of the things I've purchased, here are my favorites (all but the styluses, which are priced to be affordably disposable, have gotten tons of use over the last six months to a year and are still good as new):
I tend to go through styluses in a hurry between losing them, stupidly leaving them un or under-supervised around a sugar glider (little buggers have a compulsive need to pull out the foam tips) and/or getting on a gaming kick and using them to death; the first stylus I ever bought was from Walmart and probably nearly $10 and I wore it out just as fast as I do the cheap ones I buy now.

32 GB micro SD cards (that come with a cover to convert to regular SD)

Memory card reader/writer - basically, it's an adapter that lets SD cards and such function as USB flash drives as far as your computer is concerned... I love mine! You can back up memory card data, transfer stuff from your comp to other devices that use a memory card very quickly and it's really handy if you have trouble keeping track of the transfer cable for your digital camera (plus, that's one less cord for bunns to chew :p).

USB hub (turns one port into four)

USB to AC adapters with one port or two - ie any USB-powered device can be AC powered; also, an adapter + a $3 cable with the proper end for whatever device you're wanting to connect (cell phone, mp3 player, etc.) = instant charger... so if your bunny chews through the cord, you only have to replace the cord and not an entire charger.

My one other favorite, sadly, is no longer available - a $20 cell phone jammer. The range is obnoxiously short, but it's *just* long enough that if a nearby driver is yakking on their cell phone instead of watching the road, you can pull up right next to them at a red light and kill the call, lol. Yeah, they'll be out of range as soon as the light changes and can resume their illegal chatting... but it's still fun!
Gee, Jennifer, how much commission do you get? :wink

I have wireless head phones now. I'd say 'take that' to the animals, but I'm worried that's what they just might do!
Gee, Jennifer, how much commission do you get? :wink

I have wireless head phones now. I'd say 'take that' to the animals, but I'm worried that's what they just might do!

Lol, I wish! I do love that site, though - beats the pants off most prices I've seen for similar items, so I figured I'd share the highlights.

"Cordless" and "wireless" are two things rabbit owners can't get enough of!

And yeah, probably a wise move not to offer rabbits anything that could be deliberately misconstrued as an invitation to naughtiness! :p
WHAT, a cell phone jammer??? I want one of those! Oooh, the possibilities....*smiles evilly*


I'd really love one with a radius of around 30 feet (basically, enough to be a good bit more effective as a weapon against drivers on cell phones without being so powerful that you could easily name a few people you know who you absolutely wouldn't trust with it, lol (or so powerful that you might f-up the calls of people other than your intended target(s)), but I just couldn't justify spending more than $20 on this particular brand of mischief :(. The 10 ft radius on the one I got really chaps my ***, as does the fact that I lost the cord to charge it a few months ago and STILL can't find the darn thing.

There's so much I never got around to doing with it because I kept failing to have it handy at the right times! For example, it's small enough that one could easily have it in a pants pocket or purse and discreetly reach in to hold down the button when someone in front of you in a checkout line is holding everyone up by running their mouths on a cell phone instead of responding to the cashier... but I kept forgetting it in the car console whenever I went into a store.

Cell phones are an awesome invention - it was definitely a real game changer when it became possible to communicate with people easily when you weren't at home, plus it pretty much killed land-line long distance carriers and I think we can all agree that NO ONE misses all those damn AT&T/MCI/___ BELL/whatever else telemarketing calls! I'd be lying if I tried to claim that I didn't love my cellphone.

That said, people have gotten ridiculously out of control with them; many folks get so into that darn phone that they're not really paying attention to the people and activities around them... inevitably leading to seriously inconsiderate behavior in general and dangerous/potentially FATAL behavior when they're behind the wheel.

To me, proper cell phone etiquette = not using your phone in public if it can be avoided and NEVER talking on your cell phone while simultaneously interacting face-to-face with other people (unless the call is relevant to them as well, of course). If your call is THAT important, then step outside the store or find a quiet corner, *discreetly* handle the call and then go back to what you were doing - if it isn't important enough to put other stuff on hold for two minutes, then you don't need to be on your phone at the expense of those around you.

The way I see it, if YOUR cell phone becomes MY problem, then my cell phone jammer should become YOUR problem :p.
Anaira, I think that you're right! I think it might be one of Korr&Sophie's rabbits or Kipcha's rabbits! They do the jumping and that Dutch did look familiar to me!
I just loved it, it made me laugh so hard last night! LOL Apparently, all Dutch are filled with attitude!

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