For those who've had pregnancies

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oh god my worst labor was my second child and he was sunny side up.

He is absolutely georgous , can i have him,lol, i miss Brayden being that little and he is only 6 months
Awwwwwwwwww He's got a pony shirt! LOL!

He's adorable..... Sounds just like my niece's birth last month.... she SHOULD have had a c-section and the docs nearly destroyed his arm getting him out (thought he had nerve damage).... but he's fine.

I'm glad you're all home safe and sound. He's just adorable! Congrats!
Thank you all so much! I'm not sure if you can see it but he has a huge bonk on his head where he just kept hitting against my pelvis- poor little fella. The bruise on the back of his head is finally going down though and he doesn't scream everytime we touch it or put a hat on so it must be feeling better.

Hehe... now if we could just get our days and nights straight we'd all be great!!!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Awwwwwwwwww He's got a pony shirt! LOL!

He's adorable..... Sounds just like my niece's birth last month.... she SHOULD have had a c-section and the docs nearly destroyed his arm getting him out (thought he had nerve damage).... but he's fine.

I'm glad you're all home safe and sound. He's just adorable! Congrats!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! make sure she keeps up on getting him checked down the line for any damage. A friend of my sister had a very large baby, he was 10 lbs and she is a very thin, s hort girl, and in all reality should have had a c section, but she went vaginally. They discovered a FEW days later that he had a broken collar bone from delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as far as i know there was no other damage ,or at least no long term damage.
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Awwwwwwwwww He's got a pony shirt! LOL!

He's adorable..... Sounds just like my niece's birth last month.... she SHOULD have had a c-section and the docs nearly destroyed his arm getting him out (thought he had nerve damage).... but he's fine.

I'm glad you're all home safe and sound. He's just adorable! Congrats!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! make sure she keeps up on getting him checked down the line for any damage. A friend of my sister had a very large baby, he was 10 lbs and she is a very thin, s hort girl, and in all reality should have had a c section, but she went vaginally. They discovered a FEW days later that he had a broken collar bone from delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as far as i know there was no other damage ,or at least no long term damage.
my oldest sisters baby had a broke coller bone when he was born.... she is only 5ft. and her husband was 6'4 and was told she would have to have a c section all thru her pregnancy.. he was born at a charity hospital and the ended up making her have him natural he was 10 lbs something... they also didn't tell her theybroke his coller bone until his first check up when they said it healed nicely... she kept changing his clothes and he kept screaming and she didn't know why
DyemondRabbitry wrote:
I was woried about the glucose for a while also- my mom and aunt both had gestational diabetes and diabetes in general runs on that side of the family. To tell the truth, I don't know much about it other than you really have to be careful eating too many of the sweets.

As far as swelling, I can no longer wear my wedding bands- and I get horrible looks from the old biddies at the stores.. it's so frustrating.

Coming in late on this thread - I have a family history of insulin dependent diabetes - every lady on dad's family tree except his mom had insulin dependent diabetes started during my six month of pregnancy and never really went away and two months after Andy was born it was back for good. My mom's uncle had it, too s I was doomed from the start.

Andy was a natural, no drugs, back labor delivery. Two days of the prostaglandin pessaries/gel, three days of Pitocin and I wanted a C-section on Pitocin day 2 (Andy's heartbeat was irregular during the Pitocin administration) and they would not give it to me. Yeah, like I want to do that again...not!! I think I said some really bad words in that delivery room....:ph34r2 I don't think I hit anyone, though.

Not much swelling of my feet and ankles with Andy and I was back in my pre-maternity clothes 3 weeks after he arrived. Diabetic diet was great.

Then came Benn - different city, different doctor.Benn had a twin which I lost early on in the pregnancy... as Benn was 11 lbs 14 oz at birth, we joked and said he must haveeaten the twin as it was on the ultrasound but no "evidence" (bleeding) happened... he still laughs about it. My sugars were actually normal back then- had an A1C of 4.1... normal is 6.0-7.0. I have yet to see a number like that these days. Oh, and the first doc's ultrasound technician said he was a GIRL....well, he kind of isa girl to me... :pLuckily I had the new doc check when I was ultrasounded and he was definitely a boy - a huge one at that, they said. I could even see that on the screen. He was definite C-section stuff.

Swelling? He was a December baby in frozen, snowy upstate NY and the only thing that fit on my bloated feet were those 1990s canvas China slippers with the buckle....I was in casts (both arms) due to carpal tunnel syndrome and the cashiers in the grocery store used to cringe when I came (waddle)in.... they would look scared and would comment "Don't have it here."

When I told them I was only 8 months along they did not believe me. What a feeling to have people look at you like you are a huge ticking time bomb. I could grab my ankles and leave indents and I had normal blood pressure. I was gaining 5 lbs a week and was not eating nasty food - veggies and healthy stuff. Oh well. I lost 27 lbs right at delivery. The rest of that weight has stayed around. So much for those pre-maternity jeans after Benn!

Almost 18 years later I actually miss all that stuff, even the dirty diapers and waking up atall hoursto nurse. It is a fun, life changing experience for sure.

Back to the original question on B-H contractions - I did not notice them much - they were kind ofa novelty - ooh look- belly's hard. Ooh, now it is not.It was the initial stretching of my ligaments that hurt like Hades... but when you have huge babies the docs have to lift out with engine block is no wonder.:biggrin2: My farrier said when I was pregnant with Andy,"I will be back after you foal." I should have kicked him.:nasty:

I have a question about C-sections, what are they like? can you feel it, i know they give you pain stuff, but it freaks me out thinking about it. if you had to get a c section if there an option where the docs can just knock you out? or would you have to be awake for it?
Congratulations! He's gorgeous! I love their widdle noses! My mum had c-sections with all of us and they drugged her up wrong or something so when they were cutting she could feel the scapels and stuff but she couldn't feel the pain thank god!
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
I have a question about C-sections, what are they like? can you feel it, i know they give you pain stuff, but it freaks me out thinking about it. if you had to get a c section if there an option where the docs can just knock you out? or would you have to be awake for it?

