naturestee wrote:
I went and looked up McCarthyism (just to make sure I remembered what it was). After the brief history lesson compliments of wikipedia - I spend some time thinking about what you were saying.
First of all - unlike McCarthyism - I'm not going around pointing fingers and a large number of people and whispering (or even proclaiming) that they are socialists. I'm not saying (pulling Democrat names out of a hat) that Barney Frank is a socialist or that Nancy Pelosi is a socialist. I'm not saying Joe Biden is a socialist - nor am I saying that people who vote for Obama are socialists.
I'm not saying someone should be "blacklisted" nor am I saying, "We should have hearings because so and so is bad for the country".
I'm not on a witchhunt.
I did talk to a friend about this and
I will take back part of what I said about Obama though.
As my friend pointed out to me - I am a member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. However - I am no longer breeding rabbits (well - except for one last breeding for a friend who lost her lines in a dog attack on her rabbitry). But it is not my practice any more to breed rabbits. label me a "rabbit breeder" would be inaccurate. In addition - it is possible for a non rabbit breeder to be a member of this association - so not all members of ARBA are "rabbit breeders".
It was a valid point. I can be a member of something without actually following their practices (in this case - rabbit breeding).
However - it could be stated (accurately) that since July of 2005, I have been a member of ARBA.
Am I correct? (The date is correct - so yes - I have been a member since that time).
Now - there is proof out there (and I will include links and photos and stuff) that Obama
was a member of the "New Party" in Illinois in 1996. So let me share the information that I have recently come across on the internet (I came across a link on another site - wound up following it the other night - all of this was "new" to me and that was why I found it interesting).
First - the photo...
From what I've read - that picture is from the New Party's 1996 newsletter.
Now also from what I've read - this was on the New Party's website back in 1996 (and was in their archives)...
Let me share some more 1996 - in Progressive Populist magazine this was shared:
New Party members and supported candidates won 16 of 23 races, including an at-large race for the Little Rock, Ark., City Council, a seat on the county board for Little Rock and the school board for Prince George's County, Md. Chicago is sending the first New Party member to Congress, as Danny Davis, who ran as a Democrat, won an overwhelming 85% victory.
New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago.
So - I will take back what I said about him being a Socialist - since I can not prove that.
But - I can state factually - that according to both New Party records and according to Progressive Populist magazine - in 1996, Barack Obama was listed as a New Party member.
For those who don't know what the New Party is/was (I didn't until I was reading some of this stuff) - here is a link to it on Wikipedia...
And since that article says: The party could best be described as
social democratic in is a link to the term social democratic:
Now some of you may wonder why am I pointing this out? Well - why not?
Let's say for a moment that John McCain was a member of a "right-to-life" group - wouldn't that be all over the media? Wouldn't we have a right to know that?
Don't forget that Todd Palin's membership in the Alaskan Independence Party became a big media thing earlier - and he's not even the candidate.
So why shouldn't the fact that Senator Barack Obama was a New Party member be something that is pointed out and considered?
Once again - I'm not saying everyone who votes for him is socialist. I'm not saying that all Democrats are socialists.
I'm mainly pointing out that he is not the same type of Democrat as former President Bill Clinton was or Senator Kerry, etc.
By the way - I don't have the page in his book to quote this exactly (I read it online) - but supposedly - according to his own books he says..
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully," the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
He also goes on to state:
Obama's interest in leftist politics continued after he transferred to Columbia University in New York. He lived on Manhattan's Upper East Side, venturing to the East Village for what he called "the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union."
The title of this thread was "food for thought" - and I found this information thought-provoking.
My sharing it really wasn't that much different than when folks talked about Todd Palin's links to the Alaska Independent Party - except for the fact I don't have media coverage.
But it was me - sharing my thoughts on something.
That's all.
(I do have another post about some other points I'd like to mention).