Funniest Reason Your Rabbit(s) Thumped...

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Lol! What a great thread! :D

Mouse and Chalk are pretty amiable, but Barney and Snowy have no problems letting us know when they aren't happy! They don't really thump for weird reasins but if I have to get Barney out of Mouse and Chalk's cage for any reason, like his tea time, as soon as I even walk over there, THUMP! Then he'll run around the whole cage thumping the whole time! He just loves them so much that he can't bear to be parted for a whole 20 minutes of tea time... lol...
My bunnies thump all the time! Mostly they thump when they don't get what they want, or they want something.

Sippi's thumps sound like rocks hitting a road from 100ft. in the air. lol. He just sits in his cage, or when he's running around, and if we tell him No, or pull him out of trouble, he looks at us and gives us the most dirty thump everrr. lol.

And then all the other bunnies thump when we make them angry - no attention, pick them up, not enough hay/pellets, they need something, lost/dropped something, not done playing outside, The list just goes on!

My bunnies used to get into the boxspring on my bed and then thump because they were upset that they got stuck in there! Stupid bunnies kept on making themselves upset! "help! I got in here and now I'm stuck!!" And once we helped them get out, they would jump back in. :X I had a plastic under bed storage container that they would thump on and it was LOUD. Now i just removed the cover on the bottom of the boxspring so nobody can get in there.
This thread has really boosted my spirits today :).

William - The funniest time he thumps is...all the time! Every day when it's time for him to go back in his pen for the night, he'll run around the room and then under the bed and THUMP. Then he'll come out and look at me. And then THUMP. Repeat ad infinitum. It's big game for him culminating in a nice, loud THUMP when I finally catch him and put him back in his pen.

Ruby hardly ever thumps. She's too sweet for that.

Potter McBunny - He loves to thump when I take Ruby out without him. He gets extremely upset when she comes out of the pen when he's still inside of it. He'll thup like mad when she's out and about or when she's being groomed. I'm not sure if he just misses her or if he's mad that she's out while he's not.

Silvie doesn't thump ever! But she does flick her feet at me on a regular basis ;).

Arlyn - She thumps when she feels it's dinnertime and I've not fed her yet. She always lets me know when feeding time is. She'll also thump as soon as she's finished with her pellets or salad because she wants more. And then she thumps because I don't give her more. I think she just lkes to thump.

Mariah - The funniest time she thumped was when I was cleaning out her pen for the first time since she came to me. It was like she didn't know what I was doing and wanted me to get the heck out of there and FAST! Since then she always thumps at me as soon as she sees the broom and dust pan or vaccuum cleaner.

And the babies haven't learnt how to thump yet, but they definitely have feet flicking down pat. I know they'll figure out how to thump sooner or later and then I best beware!

I really did enjoy this thread :).
i have been thumped at for singing

. . .didn't know my voice was THAT bad. . . guess i was wrong
Alexah wrote:
This thread has really boosted my spirits today :)....

I really did enjoy this thread :).
Alexah, I'm very glad to hear it. I figured that since joining this forum a short while ago, I've asked a number of serious questions; so I thought it time to let down my hair (hare? ;)) a bit and have some fun with other bunny lovers.
I just remembered something my little tiny Velveteen does!

Every single night...while I'm feeding everybun, I take out each of their foodbowls and line them up, kinda doing it assembly line style. Well, his is the last food bowl taken, and then I fill each one up and give them back, usually his first.

I take the food bowl, pet him a bunch (what lovely fur he has!), and the fill the bowls. Now, I haven't quite figured out exactly WHAT he's thumping about...but he thumps the whole time I'm filling the bowls! And even after he's got his back sometimes!

All I hear is a, "buzz" *THUMP!* "buzz" *THUMP* until he's satisfied by who-knows-what that he was thumping about in the first place! He thumps if I spend too long petting Maisie, he thumps if I get distracted (even for a moment, mind you) while filling their food bowls. Heck, there are times, I don't KNOW what he thumps about!

And probably the silliest...he thumped the other night while we were watching Craig Ferguson, because when Craig comes back from break, he usually does animal noises, and this time he'd done a big ol' lion roar. Hehe!!

