Flourescent Lighting Grid Question...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
Is the 1/2"-square hole size of a plastic flourescent light grid too large for a Mini Rex? (Our Californian does well on it, but his feet are rather large. ;))

I know that some people use the flourescent lighting grid for small buns; I worry that the holes will prove too large for (irritating to) small bunnies' feet. (The holes are large enough for Mini Rexes'front toes to fit over/into them; I worry that such positioning of their toes over the grid holeswould irritate their feet--when the point of the grid would be to help reduce their sore hock issues.)

Thank you,

Does anyonesuccessfully usea flourescent lighting grid as a litter box grate for small rabbits? Our girls are 3.3 and 4.4 lbs.; I'm concerned that the 1/2"-square grid holes will put extra pressure on their toes--or worse, their front feet could get caught in them.

Is this grid size relatively safe to use for small rabbits?

Thank you,

I have one litter box with this grid over the litter for two of my mini rexes. Ruby was digging out all the litter so I put the grid over top to stop her.

I haven't noticed any negative effects to their feet. They only sit in the box long enough to go potty and then they spend most of their time on the cage floor.

I don't think it will be harmful unless the bunny has no where else to go.

aurora369 wrote:
I have one litter box with this grid over the litter for two of my mini rexes.

I haven't noticed any negative effects to their feet. They only sit in the box long enough to go potty and then they spend most of their time on the cage floor.

I don't think it will be harmful unless the bunny has no where else to go.

We keep the hay in their litter boxes, sincethey don't prefer to eat it anywhere else; so they do spend periods of time in their boxes. Still, they do have the rest of their separate penned areas, so they're not "stuck" sitting in their litter boxes when they're not eating.

Thank you for letting me know that your Mini Rexes do well on the flourescent lighting grids. My hubby and I will soon buytwo of them to make grates for our girls' boxes. :D
degrassi wrote:
My rabbit Gimpy is 4.4lbs and he does fine on the lighting grid.

Thank you for letting me know; I was really concerned about tiny feet falling through the grid holes--or at least getting sore by bending over the grid edges.

We will still spread a thin layer of hay over the grid, putting a larger pile to one end of the litter box. So we're figuring that the extra hay layer will help prevent feet from falling through grid holes and/or developing extra irritation (on top of their sore hocks).
Fancy77 (another member) had a great pic of her set up that included these grates. They look great and she said they work really well.
kirbyultra wrote:
Fancy77 (another member) had a great pic of her set up that included these grates. They look great and she said they work really well.

I do know that the flourescent grid works well; we use one for our large Californian boy. I don't worry, though, about his large feetfalling through the grid holes or anything. ;)

My hubby used excess pieces ofthe grid to create supports (much like blades)for the upper portion. He came up with this design on his own; yesterday, I saw on RO that another member makes her flourescent grates this way, too. Great minds think alike!

I'm just glad to know that some members with small bunnies have success with the flourescent grid alone. (I didn't want to have to put any other mesh over it; it then becomes that much harder to clean.)


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