Fresh Water Fishes

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I have done fishtanks for 10 years..It was my first "animal" thing.
I used to set up tanks (mostly freshwater) professionally. The largest tank I ever set up was 450 gallons,
The largest I have owned was 125.
I have kept probably every fish you can imagine, large chiclids being my favorite. (Madagascar Jaguars are my presonal fave, so are Severums)
But Goldfish are my favorite. I even have a Ryukin goldfish tattoo.
It takes goldfish a EXTREMLEY long time to grow very large though, and I have only had 4 make it to pond size (lol) and they went into my friends pond. They were about 3 in when I bought them, and it took 5 years for them to get 7-8" inches
I believe they are still living (I haven't talked to my friend in awhile)

Right now I have a 30 with 2 oranda goldfish.

I also have 4 bettas..I love bettas so much! I am constantly on the look out for new exotic bettas.
I do not have a heater nor a cycle in my betta's tanks. Fresh water is added as needed, and tanks cleaned once every two weeks; my cat likes to drink the water so that's why fresh water is added as needed.

I don't know why I lost my other bettas. I think some sort of illness. I did use to have liquid treatment for the water, but I since have ran out and not sure if my Wal-Mart sells it anymore - I think they do.

Emily, don't take this offensivly,
but that is why people are trying to outlaw bettas. They are kept in bowls which are inadeqate and die prematurley.

Imagine non filterd water, then adding food to it, all those chemicals not to mention the natural poo and chemicals that fish expell anyways, only getting changed ever 1-2 weeks.

In Eurpoe I believe it is illegal to have a fish in a bowl which I think is fantastic!

I have 2 bettas in large glass bowls, but they have filters in them.

Bettas can do well in room temp, as long as it doesn't get too cold or too hot which tends to happen in anything larger than 5 gallons.
In a sufficiently large tank with pristine water quality & with a nutritious diet, goldfish grow quite quickly, actually. Most of their growth occurs within the first three years from what I've read, and from what I've experienced I'd believe it! My 12" common male reached ten inches in three years, and has since slowed down to about an inch a year. His offspring reached 7" in two years. My fancy goldfish have been with me only about a year and a half, and went from an inch to about 5" in length.

Bettas only do well in room temp if it is constantly stable and in a tropical range. Anything else puts them at risk for illness. My betta tanks are not individually heated, but my fish room is a steady 78 in cooler months and 82 in warmer months. I credit sufficient space for exercise, stable warm temperatures, and clean water for the lifespans of my bettas, which are typically between 4-6 years. :)
I feed a quality balance of live food balanced with veggie flakes, large tanks, and never had a fish grow like that.
But I have only dealt with fancy goldfish, not koi or regular coments, sarasa, or shurbunkins. :/
That's odd. What age/size did you get your goldfish at? From what I've read, the kind of care they receive at a young age has a big impact on their growth rate, so perhaps you picked up goldies that were already a bit "stunted" due to their care before reaching you. There's actually some neat info on goldfish growth factors here. I grow mine out in a 75g with a 200GPH filter at about 65*F, and feed New Life Spectrum plus fresh greens/veg and frozen invertebrates, so maybe that's why they grow so fast.
luvthempigs wrote:
Just be sure you dont get an african clawed frog as they will get HUGE and a five gallon tank will not work for them.
I'd an African clawed frog and in its 2 years of life It didn't grow at all and at max it was about an inch and a half!

Oh And Myia I have never heard of that law, Petshops sell fish without filters quite frequently!
I think you probably had an african dwarf frog based on the size you are describing. ;) The two get mixed up often, but clawed frogs get to be a good 6" generally.
Well, it depends. The smallest tank I have ever had for a goldfish was a 55 for a fancy that was about 2 inches. They always went in my 125 (Only 2-3 goldfish in that tank at a time)
Unfortunatly, I take in "Unwanted" fish that are dropped off at a locally owned pet store, so they don't always live the longest. The 4 that made it to the pond stayed in the 125 two at a time. Hmmmm

Realy paul? Maybe its just eastern europe? I read an article about it.
RandomWiktor wrote:
I think you probably had an african dwarf frog based on the size you are describing. ;) The two get mixed up often, but clawed frogs get to be a good 6" generally.
No I'm 100% positive it was a African clawed frog! I don't know maybe my tank isn't an adequate size 30L, For it to grow to its full potential?
paul2641 wrote:
Or actaully he was a Dwarf frog on closer inspection again they are so similar though!
Usually its pretty easy to tell the difference if you've seen both in person before. African Dwarf frogs are much smaller the the African Clawed frogs. But its easiest to tell the difference by their front hands. African Dwarf frogs have webbed front feet and the Clawed frogs have no webbing on their front feet. They also have different eye placement, the dwarf frogs have eyes on the side of their heads and the clawed frogs have eyes on the top of their heads.

I got some fish today.. but i didnt get no Betta's because they were all ugly and wasnt what i was looking for. I have to test my 5 gallon tank also. We went to Petco and told them what was going on with my 5 gallon and i have to test the water and see what is going on.
luvthempigs wrote:
Aww, Come on now there are no UGLY bettas! :biggrin2:

So what did you end up getting?
i got a drawf gorumi(spell), and 5 really neon fish, 3 neon pink, 1 yellow and 1 orange... They started with D. Gosh i dont rember the

And i got 2 some kind of algeaeatters. They are at smaller

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