Flu remedies

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Lemon tea :D Not the stuff you buy atthe shops though. Just a tea bag, with hot water, and a sliceor a few of lemon- no milk. Makes my cold go away in about aday. It doesnt taste that bad either.

Also any hot drink I suppose, because the steam etc.

When I get sick I have ginger bread biscuits. Anything with ginger in it makes me feel ten times better.

Thats all the advice i have for now! lol

If you have the flu, I hope you get better soon!
I take lots of vitamin C, garlic tablets, andzinc when I'm sick. The Vitamin C builds your immune system,the garlic helps to flush out the sickness, and the zinc helps to dryout the sinuses and runny nose. I'll have to check again withmy husband about the recommended amounts, but I know it's at least1000mg of Vitamin C about every couple hours. The other twoI'll have to check about and get back to you. :)

There's also a product called Citricidex (grapefruit seed extract),which is something that KILLS any kind of illness you mighthave. It's best in liquid form; dilute about six drops in amug of water, and have a glass of water to chase it with (VERYnecessary). It's quite vile in flavor (better hold yournose!), but believe me, it's worth the trouble!!!

My husband told me about all of the above (he used to be a dr'sassistant), and it really serves to completely eradicate any sicknessyou might have going on. :D

Hope those help!! :D
Yes, I'm quoting myself, hehe!

I wanted to add the amounts of things, now that my husband's home...

Zinc: 50mg
Garlic: 1 capsule
Vitamin C: 1000mg

All three every hour. You can take more than that, if youREALLY wanna get rid of the cold/flu/illness quickly. Youtake the chance of getting the runs if you take too much Vitamin C, butthere's no serious health risk at all.

As far as the Citricidex, you do ten drops for about 2oz of water, andthen like I said, chase it with another glass ofwater. You can get it in liquid form, in a goodconcentration/quality by the brand Source Naturals.http://www.sourcenaturals.com/

So, there ya go! Hope all that helps! :D



maherwoman wrote:
I take lots of vitaminC, garlic tablets, and zinc when I'm sick. The Vitamin Cbuilds your immune system, the garlic helps to flush out the sickness,and the zinc helps to dry out the sinuses and runny nose.I'll have to check again with my husband about the recommended amounts,but I know it's at least 1000mg of Vitamin C about every couplehours. The other two I'll have to check about and get back toyou. :)

There's also a product called Citricidex (grapefruit seed extract),which is something that KILLS any kind of illness you mighthave. It's best in liquid form; dilute about six drops in amug of water, and have a glass of water to chase it with (VERYnecessary). It's quite vile in flavor (better hold yournose!), but believe me, it's worth the trouble!!!

My husband told me about all of the above (he used to be a dr'sassistant), and it really serves to completely eradicate any sicknessyou might have going on. :D

Hope those help!! :D
and NO diary products whatsoever! :nono

just drink plenty of the tea and lemon -- plenty of hot liquids ingeneral -- tea and soup are good, but no dairy. I find thatspicy veggie souphelps- like a spicytomato lentil. I make one with the little orangelentils, wild rice, sometimes a fewyellowspit peasor beans, and afood processor full of all the veggies in thefridge in a huge pot -- esp. carrot (3 to 5), celery (2 or 3), onion(orshallots),garlic andfreshtomatoes. (Lots of tomatoes, at least 5 bigones).Nothing else but spices -- dill,parsley. Then I throw a bunch of chili peppers (and garlicpowder) in the bowl andeat it for threedays.I make another one with the brownlentils, spinach, mushrooms, chiliesandcans oftomatoes.

and get PLENTY of rest. sleep it off. :bed:

only get up to get more tea and soup -- and feed the animals (seeing as they're unlikely to return the favour!)


feel better soon! :rose:

sas :nurse:

Aww get well soon........just restandkeep warm!
(hehe,it'sfunny me sayingkeep warm..because it's actually summer hereandthe last few days have been a bit hot lol)

Pipp wrote:
and NO diary products whatsoever! :nono

I've been struggling with this for 4 days now, AHHHHHH!!!! THe flu, I mean.

Pipp, can I have hot cocoa? The instant kind, made with WATER, notmilk. I know the powder still has some powdered milk in it, but if Imake it with water is that okay? Been sipping on it since yesterday. Itried to make the tea and lemon last night and it was disgusting nomatter how much sugar I added, LOL. Must be an aquired taste.

