For those who've had pregnancies

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bat42072 wrote:
I hated the stupid test for g. diabetis... I always had morning sickness the whole 9 months of each of my 3 pregnancies... the last one i had i threw up the orange drink and they made me come back the next day and redo the whole test...
omg that is horrible
well nothing but good things from my doc appt. well at least this this time my blood pressure was really really good. i think it surprised everyone, everyone was expecting the worse including the doc. but from that they opted not to do any testing which i was kind of hoping for just to make sure everything is safe. when i brought up the glucose thing she really shrugged it off and told me if i wanted i can change my diet... i dont know if im overreacting i just want to play it safe, maybe the docs have a little more faith. ive already had a few ups and downs but i guess im on the up and up even though it doesnt feel like it! lol the pain... i need a motorized scooter :p. the doc thinks im very near though. i have my birth plan to fill out, so many options to choose from and its sort of frustrating because on some of the options that are listed im not even sure what i want to do or what would be best for me. i did my pre admissions to the hospital as well today.

and ohhhh the weight gain... omg.. i had quite the jump.. its not over 50 pounds i have gained... its over 60 pounds now... no wonder i ache! and i have really little feet size 5/6 so you can imagine the swelling & aching & for me to carry this weight! i envy those who gain the text book 25 to 35 pounds... apparently my body likes to hold all the water it can :pssd:but my hubby laughs and says well i dont know where its going but from the back he says it looks like im not pregnant.. i dont know if he's trying to be nice.. lol

luckily i dont work, just lots of rest for me. it was a big decision to get pregnant again so we are taking all the percautions we can.
I was always lucky I never really gained weight when i was pregnant (I stayed sick and lost weight) but I always had good sized babies and I weighed less after I had my babies than before i got pregnant... doctors always expexted really tiny babies especially the first one I had galstones really babd ... doctor told my mom I would be lucky if my baby weighed five pounds ... she weighed 7 pounds and was 18 ans 3/4 inches long... second baby weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and last one weighed 6lbs 3 oz. and she was 6 weeks early(do to illness)...

i never really looked pregnant with my last two... I was always jelous because my sister always looked cute when she was pregnant...and I wanted that.
bat42072 wrote:
I was always lucky I never really gained weight when i was pregnant (I stayed sick and lost weight) but I always had good sized babies and I weighed less after I had my babies than before i got pregnant... doctors always expexted really tiny babies especially the first one I had galstones really babd ... doctor told my mom I would be lucky if my baby weighed five pounds ... she weighed 7 pounds and was 18 ans 3/4 inches long... second baby weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and last one weighed 6lbs 3 oz. and she was 6 weeks early(do to illness)...

i never really looked pregnant with my last two... I was always jelous because my sister always looked cute when she was pregnant...and I wanted that.

did they offer you medicine when you had your really bad morning sickness? first pregnancy i was pretty much sick almost the whole time, but for more than half of it i was really getting sick and no one offered anything or let me know anything was available. this pregnancy i was worried about being sick constantly again and when i did my intake at obgyn they let me know if i was have morning sickness lasting more than it should or if it was preventing me from keeping fluids down that was not normal and there are stuff that can help with that. for about 3 months i have it extremely bad again and it got to the point where i couldnt keep anything down & just thinking about it was making me sick. i ended up going to the er & spending my day there. they couldnt get an IV in me due to dehydration, so i ended up getting it my neck... & they had meds they helped soo much and they were really safe some of it was for chemo patients who get really bad nausea after their treatment so they need something very gentle on their system. i was happy they were able to do something for me.

things change so much throughout the years. like for example during first pregnancy it was all about "you can not eat chocolate" and that went for anyone who was pregnant. i can't really remember why you couldnt eat it, i think there was something in there that was bad. i heard that from docs and from other pregnant people. this pregnancy i haven't heard anything about not eating chocolate lol. but its always been watch your sweets. but i guess chocolate is safe again lolbut mow its mint, something about being so far along you need to limit mint intake because it can cause contractions i believe... something ike that.. if its not one thing its another..

and gaining 17 pounds whether you started out on the heavy side or not... i'll take that any day!
they gave me meds and I threw thm up too...fluids wasn't the problem it was always food and aparenetly i kept some down just not all off it... i have a week stomache still... I am a little sad because my baby turned 12 this past december ... one of my other daughters will be 16 may 22 and the other will be 18 on june the 4...

I know you can't wait to have your baby.... there is nothing like having babies around....
Can't tell you're preggers from the back? Bet it's a boy!

