Flour for baking

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Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
Belleville, New Jersey, USA
Hi everyone,

I love to bake. I have learned to make all kinds of treats for my furry family and now that there will be a bunny here, I am trying to learn ways to spoil him even before he gets to the house.

I saw an older thread on here about homemade snacks and they look great! I was just wondering though.. is whole wheat flour the best option to use when coming up with different treats of my own?
I would be reluctant to use flour of any sort in making bunny treats, as carbs are fairly bad for them
I've been wondering the same thing. That's why I don't buy commercial bunny treats, because it doesn't seem good for them to have wheat flour.

I, personally, don't cook or bake with any grains, but I use a lot of flour made from nuts and seeds (coconut flour, almond flour, ground sunflower seeds, etc). However those are all really high in fat, which isn't good for bunnies either.

I stick to using my dehydrator to make dried apple slices, my buns go NUTS over those.
I've made the bunny treats, and I just crushed up a bunch of pellets to make the "flour", then added in the other stuff.
I didn't feel comfortable using flour either.
Good to know! Thanks guys! I was just looking for a way to make a special treat for once in a while that's good for all my pets... I'll definitely try using the crushed up pellets instead! :)

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