Fleas on Beauty + Odd behavior from Shiny Things

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2012
Reaction score
Brenham and Spring, Texas, USA
I was just holding Beauty when I noticed what looked like a flea by her eye. Before I could catch it or get a better look at it, it disapeared into Beautys long fur. I am pretty sure that my apt has fleas because of my dogs/cat/the apt complex. What should I do? I can not imagine what my parents would think if I gave the rabbits monthly flea medicine.

Also lately I have noticed Shiny Things scratching at her ears some nights. I have looked in the ears and have seen nothing. It is not a constant scratching, more like a few times each night. Anybody have any clue what could be going on? The scratching has been going on for a couple of weeks that I have noticed (ever since I built the new cage and have been paying better attention to the rabbits).
You'll probably have to treat all your animals and apt. for fleas. Make sure to only use rabbit safe stuff on your rabbits(NOT frontline).

You should probably get Shiny Things ears checked. She could have an ear infection or ear mites.
If you have any animals that go outside, they may be bringing the fleas inside. I would definitely treat all of your pets for their fleas and at the very least wash and dry any pet bedding you have. For every flea you see on your pet, there are plenty more you aren't seeing.
Do not use frontline (fipronil) on a rabbit.

Advantage is safe, but my parasiticide of choice is revolution (selamectin) which, in the US, can only be gotten from a vet. If she's scratching her ears more than usual, she may have ear mites (which the revolution would also treat) or could have an ear infection or something else. I'd recommend a vet check.
Two of vets at my vet clinic both have years of experience with bunnies and they recommend Revolution. We have a dog and due to the weather conditions in 2011 we were "blessed" with fleas....even WITH treating our dog monthly! We used Revolution for cats. You can use a dose for a kitten and use one tube per bunny, or you can split a cat tube between two bunnies which is what I did. NOT FUN!!! I DESPISE fleas! Good luck!
Oh no Lauren that sucks :( I agree with everyone definitely start the rabbit safe flea treatment and fleas can get into carpet and bedding so depending on how "bad" they are treatment may need to be done to the apartment too.

Best of luck. Maybe that's why they've been grumpy towards each other? Sometimes when they are sick or not feeling good it can mess with bonds........
Marci has them, We are getting a all tile house i know that will help. i heard advantage is safe in the kitten dose. You do a kitten dose for 15 dollars here atleast.

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