Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

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No nest building yet, but because mum has been checking on her ever couple of hours while I'm at school she texted me earlier and said Fluffball was laying in her nest box. I wish I could of seen it to determine if it was just a normal bunny flop or a get these babies outta me flop!

I'm just going to check on her now, and also she is coming in on Thursday and Friday night woop!
They don't have babies lying down I don't think, so she was probably just comfy.

I wouldn't suggest bringing her in as being a good thing to do. If you bring her in, you'll need to keepher in solidly for a fairly long amount of time so as not to stress her out, not to harm the babies (with the change in temp), not to harm her with the change in temp. If you bring her in and have her inside, that's great, but don't mix and match with outside and inside.She (and possibly they), need consistency.
Yeah but about the lying down thing I thought you were saying they sometimes lay funny if their pregnant??

And if she came inside she would go in the conservetory which is a cool room - Just a little warmer than outside.
I agree with Flashy. The changes in temperature could stress her out. And if you do bring her in, you may have to leave her and the babies in until the weather warms up (next spring). Do you have some place cooler than the house, but a little warmer than outside? Maybe a garage or enclosed porch that you can put her in?

The heat of the house could cause her to start a moult. And the babies won't grow as dense a coat if kept in the house.
OOPS Sorry, good thing you have the conservatory...

Yes, they lay funny while pregnant... but don't kindle (deliver) laying down. They sit up and curl their body over their hips.
Ah right, yeh, sorry, didn't enitrely understand what you meant.

If you bring her in, then you need to keep her there and not put her back. Whilst it may be cool, it still won't be as cold as outside, plus to be a mother she needs to feel safe and secure or else she won't raise them successfully (if they are there) and moving her around left right and centre won't help her feel secure.
I would not be switching her around if you're waiting for her to have her babies - or even once she has them.

Does are very territorial -she'll get her cage and nest just the way she wants it - then to move her - I don't know. I don't think its wise.

If she's used to the temperature where she lives now...I'd leave her there. If you need to - bring the babies in the house (I'm sorta iffy about that though)...

Then again - I don't live there to know what the temps are..

TinysMom wrote:
Then again - I don't live there to know what the temps are..
The temps are cold, but not horrific. Not below freezing really, the worst part is the wind at the mo, and with Fluffball in a shed she is sheltered from that. This is only slightly later than Sky and Moon were born (they were October babies) and the weather was worse for them, and they did fine. If there is plenty of hay, and hopefully not just one baby, then they should be ok as long as they are in the nest. I think Polly sometimes attaches a hot water bottle under the hutch (like under the floor) to provide some mild heat under the nest if its really bad. That's what I would say in terms of the temp in regards to the babies.
If the temperatures are not below freezing and the nestbox is out of the wind and well protected with hay and straw, I'd say leave her outside. Yes, you risk not being there when she kindles, but it will be a lot less stressful on her to be in her own hutch. Moving her might stress her to the point of hurting or killing the babies if something scares or spooks her (especially in anunfamiliar territory).

Right now, I think you need to think of what's best for Fluffball.
I suggest having a back up Rabbit savvy vet ready just in case something goes wrong with your regular rabbit vet. Stranger things have happened. Be sure they can take after hours emergencies too.

Unless you were going to sleep in the conservatory with her, then it's no different than her being in there, it just means popping outside to check on her. If she is in her usual place then she is less likely to scatter kits or anything because she will feel safe, so theoretically, less should potentially go wrong if you leave her where she is.
Becca wrote:
What if something bad happens then?
I think that you should leave them outside. But It's up to you if you want to risk her getting skittish and throwing the kit around and most likely them dieing. So maybe leave them out side instead of putting yourself first in a way.
I'm going to ask mum if we can do shifts - not sure if she will let me though as she won't want me outside in the middle of the night and cuz it's school. Butt I am going to try and persuade her.