found a baby rabbit

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Aug 31, 2012
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Lower Lake, California, USA
I found a baby rabbit. Looks about 21 day old. Ears up. But didn't go anywhere from my flower bed. So I brought it home. It didn't eat anything just was licking my hand. I tryed to put some milk on my hand and it started eat from the bottle. On internet it said they should be fine on their own. But doesn't look like to me. After feeding I noticed it tryed to kind of play. But I am not sure if I do everything right. And it likes to be on my chest and lick my skin.
at that age, its mother should come looking for it to haul it back to the nest (the mother will generally only do so at night) - I'd put it back out there where you found it so it can be reunited
mothers will come back for DAYS trying to find a kit that's disappeared... and they don't reject babies just because they've been touched :)

if the baby seems really hungry and you're worried, feed a little KMR (kitten milk replacement) or if you have it, a few nibbles of hay (since at 21 days it can start nibbling on vegetation like the mother does) before placing it back out there, just in case it takes the mom a little while to find him.

you can always check back out there in the morning to see if he seems to have found his home :)

if he hasn't, check out these pages:
and see if you can find a wildlife rehab place to take it in
I agree. You meant well, but it's too young to be away from its mother & cow's milk doesn't have the things a baby rabbit needs. And if you DO keep it & it survives, you probably will never be able to get it cared for by a vet. Pet rabbits are not the same species as American wild rabbits.

Rabbits DO make good pets, though. After you read some of the things in the library about their care, you may decide to get one.
(mother rabbits only nurse once per day, btw, so the bunny can go quite a while without any food)
:confused2: I know. But can't think of someone can eat it while I'm sleeping. And it is sooo soft and vulnerable....and my dog was thinking it is her baby and wouldn't let my cats come even close to the cage.:rollseyes
:confused2: I know. But can't think of someone can eat it while I'm sleeping. And it is sooo soft and vulnerable....and my dog was thinking it is her baby and wouldn't let my cats come even close to the cage.:rollseyes
aww, I know - it's just instinctive to want to protect something so tiny, sweet and fragile!

you could always join the rest of us by getting a domesticated bunny or two of your own :D.

my lionhead is 12 1/2 weeks old and when I pet her, her fur feels like ultra-soft velvet! she loves to come up and lick my nose, too. my holland lop is like a cute little ball of fluff and watching her nom veggies is the most adorable thing. I love it when the lionhead teaches the lop things, like how to binky and how to climb up to the higher levels of the condo :D
Imbrium wrote:
aww, I know - it's just instinctive to want to protect something so tiny, sweet and fragile!

you could always join the rest of us by getting a domesticated bunny or two of your own :D.

my lionhead is 12 1/2 weeks old and when I pet her, her fur feels like ultra-soft velvet! she loves to come up and lick my nose, too. my holland lop is like a cute little ball of fluff and watching her nom veggies is the most adorable thing. I love it when the lionhead teaches the lop things, like how to binky and how to climb up to the higher levels of the condo :D

:biggrin2: Yeah that^^
baby rabbits that have been taken from their mother too early tend to have that licking issue lol.

how did it turn out? hope all is well and the mom bunny came and got her baby.
ldoerr wrote:
I agree that you need to get a rabbit.
and I have four 6.5 week-old cuties that needto find their newhome

How's the bunny, Svetlana? I think that licking was to substitue for sucking.

PS they need alfalfa hay at this age, not Timothy, but surely Timothy is better than nothing

The baby was gone this morning. I hope it found his mom. I have outside and alfalfa and oat and timothy. Like a restaurant for rabbits lol (it is actually for horses). I really have a zoo at my house and really don't need another animal unless if I'll have to rescue it like all the rest. I love bunnies but thinking about chinchilla. Any suggestions?