Funniest Reason Your Rabbit(s) Thumped...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
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, Illinois, USA
There are run-of-the-mill momentswhenyour rabbits thumps, and youfind it somewhat amusing; then there isthe onetime when your rabbit thumps, and you'll never forget it.:shock:

For me, the funniesttime that my one rabbit thumpedwas when myhusband--how shall I say this?--cut aLOUD muffin. We weresitting on the floor with both bunnies at the time; so they not only heard the sound but also felt the vibration.

Little Emma was clearly affronted, lookingmadder than a wet hen. :XShe let out a fierce thump for such a tiny bunny. My husband and I locked eyes, then fell over laughing. While still lying on the floor, I said to him, "Well, there's the proof that I'm not the only one who's less-than-thrilled about your gas."

In my lifetime, I doubt thatI'll ever witness a funnier reason behind a rabbit's thump.

When I was crazy,thinking of not keeping my rescue bun Baxter! I was trying to video tape him so that I could use it on Petfinders - I think he knew what I was up to thumped very loud (he's is not that big) and it was the first time I had ever seen him (or any bunny) do it... Scared me and I immediately stopped video taping; that and I decided to keep him - I guess you know now which one of us wears the pants in my family.. lol..
I turned on the lights one morning (five am or so) and Nuge thumped a few times, groaned, and wedged himself under a cardboard box. It was NOT time for him to get up.
I took a piece of cardboard box off my my himalayan Rex buck Boss because he was dropping bits everywhere, then he thumped about 5 times until I gave it back! It was really cute.
I've seen Mocha thump when her husbun Loki is flirting with other animals- both rabbits and cats. It usually means that he's about to get slapped on the nose!

Sprite used to thump sometimes when I was petting Fey. Oh, those evil human hands of mine. The most funny was when she'd thump but then work up the courage to let me stroke her nose once, then she'd run off and thump again.

Also, there was an adorable baby lop girl at the shelter who used to thump after every few steps she took while she was playing outside of her cage. Every time. hop hop hop THUMP hop hop hop THUMP!
AngelnSnuffy writes:

OMG-Jenk, that is hilarious!
I will never forget it, and the story will never get old. :biggrin2:

Snuff thumps at absolutely nothing. He doesn't do it often at all, but when he does, I see no reasoning behind it ;).
I'm guessing that Snuff has his reasons, stealthy as they may be. :D

Jenk wrote:
AngelnSnuffy writes:

OMG-Jenk, that is hilarious!
I will never forget it, and the story will never get old. :biggrin2:

Snuff thumps at absolutely nothing. He doesn't do it often at all, but when he does, I see no reasoning behind it ;).
I'm guessing that Snuff has his reasons, stealthy as they may be. :D
Oh, I'm sure he does too! He's a silly boy, probably thinks somethings gonna get him;).
naturestee wrote:
Also, there was an adorable baby lop girl at the shelter who used to thump after every few steps she took while she was playing outside of her cage. Every time. hop hop hop THUMP hop hop hop THUMP!
I can just picture what that bun was sayin...

"My thumping button's broken!! Help!!" *Trying to hop around, and the back leg thumps all on its own...*

I feed all my animals on a tight sheduale do to myne. Well on the days I am more laxed dont have anything to do or what ever. Chevy lets me know it is time to eat.

And if I am sleeping. HE has figured out how to open his cage and come thump on myhead at 7 in the morning. On a saterday no dout.

Oh and today I got my free rabbit toy in and was playing with him on the floor.

He saw the toy and thump at me to let him see it. Now he has not stopped playing with it sence then.

Oh this is good! I love stories about silly bunners!

Mine are not all that impressive but:

Bo: He was thumping and we didn't know it - he thumps with BOTH feet and I would hear him at night for awhile - but I thought he was just hopping around. TURNS OUT he was trying to tell me or scare it - there was a mouse in the house and it was coming over to get his hay LOL!

