Diana here.
Sorry everyone! I've had a pretty busy time lately and haven't been going on RO at all..... :? Even coming back now, it's reeeally weird, like I was stuck in the past and suddenly transported into the future.... There's so many people and rabbits I don't know here, know.... it's pretty strange :shock:
Thanks for replying to Flame's blog, though, everyone!
He's getting really big.... I haven't weighed him, but he has to be at least two pounds bigger than he was when I last posted pictures of him. (And he's filling out really nicely. Gota nice round head and adorable poofy cheeks

And he grew into his ears )
Ionly have one picture foryou guys right now, but I'm planning on taking more today, so look for an update againsometime today.

So! Here he is. It's hard to see how much he's grown just from this picture, but I'll definitely get better ones later, so you'll see just how much he's changed.
I can tell he's growing up a little more in his behaviour, too.... Even though it's really cute, he's been running circles around my legs and following me around when I have him inside

(He hasn't tried anything icky yet, though, so I'll let him do that)
His binkies are so funny, too.... When he was little, it would look more normal, because he was tiny and could bounce in the air really high and was all thin.... Now he's filled out, got a lot bigger, but still jumps high in the air! He goes thud when he comes back down :biggrin2:And his coat.... ouuu, it's very thick and plush now :hearts .....But if I cuddle him too much he gets mad, haha.
Anyway, until later!
~Diana and Flame