Well-Known Member
Here it is...

If your fish like the one in the last link you sent, thats an Otocinclus. It wont' get big. They grow to about 2" but need to be in groups. Have you seen yours attach itself to the glass and clean it? Otocinclus have sucker mouths.I can try get a picture of him... But if that is what it is. I read it can take over a year or so to get big. So I can always get a bigger tank like 55 gallon.. It wont be no problem getting a bigger tank
I have 2 of them in my tank...Ok your fish looks to be an Otocinclus.
Thats good since they are good algae eaters and stay small. The only problem is that you need to buy a couple more once your tank is cycled and stabilized. Otocinclus need to be in groups. Also be careful as they can be delicate fish and sensitive to water quality.
Yes they are the glofish.I have a small snail infestation in my 20 gallon... and I've never bought a live plant. They're a bit of a pain.
Are those the danio glofish? I just read about those in my genetics book!
The drawf Rainbowfish are pretty.I have gotten fish that where from a petsmart that had "snails" attached to them or something like that..
but I had very hungry fish who loved the snails
This is making me so jealous! I want my large tank back..
I can only have a 30 right now. My goldfish are only 2" and are on thier way to my friends 125 in 1 week. (It was my tank, lol, I sold it to them when I move into my apartment)
I was thinking of doing community in the 30..
If anyone wants to give me ideas on what to put into it that would be great