hello. So, we have an 8 month old sweet Netherland dwarf female name Snowball . We have a fairly big cage that she sleeps in and then we let her out several times during the day to roam the tiled bathroom area (big bathroom) We have set up a pen area in our tiled walk way that she can run around and play in as well. We started to let her roam the house and of course she chewed a tiny chord that we didn't even know was there before we could stop her....my questions are....do rabbits ever get fully litter box trained? she does not pee in her cage, only in the box, but some days she poohs everywhere in the cage...(mad maybe?) and some days none. in the run we have for her, she poohs everywhere and is still peeing outside of the litter box. I know she will never stop chewing things...but, do they ever get fully litter box trained? or is that a myth....like some of the time it works, but not really?