Well-Known Member
I hate having flu >.< I was wondering if anyone's got any good flu/cold-curing recipes?
I take lots of vitaminC, garlic tablets, and zinc when I'm sick. The Vitamin Cbuilds your immune system, the garlic helps to flush out the sickness,and the zinc helps to dry out the sinuses and runny nose.I'll have to check again with my husband about the recommended amounts,but I know it's at least 1000mg of Vitamin C about every couplehours. The other two I'll have to check about and get back toyou.
There's also a product called Citricidex (grapefruit seed extract),which is something that KILLS any kind of illness you mighthave. It's best in liquid form; dilute about six drops in amug of water, and have a glass of water to chase it with (VERYnecessary). It's quite vile in flavor (better hold yournose!), but believe me, it's worth the trouble!!!
My husband told me about all of the above (he used to be a dr'sassistant), and it really serves to completely eradicate any sicknessyou might have going on.
Hope those help!!![]()
and NO diary products whatsoever! :nono
and NO diary products whatsoever! :nono
VERY true...also avoid orange juice...both addto the mucus you have in your system and add to coughing instead offighting it.
A friend of minesaid that there is Vicks Vapor stuff that you can put in the tub and itreally breaks the stuff up.
The school just called, my son is vomiting and looks very pale:shock:. That is one thing I DO NOT want. I will besanitizing when I get home.
Stay healthy everybun!