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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
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Dundee, Scotland, ,
I think the rest of you call this prom but we call it the formal. :)

Gah my school formal is next Friday and I have only just ordered my dress most people have had them for weeks I'm so behind. I still need to get shoes, a bag, jewellery, book hair and tan appointments..
I ordered this dress, I know a lot of people will probably have blue but I don't care. It was only £60 and I'm poor right now. I'm a little worried about it being strapless.. but hopefully it will be ok. I'm thinking silver accessories? Not sure, I need to see it properly first. It better fit.
This will be very supervised by the teachers with no drinking or anything, I don't see how it's going to be fun? I mean sure there is an afterparty, but it won't be until around 2am or so.

A lot of people are telling me to have no expectations for this, that these things are never good.
Has anyone got any good or bad experiences to share? Pictures welcome. :)

I think that dress is cute!!! You'll have to show us your accessories.

:) You'll have fun. The trick is to only go ONCE. I knew a lot of girls in my class who went every year during high school (4 years). So it wasn't special for them.

You think... "Man, this is going to suck" because I know I did, but it really was a fun time. Is there a dance? Ours went Walk In (which was an event in the small town I'm from, haha), take pictures, then there was a formal dinner, a dance, then we got an hour to go home, change, and come back for the afterparty which lasted until 5-6 am I think.

A few of us before. Me on the end with my then boyfriend (and now roommate). Haha, actually! There's my wife right next to us haha. That's hilarious. This was way before we were even thinking about seeing each other. Hence the boyfriends.


Me in the blue there.


It's a wonder we weren't soul mates, haha.


Hehe. Decoration malfunction. That's the wife there!


Friends dancin'



John, me, our friends Amanda and Alden.


I always thought this one was cute. So silly! My friend Alden underneath all the taffeta, haha. And the wife (WAY pre-wifedom).


Prom for me was bad for stupid reasons. It was fun, despite the drama. :)

I wore a corset and a skirt. WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES. I wore these GORGEOUS heels, but an hour into it, I had to take them off. My feet were in so much pain. :p

This was the corset I was going to wear, but Dave wanted darker.




I hope you have lots of fun!
I went to an all-girls high school with a junior/senior prom. Junior year I took a date, a friend from elementary school. That was a mistake. I'm incredibly awkward and can't dance and I'm fairly certain that he didn't have fun at all.

I'm the one in the pink/white.
Senior year I went with a group of my friends and we had a blast. We had a great time just dancing with eachother and really enjoying our company.

This is a group of us girls with one of our favorite teachers.
Here's a picture of me and one of my best friends. (I'm on the left.)

Afterward we went out to eat and then slept over at someone's house.
I'm not really the party type.
Thanks everyone! The dress should be arriving tomorrow morning and I'm off school so I can get everything sorted, and look for shoes etc. I'm having my hair trial tomorrow too so I'll be able to get the whole effect, kinda. I'll post pictures from the night, maybe.

Cait thanks for sharing your pictures! You look beautiful, I love your dress! Looks like you all had a good time! :D
This will be the only one I've been to so it will be special for me. Yes we are having a dance. It's in a really nice posh hotel so I think the rough plan is to get the limo there around 6.30 for pictures etc. I'm sure that will take ages.. and then we have the sit down dinner, and then a dance until 1am or so. I think they have a dj booked, hopefully the music will be decent. Then buses to the after party - I don't even know where it is yet the people who are organising it won't tell in case the teachers find out and cancel it. The after party will be similar but with no supervision and a bar. Then we've planned to go back to a friend's house when it's done to sleep in her tent! LOL! Her parents are much more relaxed about drinking than most so no fear of getting caught coming in so drunk.

Oh I hadn't even thought about heels hurting! That's a good idea.. though I need heels as I'm a bit short.. I can see me ending up walking around barefoot. xD Jess thanks for the pictures! Gorgeous outfit! I think I prefer the darker one too, but both are cute!

Christina thanks for your pictures too they are lovely! I really like both your dresses, especially the black one. Yeah I'm not taking a boy, I'm not seeing anyone right now so I don't see the point. I don't want to have to spend the whole night with someone I don't know that well, I'd rather just stick with my friends. ^_^

I'm starting to look forward to it now, as long as I don't make a fool of myself or anything it should be great. :D
My dress arrived and it fits thank god. It's a little long though so I'm going to to have to get killer heels. I better start looking for a pair.
Any chance of hemming the dress?

Trust me, you're not going to be happy in heels, other than maybe for pictures. Most girls at dances I've been to just kick them off after we get there.
Ha ha, Michaela, you have to go for the killer heels.;)Just think about how good they look and it'll get you through the pain! That's what I always do.:biggrin2:

Very nice dress by the way!:)Aww, looking at everyone's photos makes me sad though. My leaver's ball was great - I wish I could do it all again!
Gorgeous dress! I had my Leavers Ball in May.

This is the only picture I have of my dress on hand. Me with my best friend:


EDIT: Found some more:



Tip: Just don't get drunk and confess to your English teacher you haven't even finished the book yet when the exam is in a week. I never did finish that book...

Our ball was at the local private school, which is like this MASSIVE 17th century boarding school, its truly fantastic. We got to drive in the main gates and pull up at that red carpet. Everyone came in posh cars or nice taxis, me and my friend (the one in the green dress) turned up in her friends 1980s red mini! It was so funny! But he gave us bottles of Smirnoff Ice in the back while he drove us, and he dressed in a suit and everything to open the doors for us! It was so sweet!
I have everything now except shoes and a bag, but I'll get them tomorrow. There won't be time to have anything done to the dress now, and this is costing me so much already I'm depending on my EMA and won't be getting it for a few weeks yet so I can't afford to spend money on things I don't have to! I always wear high shoes on a night out and am fine, unless there are stairs... heels + stairs + alcohol = disaster. D: But it will be worth it I agree Jess! :D

Fran love your dress, you look gorgeous!:) I love purple but I always wear purple so decided to go with blue, but soo many people have blue. No fear of getting drunk in front of the teachers though that would be so funny - the bar has only soft drinks, and apparently we are being searched before we go in to make sure we don't have any drink. Some teachers are saying we will be breathalysed too, but I think/hope that's just to make us not drink before hand. =/

We had a breathalizer at our prom, when we came in (right away), when we left, and then when we came back for after prom. They were super serious about it.
My school was small enough that breathalyzers weren't really necessary. We had to shake hands with several of our more formidable male teachers and introduce our dates to them.

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