Well-Known Member
It will be two weeks this coming Friday that mythree boys got neutered. Today they wound up getting into afight because Tio was able to get through the gate (I hadn't seen ahole that was in it). Tio & Kyo (Netherland Dwarfs)started out by fighting and I tried to separate them....the next thingI knew - Tio was hiding and Tiny was fighting Kyo.
Now mind you - Kyo & Tiny usually act liked best friends andeat together and sleep together. Yet, Tiny was obviouslyupset and wanted to attack Kyo even once I broke them up.This is NOT AT ALL like Tiny. The only time he ever doesanything like this is to break up a fight or to protect Puck if someoneis chasing him.
A couple of hours after the fight, I tried to let Kyo out again - andonce again, Tiny went after him. I think Tiny was holding agrudge from the fight or something like that - and Kyo did seem to havean attitude when I first let him out. Needless to say, theyhad separate playtimes.
My concerns are this:
a. This is so unlike Tiny...he's usually the protector of thesmaller bunnies. Should I have him wait a couple of daysbefore trying to let him out with Kyo again? As I said,they're usually close friends and the only time they've ever fought -is if a fight started with Tio & Kyo first.
b. Should I plan on getting Tio a friend? He seemsso lonely in his cage. He loves playing with the lionheadsand Puck...but he can't be out with them much unless I lock up Tiny& Kyo.
c. How long before I know if the guys will be able tobond? I know it takes at least 2 weeks for the hormones toget out of their system...
I think at this point - I'm frustrated with all 3 bunnies - even thoughI did love on them and play with them a lot today.I'm irritated with Tiny because he's usually so gentle. Theonly time he fights - is to break up another fight or get between asmaller bunny and a cat. After he fights - he comes to me tosettle down a bit and he acts like he's so scared (even though he'sdefinitely the bigger and stronger bunny). I think he feelsbad about fighting - because it is so NOT his nature.
Kyo & Tio are the ones I'm going to have problemswith. Tio is so lonely...I see it in his eyes and he actsdepressed sometimes. As I said, he gets along fine w/ theothers- as long as Kyo isn't around....and Kyo gets alongfine with the others...as long as Tio isn't around.
Arg....the "joys" of mothering bucks!
P.S. This is what Tiny & Kyo normally look like:
Now mind you - Kyo & Tiny usually act liked best friends andeat together and sleep together. Yet, Tiny was obviouslyupset and wanted to attack Kyo even once I broke them up.This is NOT AT ALL like Tiny. The only time he ever doesanything like this is to break up a fight or to protect Puck if someoneis chasing him.
A couple of hours after the fight, I tried to let Kyo out again - andonce again, Tiny went after him. I think Tiny was holding agrudge from the fight or something like that - and Kyo did seem to havean attitude when I first let him out. Needless to say, theyhad separate playtimes.
My concerns are this:
a. This is so unlike Tiny...he's usually the protector of thesmaller bunnies. Should I have him wait a couple of daysbefore trying to let him out with Kyo again? As I said,they're usually close friends and the only time they've ever fought -is if a fight started with Tio & Kyo first.
b. Should I plan on getting Tio a friend? He seemsso lonely in his cage. He loves playing with the lionheadsand Puck...but he can't be out with them much unless I lock up Tiny& Kyo.
c. How long before I know if the guys will be able tobond? I know it takes at least 2 weeks for the hormones toget out of their system...
I think at this point - I'm frustrated with all 3 bunnies - even thoughI did love on them and play with them a lot today.I'm irritated with Tiny because he's usually so gentle. Theonly time he fights - is to break up another fight or get between asmaller bunny and a cat. After he fights - he comes to me tosettle down a bit and he acts like he's so scared (even though he'sdefinitely the bigger and stronger bunny). I think he feelsbad about fighting - because it is so NOT his nature.
Kyo & Tio are the ones I'm going to have problemswith. Tio is so lonely...I see it in his eyes and he actsdepressed sometimes. As I said, he gets along fine w/ theothers- as long as Kyo isn't around....and Kyo gets alongfine with the others...as long as Tio isn't around.
Arg....the "joys" of mothering bucks!
P.S. This is what Tiny & Kyo normally look like: