Floof ate chocolate

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
, Ontario, Canada
Boyfriend left a bag of chocolate covered almonds on the floor thinking it was safe as the cats never go and get into stuff like that well I let Floof out, forgetting about the opened bag and she made a beeline to it dove in grabbed one and took a big chunk off it before I could stop her.

How serious is chocolate to rabbits? I know in other animals it is bad, the dog has eaten some before to, the first Halloween we had him he grabbed a few bars and chowed down before we could grab him but he was fine. I know its depends on size...
How big is big? Honestly, I wouldn't worry. This has happened to me before, more than once. Bunnies seem to love chocolate. :shock: Probably best to push hay, and keep and eye on her litter tray, but honestly she should be fine. I'll see if I can find any threads or articles on this for you.

ETA: Was it milk or dark chocolate? And I have moved this to the Infirmary for you.
Cove wrote:
...I let Floof out, forgetting about the opened bag and she made a beeline to (the chocolate), dove in grabbed one and took a big chunk off it before I could stop her.
Like Michaela has said, I wouldn't overly worry; but do keep an eye on her general behavior, thirst/appetite and output.

My Zoe bit/ate a piece of painted doorframe. I was in knots for several days, but nothing went truly amiss.

Well its a relief to know I shouldn't be rushing to a vet somewhere with her life on the line.

I'll be keeping a close eye on her for the next 24 hours or so though.

Picture of the goodie she tried to stow away with under the table and eat. The other stuff is rice pudding, I chucked the almond in there... was the closet thing to hide it in.

Toby has gotten into chocolate before too.

I was worse off than he was :p He just nibbled on some hay while I had a nervous breakdown thinking he was going to die (I didn't have transportation to a vet at the time).

Silly me.
Well after plenty of worry Floof is fine, she was on a roll last night though, first the chocolate, then she stole a rather large shortbread cookie from the table, stole a cheeto, and then wet for the kitten food. But she seems OK this morning, normal and active.
Tony once ate at least two Dove Dark Chocolate Promises, foil and all. Although that's enough to be worried about, I have figured a way to check for adverse reaction to poisons (like chocolate). I shine a flashlight in their eyes to check for the pupil dilation reflex, and see if it's normal. If not, there may be problems, because many poisons can have neurological effects. If the bunny is acting completely normally, they have the pupil dilation reflex, eating/pooping/peeing/drinking, etc, I figure they're ok. Of course watch closely for 24+ hrs, but it's hard to tell how much can hurt a bunny, especially because some are more sensitive than others. I'm glad Floof seems fine.:)

Had the bag on the table, she managed to get on the table and eat half of one! Me and the boyfriend were on the couch but were playing on the Wii so we didn't notice until he went to grab one and found a rabbit instead. Time to start worrying like a crackpot all over again.

This rabbit has a death wish...

I hope she is ok again. She must really love chocolate and nuts. Nuts are bad for rabbit too, so don't even let her get an unchocolate covered almond.
Was it dark chocolate or milk? dark is the worst for animals really.

Our cats have stolen chocolate chip muffins and brownies before.

Would you PLEASE feed Floof so she doesn't have to steal to fill her tummy!? ;)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Would you PLEASE feed Floof so she doesn't have to steal to fill her tummy!? ;)
:yeahthat: :laugh:

Poor lil' Floof. It must suck to be a bunny and a chocoholic....
All is good today, I think she just likes scaring me so I fawn over her until I'm sure she's fine. Attention seeking little :censored2:.

It was milk chocolate.

I know, I've just been letting her waste away. What a bad mommy I am, forcing her to steal and create an addicition. Now she'll have to go to Chocoholic Rabbits Anonymous.

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