Freddy's Scrapbook!

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The new pictures are Very very sweet!! I love theme pictures!

Freddy looks SO big when you sit him next to the pumpkin and there's a frame of reference.

Edited: Because I don't re-read my posts before I click SEND
:shock2: What EXCELLENT Pictures!!

Kiss that black circle on Freddy's nose for me.


How's Freddy, Freddy'sMom?

How's Musketeer??

and last but not least, how are you?

HI Carolyn!

Sorry for being a ghost ... my last semester is keeping me really busy.. cant believe I am graduating already! :shock:and of coursework reigns in its toll as well lol .. and god forbid I had two secondsto sit and do nothing so now I have a personal trainer to keep me busyas well LOL ! :run::dancing:<---me all week long ehehe

Freddy the stinker is great .. he is like on chinning mode and hasgotten even bigger he weighs 6lbs now!! whatta fatboy!

Vicky goes in for her spay on monday .. I am SO SO nervous .. but I know it will be okay and i am just being silly...

Musketteer is home with his mommy and settling in well. He's still themushiest bunny around town! I have to see him soon and take picturesfor you !
Who is this mysterious Musketeer?

I hear you with the last semester of college- mine was so busy Ithought I'd never get anything done. I had a paper to writeon a grant research project that didn't get finished until afterclasses were finished, the night before I graduated.:shock:

Good luck with Vicky and let us know how she is after the surgery. :pray:
Musketeer is a bunny that my friend bought forher mom at Goshen, CT show we went to. If you look in the picture he istotally tranced out. He is just a big ball of mush and you cant helpbut love him. He is a chocolate dutch



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