Clover: OMG whenever she uses her bad leg to thump it's funny! She slaps that leg and gives you the most evil look! I think the funniest time she's thumped was to warn the dog not to touch her toy! The dog is about 70 lbs and she's about 2.

Tony: Tony thumped ALL the time when he was a baby. We'd put him in the playpen and he'd thump, we'd pick him up and hold him and he'd thump on us, we'd give him a toy - THUMP!

He will thump if he wants my attention and I am not giving it. He will sit blatantly staring at me and thump until I notice! God forbid I watch tv or cook dinner!
Nemo thumps when he comes out and runs straight to the dogs food bowl and starts chowing down...and i take it away from him! THEN, after he thumps, he hops away from me and exaggerates his back feet during his hop, flicking them at me like kicking his dirt in my face.

HE FLICKS ME OFF!!!! The nerve of that freakin' little lop...

I've never heard Tallulah thump, and Rory only on one occasion. I guess my reaction to his thumping is the funniest thing, though! It was about 2 am and I was in bed drifting off to sleep when I heard him thumping. Went downstairs to check on him and he was fine, but I was worried he was upset about something and didn't want to be in his cage, so I took him out and blocked him in the bunny proofed kitchen, then slept on the couch downstairs so I could hear him if he thumped more. I thinked I'm "bunny" whipped, what do you think?

Both Rory and Tallulah do their fair share of foot flicking though, especially Tallulah. Lately if I try picking her up, she runs away flicking her feet... but then comes back a few seconds later waiting to be petted! So I guess I don't offend her too deeply.
hehe this is a good post.

We went away for the day so I made sure they had plenty of food and toys. When we got back at night first thing I did was go upstairs and take Jessica downstairs (she gets mad if I let Dexter out before her) so I put her on the floor and she looked at me and thumped. I next went to get Dexter put him on the floor and he thumped as well.

Trying to make friends I put them some banana down (they normaly never refuse it) they both sniffed it looked at me and thumped at the same time then ran away kicking their backlegs out at me
Tracy, if I don't get flicked off by each bunny once a day I feel like something isn't right! Such attitude in those little furballs!

Shiloh, you're a good slave! ;)
Casper thumps if I listen to certain music...(mostly Richard Fleeshman)..or if he see's my brothers girlfriend :laugh: smart little man..hehehehehehehehehe.
Millie mostly thumps when she has to go to bed.;)

Me - "come on sweetie, bedtime!"

Millie - "Thump!" *runs off to the other side of the room*

Me - "Aww now come on, don't be naughty - you've got a nice salad waiting for you!"

Millie - "THUMP!" *runs circles around the furniture before I eventually corner her*

Me - *reaching to pick her up* "There's a good bunny!"

Millie -"THUMP!"

Also, I nearly killed myself laughing once asMillie thumped her leg while standing on our wooden floorboards which must have hurt so much! The look on her face was priceless!:biggrin2:

Serves her right for being a grumpy bunster!:shame:big wink:

One night when hubby and I were relaxing in front of the TV, Scooter started thumping. About every 15 seconds we'd hear another thump. It took us while to figure out that she did not like the oscillating space heater we had turned on. Once we shut the heater off, the thumping stopped.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
...Tony added to his list this morning:

Tony had very good reason to thump, I'd say.

I'm in the northwest Chicago 'burbs but wasn't awoken by the quake itself, though cityresidents said that they heard and felt it. If my bunnies reacted to it,I'll never know;my birds reacted fast and furiously, flopping around in their cages. So I was first woken by my cat leaping off the bed and landing hard onto the floor (presumably freaked more about the birds' reaction than any potential tremors). Then I could hear the birds andjumped out of bed, saying, "Birds! Birds!" to rouse my husband in the process. Theclock read 4:40 am on the dot.

My husband called me at 7:45 am when he'd heard of the quake, then called me back to say that the quack started around 4:37 am.

I've long read about animals reacting to natural occurances long before humans (or being aware of current occurances that humans can't detect). This morning, I got my bona-fide proof!

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