Hi SnowyShiloh~! Yeah, it was scary...but actually realizing what happened wasn't the scary part; it was the treatment! :nerves1 Chest tubes hurt soooo much, bleh!
So, I did study hard and took the trip to Japan and took the entrance exam, but even though I was pretty good at the language, I just wasn't -fluent-, and that kept me from passing.
Sooo I don't have the money to keep trying things like that over and over again, so I took a look at the college my little brother is going to, and discovered that....I like their ENTIRE art department. So here we go again, haha :embarrassed:
Though, there is -one- math/physics class required for the BFA in Production Animation there, that I don't think I can pass, so I'm going to take math classes at the local community college until I become smarter-er

Ask and ye shall receive! The weather wasn't pouring down rain today! ...but it wasn't great for pictures either, so only a few turned out :grumpy:
Hey everyone again!
You guys might all live in different places, but where -I- live, this is what the weather looks like on a good day in winter.
So the best sides of -me- were not captured! I thrive in the sunlight you know!
So here's what that miserable excuse for a camera managed to steal from me *Dramatic hair-flip* :disgust:
My face. Obviously I was surprised, or I wouldn't be making an expression that cute.
Here I am investigating why the grass isn't glowing and beautiful like it is in all my other photos on this blog.
My gorgeously displeased eyeball.
One of my best assets
Me resorting to eating plain grass because my mom -starves- me between photoshoots. (Note from Diana: Hee hee. I take him out for pictures before giving him his daily pellets, so he'll hold still longer)
And finally, here I am hopping down the walkway to investigate my family's chosen mode of transportation just before my grandma pulled up in the other car, with the groceries obviously meant for me. :biggrin2:
Hopefully I'll see everyone again later, when the light isn't so bad. Spring and summer are my seasons, darling
~Flame and Diana