My doc had to convince me to be awake for the C-section (I wanted to be knocked out but he said if it was his daughter, he would go epidural) with Benn but I was glad I did it. The epidural idea freaked me out but it did not really hurt - I only had the sensation of someone pouring ice water down my back and was numb from the chest down. I was screened so I could not see what was going on and even my hubby was able to be in the room so he could hold big Benn once they got him cleaned up.

I would recommend talking with your doc and expressing your concerns. I have no regrets about being awake for my c-section delivery and a plus -I could sit easily after Benn's birth - I was pretty bruised and torn after Andy and had to use a donut pad so I could sit.

Good luck and best wishes....


Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
you can pump to help with engorgement, but pumping is not the same as actually breast feeding as you can sometimes have trouble with the let down of the milk if you pump.

I would sometimes pump to help with engorement of when i was driving to VA for Charger i pumped the whole week before , along with feeding so that i would have a supply for my mom to feed him while i was gone, and when we were on the road i pumped,lol. When they are new born sometimes they will sleep l onger and sometimes they will nurse more often so if he started to hit spurts like during the nights i would sometimes have to get up and pump a little to help with the pressure,lol

I had to wear double pads in my bra as if I heard Andy or Benn cry, I had double geysers going and would go through everything. If I was a cow, I would have been a Holstein. :p

Pumping was tough as it was not the same as a baby nursing. They have electric pumps now that I hear are great but I was back in the Middle Ages when you had a syringe type pump and did not have much luck unless I did the actual "milking." Moo....:biggrin2:


PS - Not much embarrasses me either - if you have questions, you can PM me... had to deal with lactation consultants as my babies both had low blood sugar at birth and had to use a bottle and bottles are much easier for babies to draw off of than a breast...and getting them to switch to the breast full time was tough at first but I persevered.

Benn was way too big to survive on what I was producing - my two months the pediatrician had him on breast milk, formula and rice cereal and he still did not sleep through the night until he was two.

Andy did better on breast milk - was sleeping through the night at a month of age and was gaining weight on my milk and he peeled the weight right off of me.:biggrin2:

DyemondRabbitry wrote:
Anyhow, after getting the team in, three different spinals (the first didn't work), and hours of contractions Jason William finally arrived at 12:02 a.m. on May 10th weighing 7 lb 5 oz, 21 inches long and scored a 9 and 10 on his agpar tests- strong little bugger.


Awwwww, congratulations! Enjoy him - he will grow up quickly!

NetherlandDwarf wrote:
I have a question about C-sections, what are they like? can you feel it, i know they give you pain stuff, but it freaks me out thinking about it. if you had to get a c section if there an option where the docs can just knock you out? or would you have to be awake for it?
I didn't feel it at all and believe me I was freaking out. It was an emergency c-section so I had about 10 minutes to prepare myself for it. But honestly, the anticipation was worse than actually going through it. I'd go through it again knowing what it's like, which I probably will in a couple years cause we want to give Micah a sibling lol.
The c-section was an emergency here.. no way he was coming out any other way. I had a spinal.. three shots that were not fun but that didn't last long. I didn't feel a thing during the operation but couldn't move my legs, toes or anything until the middle of the night. I had pitocin still in my IV until the next morning and so I was still contracting- that really didn't feel great. Plus something they gave me made me jumpy.. just in the middle of the night I would practically jump.. it was very strange. Still recovering here and very sore.. wish it could have gone the other way- I hate being restricted so much in what I can and can't do.
DyemondRabbitry wrote:
The c-section was an emergency here.. no way he was coming out any other way. I had a spinal.. three shots that were not fun but that didn't last long. I didn't feel a thing during the operation but couldn't move my legs, toes or anything until the middle of the night. I had pitocin still in my IV until the next morning and so I was still contracting- that really didn't feel great. Plus something they gave me made me jumpy.. just in the middle of the night I would practically jump.. it was very strange. Still recovering here and very sore.. wish it could have gone the other way- I hate being restricted so much in what I can and can't do.

I remember getting Percoset after Benn was born and I was hallucinating - thought the nurse hid Benn and wouldn't give him back to me and then saw my OB-GYN running down the hall with those comic book xray vision glasses and a meat cleaver in his hand... I told them the next day, that was NOT a good pain killer. It made me jumpy, too!

Have to say, morphine was the best - docs administered it to slow my rapidly contracting uterus (after the prostaglandin gel/pessary) with Andy since my cervix didn't know it was supposed to be on the job thinning and that stuff made me warm and fuzzy. They used it again when I had a bone infection and no other pain killer was working (needed two surgeries to my knee - it was infected with a nasty staph infection that almost did me in - required IV antibiotics from July to the end of October via a PICC line)...and when I was having gallbladder problems back in January.

Dyemond - hope you heal quickly and enjoy the new baby... gotta say again that he is adorable...and trust me, he will grow so fast...

DeniseJP wrote:
I had to wear double pads in my bra as if I heard Andy or Benn cry, I had double geysers going and would go through everything. If I was a cow, I would have been a Holstein. :p
I use to joke with my mom when we were out and a baby was near us crying that she had to go over and tell the mom to keep her baby quiet before i sprung a leak,lol

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