Flash's Place

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That is amazing what you did for those RSPCA bunnies, and may I say Ghost and Babe are gorgeous :D.

Keeping an eye on the eye, heh, you funny monkey :p. I hope it's nothung bad. One of my buns Bailey had cronic runny eyes.
I think Hope needs to go to the vets.

I never used to have any qualms about taking a bun to see my vet, but just recently I have been there so much I feel like I shouldn't go. Most of the times I go there are not for mine, or like with the wormies, it was due to my foster, but obviously all mine had to go.

I will take him, just, ack!
They have four branches, so they range from 15 mins away to 30 mins away. He will go tomorrow. He is a bit meh, so has had some metacam, and hopefully that will keep him moving until tomorrow.

I just want to say that I know what I said in someone elses thread might be hard for some people to deal with, and that’s ok, I know that, and I also know that sometimes you have to take a step back from people, but I am not willing to be picked up and dropped as and when people feel like it. I’m not going to allow people to mess me about like that. You do what you have to do for you:)[/b] And I’ll do what I have to do for me. I want no further mention nor discussion about that on here, I just felt it had to be said after something said to me.


[align=center]* * * * *[/b][/align]


Right, before I start its important you know I was wearing ‘rabbit clothes’. They have holes in the knees, and are covered in crud, currently. I was also wearing ‘Hobo Gloves’ as my brother calls them, or ‘fingerless gloves’ as most other people call them. I only dress like this when doing the buns, or on a day when I have to go out. I don’t leave the house in this state. I promise.

[/b]So, I give you the outside buns.

I started with the Dopeys given Polly’s constant nagging :p








Dopey makes a getaway...


...straight to me.



Dopey does some more wandering...


...then puts herself away...


...before going for another wander.



Dopey running.



The Dopeys were VERY unimpressed with the aeroplane going overhead.



So head back downstairs and go for another wander.




After the Dopeys I plonked myself in with the Fosters.

They were very active, but I think they thought I was bringing them food. I was not, lol. I bought them myself and a camera.

Whilst the girls were confident all was well...[/b][/b]


...Roger was unsurprisingly not sure.



Tilly pops up between my legs (as you do, lol).


Tilly moving around well (looking good mid-moult).



Jumping Tilly.


Roger is still not sure, so has been hiding under the hutch.


Summer coming at me with great pace.





Tilly jumping over Rogery.


Look at this cute little Roger face.


Oh, and not sure if anyone remembers that Summer had a wet dewlap from dunking it in her water, well, on the fifth attempt of finding something that works we found it. This works very, very well.



I went over to Cloudyfloss then, and what happens? Cloud immediately runs to his food bowl. Do you think he was trying to tell me something?


He then sat next to it. Talk about a cadger.


Candyfloss is really hard to take a pic of, because she comes straight over. I got a load of noses, lol, and these were the best of the bunch.




Dusk has gotten a bit fat, so I’m slowly slimming him down in preparation for him meeting and hopefully bonding with Sandy.



I thought this pic was really cute, and was gutted it’s blurry, but I had to put it in anyway.


Watching his brother, Angel.






Lightning is a funny guy, when I first arrived and sat don,w he legged it.


But quickly came back to seek out the source of the bad smell (given I have been in with all the others at this point, I must have stunk!).








I think this one is really cute :D


And then why I got out he stood up. Not sure if he was checking to make sure I actually WAS leaving, or if he didn’t want me to go, lol, probably the former.



When I went to take pictures of Angel, I couldn’t find him. He was hiding and surveying the land.


He soon shifted though, when he realises his lid was off.



And he might be able to find some yummy food.





(I'm going to colour code the names later).
I took Hope to the vets this arvo.

He has conjunctivitis, so has the cream to sort that out. The vet looked at his spurs and said they weren't drastic, but they might be enough to make him uncomfortable. So I have to Metacam him incase his gut symptoms are due to being uncomfortable from the eye infection, and see if after that has all cleared up he is normal again. If not, or if things worsen, then he will have a dental.

Hope has always been easily unsettled (before he was bonded with Sunny he used to live next door to her and when she went for her spay he wouldn't eat until she came back. I would bet his spurs are causing him a problem, but we shall see.

Also, in the end I took Star too. He also has a weepy eye. All I can think of is that with this really cold weather they have/he has sat with that eye facing the window. I keep the tiny window in my room open a crack to keep a fresh circulation of air going, but maybe it doesn't work in the wold weather. Although yesterday it was sunny, despite being cold, so I opened the main one a bit. It was ok in there but maybe it bothered their eyes.

