That's one of the lovliest things that someones ever said to me, thank you Tracy, you made my eyes go all watery

You're not a nobody, and I am very proud to know you, and that you like me

, is a huge boost to my confidence actually. I hold you in the highest esteem as far as people go.
I can't even begin to imagine what it's like having delusions, though I've experienced people with them (mostly Jody, Mathews brother), and his are pretty bad. He thinks the people on TV are all laughing at him and telling him to do bad things, and if you talk to him, he doesn't know if he imagined you talking or if it was all in his head. He sometimes thinks that God or Jesus have been talking to him and telling him to purge the world of sinners. He wont believe you if you tell him you don't mean him any harm.
It must be more than hard, terrible, not knowing what is really real and what's not. Like walking around in an ever shifting dream. It would be hard to trust people, or know if they are being honest with you or not. I can't swear on here but it's a "poo" of a situation to find yourself in and not have control over. Sometimes I hate how complicated our brains are and how little it takes to harm them and it changes us so much, even if it's only temporary.
I'm always going to be somewhere hovering annoyingly in the background if you need me. I haven't been able to get much enjoyment from posting on here lately but I'm always hanging around the computer. VERY chuffed I'm not blocked on anything

. But if you did block me or something, I wont hold it against you, ok? Hope you know that.