Well-Known Member
Becca wrote:
Okay, so here is what I know so far,
Give her the nest box on the 11th or 12th
About 27 days after the breeding, she should have a nest box. Put in whichever corner she does NOT poop or pee in.
Make sure she gets enough food to satisfy herself and the babies
Give her the same amount of feed for a day or two after she delivers. Gradually increase the amount of feed you give her. The babies will not come out of the nestbox to eat until they are 15-18 days old.
Weigh her every week to see if she will give any hints of being preggers
Some rabbits gain so little weight, it's hard to use that as a gauge to judge if they are pregnent. But either way, it doesn't hurt to track her weight.
After about 10-12 days palpate her (maybe) but I need to research that first.
If you haven't been taught to palpate, don't use that to guess if she is pregnant. Aside from the danger of squeezing too hard and hurting her or the fetus', most people feel the fecal pellets in the interstine and assume it's babies. (At that point they are almost the same size.)
When she does give birth:
Make sure they have "ping pong" bellies, if not make sure they get fed somehow even if I have to bottle feed them.
When they are old enough to be off mummas milk seperate them from her - though do I put them in a seperate cage? And leave them?
Becuase the double one Fluffball's in now can be made into single by putting the divider down the middle, the divider is made from wood and chicken wire, so they will still be able to touch each other, though then they may be able to feed from her still ???/....
Plan on taking the nest box away from her and the litter when the babies are 21 days old. You can leave it longer if it's cold or drafty where they are, but it has to be cleaned frequently.
We do not feed our babies anything except a well balanced pellet mixed with rolled oats (dry Quaker Oats) until they are 4 months old.
Wean the litter (take them away from mommy) at 6 weeks of age. Sex the babies by 8 weeks and seperate them, boys from girls. At 8 weeks, you can start sending them to their new homes. Prepare a bag of feed to send witheach bunny that they can use to wean the babies over to their feed.