I guess time will tell.
awwww pogo and pole :D they are soo funny do they actually do everything together? and that is such a cute pic of cloud and his food bowl lol.

soo cute Trace :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
Flashy wrote:
Right, before I start its important you know I was wearing ‘rabbit clothes’. They have holes in the knees, and are covered in crud, currently. I was also wearing ‘Hobo Gloves’ as my brother calls them, or ‘fingerless gloves’ as most other people call them. I only dress like this when doing the buns, or on a day when I have to go out. I don’t leave the house in this state. I promise.
Sounds OK to me.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Flashy wrote:
Right, before I start its important you know I was wearing ‘rabbit clothes’. They have holes in the knees, and are covered in crud, currently. I was also wearing ‘Hobo Gloves’ as my brother calls them, or ‘fingerless gloves’ as most other people call them. I only dress like this when doing the buns, or on a day when I have to go out. I don’t leave the house in this state. I promise.
Sounds OK to me.

Except I made a typo! I was going to edit it so noooooooooo one would notice, and now it's cemented into history *pouts*

I MEANT to say
I only dress like this when doing the buns, or on a day when I don'thave to go out. I don’t leave the house in this state. I promise.

Thanks Dave! :p

And yes Polly, they do EVERYthing together.

I'm very gutted and quite upset now.

I volunteer for the RSPCA, as the world and his mate know, and I declare homes fit or unfit to go to. I also do a post adoption phonecall a month after collection, and a post adoption visit three months after adoption.

I did the call in October and allw as well. I called tonight to arrange the post adoption visit and found out one of the buns died 6 weeks ago. It was taken by a fox. The other bun was found running wild.

I'm so gutted. I really let that bun down. I thought the area was secure and it obviously wasn't. I have let down SO MANY buns in the past few years and the whole idea of knowledge was that I wouldn't do that anymore, but really all it did was make me feel confident in my knowledge and unleash me on the world to let down more buns.

I'm so sorry Sooty, I'm so sorry Coco.

Binky free Sooty. I hope it was quick and painless. Coco, I will do my best for you. I'm just so sorry.
Flashy....sometimes we can think something is secure...and something happens and it isn't.

When we first moved into this house - Puck was young..like maybe 9 weeks old. We had walked the fence more than once to make sure there was no place he could get out....and during the first week - he did really great.

One day I had him out and I went inside to go to the bathroom (we don't have birds of prey around here - at least not often - and we have bushes for them to duck under and it didn't seem worth it to bring him in only to take him back out 5 minutes later...).

Well - the phone rings and I answer it - I was inside maybe 15-20 minutes and there comes a knock at the door. It's our neighbor....with Puck in his hands.

Somehow - that little stinker found his way out of our yard.

We walked the fence again more times....couldn't figure it out.

Then one time I put him out and acted like I was going back inside. He turned around to check for me - then he went over and suddenly - poof - he was gone. We found out where he was getting out.

But if I remember right - at least two people - maybe three people - had walked that fence area several times to make sure it was safe. He was just a little twerp who could get into trouble!

My point? Maybe something happened and the fence was safe when you looked - but somehow the bunnies managed to get a way out anyway. It does happen!

By the way - Art blocked Puck's "out" with a brick...and even for a couple of years later - when Puck would get playtime outside- he'd check to see if we were watching - and head over to that corner to see if he could get out...he remembered!
Oh no I am so sorry Tracy :(, you must be miserable. Please know it wasn't your fault. You can't see into the future or stick around all the homes you check, and rabbits will escape when rabbits want to escape.

YOU didn't let him down, his owners did.

RIP Sooty :rainbow:.
Aww I'm sorry Flashy, In know way is Sooty's death your fault. Don't beat your self up ok :hug:

Also what breed is Dusky and Angel? They look EXACTLY like Fluff and his breed has been eluding me the whole time i've had him...

Hugs again:hug2:
Polly has told me a story about a bunny. It's so sad. It made me cry. She wants me to take the bunny and either have it myself or find her a good home. It breaks my heart and I truly want to, but my mum is worried about me bringing something else here, like what we did with Summer. I can't risk my buns, and really, I can't risk anyone elses (because bringing any new bun in is risky). I just don't know what to do. I want to cuddle this bun and make everything better for her.