First time poster and bunny owner

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Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
My name is Gabbi. I am a first time bunny owner of a super cute Hotot dwarf rabbit. His name is George Hopper Bunnerson, but he gets called a variety of names. Sometimes he is just called Rabbit. He has been part of our family for over two months now. I do have a few questions, but I'll leave it at introductions for now :)


Thanks for the welcome :) I certainly think he's adorable. These aren't the greatest pictures. The better ones are on my husbands computer lol
Welcome! What a cute little guy, love the picture of him in the hidey hay. :)
Hi & welcome, Gabbi & George!
George is adorable! Can't wait to hear more about George! I'm still relatively new both here & to bunnies myself! Its great to come here & hear about others bunnies & get helpful information. I have two Jersey Wooly doe sisters! Nice to meet you & George!
I just googled Jersey Wooley, and some of them are just little fluff balls!! Made me laugh. They are pretty darn cute!
Thanks, Gabbi! Faith, my black doe reminds me of a tribble (Star Trek)! lol I need to get some pix but I only have my cell phone camera which isn't working right! Look forward to more George posts!