Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

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Becca wrote:
Oh I'm so sorry Becca. I am actually in tears. I hope Fluffball is ok. I haven't even read the thread any further than this. My heart goes out to you
Becca wrote:
We're taking her to the vet now, we think it's best.
Me too, please let us know what the vet says, if they do anything like cats, they will give her something to help pass the kits.
MissBinky wrote:
Flashy wrote:
I think that's the right decision :)
I second, and omg I am so sorry about the confusion :pFlashy and I are posting at the same time and the forum is choking and meddling in our business :p
We're doing well :biggrin2:
irishbunny wrote:
Becca wrote:
We're taking her to the vet now, we think it's best.
Me too, please let us know what the vet says, if they do anything like cats, they will give her something to help pass the kits.

They can give something called Oxytocin, or they can do an emergency spay if they feel it is necessary.

Becca, you have my number, if you need me, or have any news, please just text or phone :)
Flashy wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
Becca wrote:
We're taking her to the vet now, we think it's best.
Me too, please let us know what the vet says, if they do anything like cats, they will give her something to help pass the kits.

They can give something called Oxytocin, or they can do an emergency spay if they feel it is necessary.

Becca, you have my number, if you need me, or have any news, please just text or phone :)
Ya that's what happened with my cat (I know it's not a cat), she couldn't pass them even with the stuff so she got a c-section the next day
Flashy wrote:
We put ours in the bin :| but you could bury it if you wanted.
Oh no, bury it in the garden and plant something nice over it, something symbolic, life affirming
Becca just texted me to tell me to update you (hope you followed that) that Fluffball has been palpated and there are no more babies. Hopefully her vet is good with rabbits to know what he is doing, and now Flufflball can get on the road to recovery :)
I'm relieved she took her in to be checked. (And I do hope the vet is "rabbit" experienced enough to know what he's palpating.)

I'd try to encourage Fluffball to eat all the hay she wants right now. And I'll keep my fingers crossed that she recouperates quickly and thoroughly. :hug:
Okay - back from the vets :)

He seemed like he knew what he was doing *rabbit savvy* ....

I will keep checking on her and will post anything else on here.. Though I'm going back to homework and bunny bonding :D

Thanks for your help - I'll be back soon

Tracy I'll keep in touch by texttt!

Ok :)

I'm so glad you got her checked out. I hope she starts to improve now.

Did he do anything to her other than palpate?
I'm probably missing a few posts - I had a break a bit ago and checked this thread and then went back out to finish a job.

First of all - Becca - I'm sorry for the loss of the baby. I know how much you wanted babies. That has got to be hard. :hug1

Secondly - don't feel bad about forgetting stuff once you see the kits. I used to do that all the time when my first litter would be born from a set of breedings. I'd be going through my notes thinking, "now what?" It happens...

If Fluffball isn't doing good - the vet visit is a good thing. I can see where they palpated her (all the vets I've dealt with can't palpate worth beans and they insist on x-rays which is good because I can't palpate either). If she continues to not look good for the next day or so - I'd take her back and ask for X-rays.

I once had a doe retain a kit and it decomposed in her body and wound up killing her because she went "septic" (had infection from the kit go through her body). She'd had a rough delivery and we thought she'd lost all the kits so the vet didn't bother with an x-ray.

I'm not saying that has happened w/ Fluffball - but I'm saying if she still looks like she's not feeling well in about 24 hours...then I would get an xray done. It is possible for a doe to retain a kit and have it be mummified too.

Two final things....when I first started breeding and I had does that either lost babies or overcleaned them - I would get mad at the does and be so disappointed. Don't be mad at Fluffball about the kit - ok? I'm sure you won't be...but I was so disappointed that I was like, 'Why can't X have babies just like Y and Z?" Well - I've learned that not all does are cut out to be mamas...and also that sometimes even when they would make good mamas...something bad happens and they mistakenly overclean a baby (especially first time mums) and wind up killing it.

Finally....give your mom (and dad even) a hug...and thank them for being willing to take Fluffball to the vet and for being there with you during this. I'm sure they would appreciate it.....

Peg, you are so good with this. And I agree.... Becca's parents should know they are appreciated in this situation.

TinysMom wrote:
I'm not saying that has happened w/ Fluffball - but I'm saying if she still looks like she's not feeling well in about 24 hours...then I would get an xray done. It is possible for a doe to retain a kit and have it be mummified too.
I totally agree. It is quite possible that she may have only had one, but it's not the usual thing. How is she acting now? Normal, or droopy?
Becca - I meant to add a couple of things..

  • I'd leave the nest alone for now - she'll probably destroy it herself when she's ready. I'd give her a bit of time to grieve - and "just in case" she has a kit still in her (in spite of being palpated)....I'd leave the nest. She'll destroy it soon - or you can take it out tomorrow or something - but give her a few hours with it. As I shared in my blog - more than once I've had does give birth - and then 24 hours later give birth to another kit.
  • I don't know if I'd move her inside. If you can move her cage inside w/ her - then yes - possibly - if it means you can keep an eye on her. But if not - it might be best to leave her where she's used to being and not stress her more.
May I ask how she's acting? Is she alert? Lethargic? Is she eating? Drinking?

Can you clean out where she normally poops to keep an eye on if she's pooping ok?

I'm really concerned about the fact that the kit was a pencil kit (if I'm understanding right) - because if she becomes lethargic...it could mean another kit is stuck. I'm not trying to scare you - its just - that was how we lost my doe....we didn't XRay and no kit was found upon being palpated. (She actually died during the night w/ the kit partway out of her and it was a pencil kit).

If she's acting fine and eating and drinking - then she'll probably be fine. But the way it sounded - like maybe she wasn't acting right .... well ... I'm paranoid.

Becca, I'm so sorry for your loss. :hug:
I hope Fluffball starts to feel better soon.