All I do is plenty of rest and fluids. Mygrandfather is like a home-med guru and swears on green tea (youcan get the one w/ vitamin c and antioxidants in it...that's the one Iguy)w/ some honey. If you don't like the original flavors, they havepeach, lemon, etc. It does seem to work very well. Plus, not only doesit soothea sore throat but it does speed up the recoveryprocess.And as always, juice is good. If you have a sorethroat, gargle w/ warm apple cider vinegar. It doesn't taste pleasant,but boy does it work (thanks again to my Papa). For joint aches,aspirin and a warm bath w/ epsom salts.
I'm so sorry...I hadn't thought of it until sasmentioned it! I'm sure if you stop now you'll be justfine. As far as orange juice, I know...it's a taddeceiving...you think you're doing the right thing by drinking in extraVitamin C, but the added bulk that orange juice has really doesn'thelp, it hurts. Stinks, too, because every time I've had acold, I crave it like CRAZY!!

You'll be fine, Hun...

Another thing I thought of that REALLY helps with coughs:

Hot honey and lemon water. It's just what it sounds like,boil some water, and add lots of honey and lemon...kinda yucky, butREALLY helps to break up the junk in your system!! The honeyhelps soothe a sore throat (which people get quite often fromcoughing), and the lemon helps to break up the mucus in yoursystem. The heat helps to soothe and break things up, aswell. :)
Oops, missed this update!

Pretty sureyou can have cocoa with soy milk, Harper, but notthe instant kind, that has powered cow dairy, and that's a no-no.

And I never knew that about orange juice, Rosie!I looked itup (not that I didn't believe you,I wanted to see ifgrapefruit was the same, but it's not) and orange juice and oranges areon the definitely not list!

The thing about green tea is that it's the same as drinking lots of water, which is probably the most important thing.

If you eat chicken, real chicken soup apparently works wonders.

And don't forget thehot spices! Spicey really helps.

Get well soon to Hollie and Harper! :rose:

Wow, great remedies guys! I'll need toprint this thread! :D A friend of mine said that there isVicks Vapor stuff that you can put in the tub and it really breaks thestuff up. I haven't had to try it yet :pray:. Also,my husband was told to get Mucinex by the Dr. when he was sick, it's anexpectorant. He said it helped alot.

The school just called, my son is vomiting and looks very pale:shock:. That is one thing I DO NOT want. I will besanitizing when I get home.

Stay healthy everybun!
I haven't yet heard about that particular Vicksproduct, but I believe it...they've got lots of great ways to applyVicks nowadays! They've even got plug-in's!!:shock: I haven't tried anything but the traditional rub-instuff on the chest (which I LOVE), so let me know how the differentapplications work! :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your son...hope he gets better soon!!

And you, too, Hollie!!

Sheesh...and you, too MyBoyHarper!!

Wow...anyone else sick? My daughter caught a cold a coupledays ago from a friend of ours (who I asked not to come over if he wasstill sick, but did anyway...his MIL almost didn't let him leave thehouse, he was that sick, and he told me he was fine...argh), but it'snot too bad, thankfully!

Hope you all get better soon!!

Love, hugs, Vicks, meds, and more love,


Snuffles wrote:
A friend of minesaid that there is Vicks Vapor stuff that you can put in the tub and itreally breaks the stuff up.

The school just called, my son is vomiting and looks very pale:shock:. That is one thing I DO NOT want. I will besanitizing when I get home.

Stay healthy everybun!
I was sick last night. It all startedat work about half hour before the end of the shift (9:30pm) I had aMASSIVE head ache and it just kept getting worse and worse. Iwas sitting in my car for about 10 minutes when I had to go home,waiting for it to get better but I really couldnt sit around all nightwaiting for a headache to go! So I had to drive home, it wasawful. All the street lights and the headlights were makingit even worse! I felt like being sick. When I gothome I just went straight to bed and was very nearlysick.It was theworse headache/migraine Ihad ever had. :(

I am ok today though, thankfully.

I hope you all get better soon guys! I cant standcolds. And I think about this time of year I have a flujab. I will probually get a letter through the post from mydoctors surgery lol. I have to have it every year because ofmy asthma. Oh well, I suppose it works as I didnt really getany ilnesses last year to worry about. :)Maybe weshould all get flu jabs? They are worth it I say.

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