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Hope all is well with you. I just stumbled upon this post andput a few together - courtesy of BunnyMommy and Buck Jones.

Also, I increased your avatar so we can see your little beauty a bit better. I love your little baby.

Hope you enjoy thewebsites!

Hi Carolyn

Thanks so much for the websites, I will have a look over them when Ihave more time. Thanks for increasing the size of my avatar,I'm not too great on the whole photo attachments thing so I had to getmy hubby to help out. I'm hoping to post some new pictures ofmy babies soon. I want to take some of them now they arebonded but hopefully the birthday fairy will bring me a new digi camerathat I can use more easily than our old one.

Rebecca. x:D
I'll fix your avatar, be right back.

If you have kids, they'll like the sites posted.

Hope all is well with you these days, Rebecca. :)

Okay, Rebecca, hit your refresh button.

That little doll is so precious.



Thanks thatrachel,

By the way, I love your avatar. What a sweet little babe you have there.


Sorry Carolyn, I had to fly off yesterday so Ididn't get chance to see your replies. All isn't oo greatwith me at the Dad was admitted to a cancer specialisthospital this morning as his legs have now given way and he's unable tomove in his bed at home. Must try to look on the brightside...As a recent thread notes there are so many wonderful people onthsi forum whose lives are incredibly complicated and they are goingthrough so much and yet we all unite here to talk about bunnies andgain some solace from 'chatting' with one another.

I don't have kids myself yet but I'm a big kid at heart so the websites will be fun to look over.

Thanks for your kind words about my baby Benjamin. He is agrumpy bunny though but it just makes me love him all themore. More pictures to come soon I promise. xxx

Oh Rebecca,

I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I'll certainly keep him and youin my thoughts and prayers. My father died of cancer. He unfortunatelysuffered. I know what you're going through. My heart really goes out toyou. No one loves you like your Dad, but if you have brothers, they'rethe next best thing.

Benjamin and Tucker would get along just fine then if he's a Grump.Tucker was such a Crankypants last night! I don't know what had gotteninto him, but he was Off. Hopefully he had a good night's sleep andhe's shaken that mood off. He's quite content at the moment though, soall is well.

Benjamin looks like a wild rabbit. He's very beautiful. What type of rabbit is he and where did you get him?

Hi Carolyn

Thank you for your kind words about my Dad. I'm sorry to hearthat you lost your father to cancer too. I'm lucky as I dohave a good brother and he is very wise and looks after me well, healways knows what to say and is a really strong support to me and myMum.

I wouldn't change my grumpy Benjamin for anything although sometimesbedtime can be a challenge. He makes me laugh though becausehe pretends to be so macho and then I catch him tenderly grooming orsnuggling up to his female friend Twinkle. She has reallymellowed him out.

We bought Benjamin from a pet shop as a baby of 12 weeks. Hewas in a tank with 2 silverfoxes and they were selling him as a silverfox too. He had loppy ears when we first got him and thenafter a month they uprighted themselves! I always just referto him as an agouti rabbit. My female Twinkle is white andtan and the vet says her markings are 'English Butterfly' which Ihadn't heard of before.

Rebecca. xxx
Aww what a peaceful picture! :) Looks just like my Cali-Girl.

Never heard of markings of an "English Butterfly" either.

Is your father going through treatments?

Tucker has gotten to the point where I have to put a harness and leashon him when he's got his free time because he won't let me near him andhe's impossible to catch. It's his way of rebelling ever since Iadopted Fauna and Cali. He used to be so well trained, but it all wentout the window when his sisters arrived. :?

I used to house Tucker and Fauna together, but she 'came into her own'and started really bossing him around. Had to separate them because shewould chase him relentlessly. Pamnock said she suspects that Faunafinally became really comfortable with this being her home and decidedshe was going to make it quite clear to him who The Real Boss was.

I've checked out all the websites listed and hada little chuckle at the funny ones. Thank you verymuch. I thought the big pink bunny one was cool toothatrachel!

My Dad has had chemotherapy and radiotherapy but the cancer is toowidespread to treat now. He had some radiotherapy a couple ofweeks ago to try and 'zap' a new cluster of cancerous cells which haddeveloped in his spine.

Tucker sounds adorable - but I've always had a soft spot for thenaughty bunnies - I can forgive them anything when I see their cheekylittle faces. Fauna sounds like a real character too I canjust imagine her chasing Tucker round her 'new territory'.Who is on your avatar?

Rebecca xxx
oh, no Rebecca, that sounds awful what you'regoing through. my grandpa died of colon cancer a few years ago, i knowit's hard, expecially in the end. i don't want to say all that happenedto amke it so depressing for me, i don't want to depress you too.:(

Hi Ellie

I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Cancer is such anunforgiving disease. I hope the day comes when a cure can befound. Gotta try and stay positive although it's so hard toget on with my normal life knowing what he's going through.If I meet up with friends it makes me feel guilty because I'm outenjoying myself and my Dad's going through so much suffering.

Rebecca. xxx:(

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