Can't wait to see all of the babies! My little great nephew is adorable....
my swelling is getting so horrid by the day. my legs are even swelling and pitting... sigh... :tears2:

With everyones pregnancies how did you know it was time to go to the hospital? What signs/symptoms did you have?

well with three of my boys i was going in to be induced so i never had "the signs" but with my third one i had been in the hospital over night on new years eve, they thought he was going to be a new years baby, but i stopped contracting although my back was KILLING me , that is why i went into the hospital to begin with. So the doc told me if i had three good contractions in one hour to come in right away, so on the 12th i had three contractions that hurt but they werent bad, but i was so paranoid so we went in and they checked me and told me i was 5 cm and i was staying and having a baby that night,lol!!!!!!

i know they should tell you when your contractions get to be 5 minutes apart and they hurt to come in, but at around 36 weeks they should start doing internals and checking you so you can get a somewhat idea as to what is going on down there, as far as thinning, dropping, and dialation
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
well with three of my boys i was going in to be induced so i never had "the signs" but with my third one i had been in the hospital over night on new years eve, they thought he was going to be a new years baby, but i stopped contracting although my back was KILLING me , that is why i went into the hospital to begin with. So the doc told me if i had three good contractions in one hour to come in right away, so on the 12th i had three contractions that hurt but they werent bad, but i was so paranoid so we went in and they checked me and told me i was 5 cm and i was staying and having a baby that night,lol!!!!!!

i know they should tell you when your contractions get to be 5 minutes apart and they hurt to come in, but at around 36 weeks they should start doing internals and checking you so you can get a somewhat idea as to what is going on down there, as far as thinning, dropping, and dialation
if you dont mind me asking, did you have any problems with breastfeeding? for unknow reasons to me i was unable to breastfeed, i wasn't producing anything. this pregnacy im really hoping i'll be able too. about 2 weeks ago i was showing signs like it was going to happen, butit has since stopped. I just bought a breast feeding book it supposed to be really good and had the highest rating on hopefully that will help me out. i dontknow if i should go out and buy nursing bras, pumps, etc.. i have been holding off on that.
WIth breast feeding you have to make sure that you are drinking enough too i know that can cause you to have not enough milk. with my first one i didnt breast feed, with my second and third i tried but failed..... that was all me, with number four i was determined to do it so i read and did somethings to get ready. Here goes some TMI lol, i always had trouble with one breast while feeding so i found out that i had an inverted nipple, easily resolved with these shields that you can get and wear and then for the most part it will correct itself once you use them for a while and continue to breast feed, then i didnt have any formula in the house, this helped me stick to it because when i was feeding in the middle of the night and the baby was freaking out it is real easy to say to hell with this and give him a bottle, but you cant do it if you have no formula. I also nursed around the clock when he was first born, to advoid engorgement when my milk first came in, and it worked. I remember with the first three my m ilk coming in and i looked like Pamela Anderson gone wrong,lol, they hurt , they were huge, they hurt,lol, and i didnt want a baby or anyone touching them especially since you will be sore from delivery, it just made it harder. So when the baby is born nurse, nurse, nurse, and when he/she crys and you just fed him , nurse him/her again,lol (of course as long as you burped, and changed the baby, i dont suggest over nursing,lol) Breast milk is thin and they can digest it very fast so somet imes you feel like that is all you do,lol. At 6 weeks, and 3 months the baby will hit a growth spurt and you will notice that they baby seems to be nursing all the time and you will begin to think that maybe you arent making enough milk but it is probably a growth spurt so the baby will nurse alot to make your breast produce more and then you will notice that your breast get real full and then the baby will not feel like it is empting,lol, it all eventually evens out. Someone told me to get past it the first 4 weeks are very trying but if you can get past that you will be good to go. You will have nipple pain when the baby is first latching on when you are first starting to nurse but it does go away and stop hurting after a few weeks, so just breath throught the pain and it will go away !!!!!!!! The pain should only be about 20 seconds, that is ont thing that almost made me stop again but i kept remembering the moms on my mommy board telling me that they promised that it would stop after a few weeks, and it did, and i am so glad that persevered through it. It can sometimes still get overwhelming because it is all you, no one else can feed the baby for you so you can do something but it does get easier after a little time. Also if the baby is hysterical it can have a harder time latching on because they are so busy crying so it is be tter to nurse at the begining of signs that the baby wants to eat.

gosh any questions, even if they are personal or embarissing dont hesitate to ask me i have no shame and dont mind talking about anything.
My niece had trouble. Alex didn't want to nurse, he liked the bottle, she pumped and that worked a few days and she dried up.

I had back pain too..... but they finally induced me.
This makes me hate my doctors more... they will NOT check for dialation until you are officially late- then, and only then, they will... frustrating me. Another appointment tomorrow.
i understand that they don't want to keep poking around down their ,lol, but it does help you know if any thing is going on, My doc checked me when i told her that i was having contractions that were hurting every like 10 minutes then they stopped, she originally wasn't going to check me but once i said that she told me to get undressed so she could check to see if something happened while i was contracting, and i was dilated just a lil
Thank you so much for the breastfeeding tips, i really hope all works well this time around! oh one more question Luvmyzoocrew,did you use a pump as well?

DyemondRabbitry, you'll have to let us know how your appointment went, i hope its all good things!

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