New Member
I am looking for a flemish breeder and I've foundsome in my state but I am also wondering about ones from other breedersand shipping. Does shipping effect the baby whatsoever?
LOL. Well I have to consider you lucky to have a show 2-2.5 hrs from you, I drive 4-5hrs to all my shows. xDI am in the upper left corner of washington state, makingthe closest breeders to me 7 hours away, through the mountains. Its anabsolutely grueling drive, so I was hoping to avoid it with shippingbut not if it would hinder the rabbits health whatsoever. There are noshows near my area, most are about 2 -2 1/2 hours away, and I wouldntbe able to spare the time unless I knew a breeder would be there. Mostof the shows look like youth shows in the Seattle area.
Oh, man....I've been wanting a flemish AND I'm going to a showtomorrow....I really need to wait....yes, I'll keep telling myselfthat. Ok, you all know if I find one, I'll have to take, I need to wait....I need to wait...You might want to go to and check out ifthere are any shows that will be in your area. Almost always you canfind rabbits for sale of any breed there. They also tend to cut downprices at shows, so you could probably find a nice deal.
LOL! That's why I take my aunt with me- otherwise I would splurge and buy everything under the sun, lmao.SLRabbits wrote:Oh, man....I've been wanting a flemish AND I'm going to a showtomorrow....I really need to wait....yes, I'll keep telling myselfthat. Ok, you all know if I find one, I'll have to take, I need to wait....I need to wait...You mightwant to go to andcheck out if there are any shows that will be in your area. Almostalways you can find rabbits for sale of any breed there. They also tendto cut down prices at shows, so you could probably find a nice deal.