My silly Velveteen boy...every single night with the buzzy thumps! :biggrin2:
Me and a friend had my bunny on the bed when he was a baby, the room was really quiet and wasn't really threatening and we weren't being loud either, but for some reason, everytime he hopped to the end of the bed, he would race back to the pillow and thump really loud. I hadn't seen him do this- so this was the first time, and must've done it 7 times over! We found it hilarious because we didn't understand why he kept doing it!

My other bunny, Lulu, she thumped her foot because I decided to introduce strawberries

:biggrin2: she's still a little cautious about them
Patrick has been thumping for Luna ever since they have become really bonded. He will wake from a nap, get a look on his face like he just remembered his agenda, run off looking for Luna (ears forward, humming and thumping the whole time until she is found), and tries to give her a special "full-body hug". Sometimes I feel sorry Luna, you know, being "loved" so much :?even though they are both altered. (I tried to warn you about him, Naturestee)

They are both so adorable. I wish I could trance and cuddle 'em again!

I hope Luna won't mind Patrick's body hugs for their marital lifetime. :inlove: I love your little bud Patrick and his beautiful furlove Luna.

Cuddles "hugs" BG whenever food is coming.

Thumping ... everybun in the basement dashed to their HideBoxes and THUMPED when DH turned the corner of the staircase with a tuxedo on. Day of our son's wedding.

I was wearing a different coat, burgundy jacket, and da "kids" thumped to signal their distrust.

Poor buns, they don't like it when their parents get dressed up!

I forgot, but the buns thump at me when I wear a skirt. Poor Oberon, he gets scared and runs into his carrier, then thumps on the hard plastic in there!

LOL at Patrick! Poor Luna, but I bet she likes having all the attention, just not the form it tends to come in! Still have to chuckle at "full body hugs." So PC.:p
Pandaboy wrote:
Me and a friend had my bunny on the bed when he was a baby, the room was really quiet and wasn't really threatening and we weren't being loud either, but for some reason, everytime he hopped to the end of the bed, he would race back to the pillow and thump really loud. I hadn't seen him do this- so this was the first time, and must've done it 7 times over! We found it hilarious because we didn't understand why he kept doing it!
I wonder if he got nervous as he approached the drop-off? :D
haha, that could be right!

and since he stomped on the pillow he sounded much louder

it was like a kitten roaring like a lion ..comparison :biggrin2:
Before he was neutered, Hershey constantly tried to hump my foot/leg. One time I shook him off my foot several times, and then...WHUMP! Hershey is my first and only rabbit. At first I couldn 't figure out where that LOUD noise came from. After I shook him off a couple more times, he did it again! I realized then what was happening and I laughed so hard I scared him away!

Recently, I was driving and Hershey was sitting in my lap as usual. Only this time he started digging at me and was getting all "I want to be snotty and get off your lap" with me. When I wouldn 't let him down, he thumped right on my lap. So I pulled over and set him on the floor on the passengers side. About 3 seconds later I drove through a big puddle. It made that loud whoosh sound under the car. In one leap, Hershey was on the passenger's seat, and in another speedy leap he was back in my lap!
golfdiva wrote:
Recently, I was driving and Hershey was sitting in my lap as usual. Only this time he started digging at me and was getting all "I want to be snotty and get off your lap" with me. When I wouldn 't let him down, he thumped right on my lap. So I pulled over and set him on the floor on the passengers side. About 3 seconds later I drove through a big puddle. It made that loud whoosh sound under the car. In one leap, Hershey was on the passenger's seat, and in another speedy leap he was back in my lap!
This is off-topic (sorry), but I just want to remind people that driving with an animal loose in the car is a potential accident (complete with injuries) waiting to happen.

I don't mean to preach, golfdiva. Honest. It's just that I'm recalling a story ofmy sister-in-law, who once drove with three kittens loose in her vehicle. While she managed to avoid any major issues, one kitten hidin a hard-to-reach area; another one nearly slid beneaththe foot pedals (which would've spelled disaster, had my SIL stomped on one of them at the wrong moment).

This concludes thisfriendly public-service announcement. :biggrin2:


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