Lissa, bunnies can have green peppers they arenot hot, that is the red peppers that are hot Greenpeppersare high in vitamen C. Anna S if your bunnieate a bit of it continue feeding just a bit to her if she will eat itsince its good for her
To prevent wool block feed your bunny papaya and/orpineappleas both fruits have natual enzymes in them(bromelainand papain) that aid in digestion and work to break down accumulationin the tummy. Pineapple must be fresh not canned and no sugar added
As far as giving just fruit and no veges, that can cause thebunnysintestinal bacteria to become unbalenced resulting inslower motility and succeptibility to furblock.
bunnies need hay for fibre to keep the bowels working. Timothy hay isbetter than alfalfa because rabbits excrete calcium in their urine andalfalfa is very high in calcium which could cause is ok for baby's up to 6 months
Buns should havelots and lots of dark green leafyvegetables... carrot tops, kale, collards, dark lettuces,brocolli,etc..
carrots are actaully high in sugar and should be considered treats
blueberries are high in antioxidents and cherries prevent inflamation,bunies usually love these. Cherry pits are poisenous to bunnies soremove the pits b4 feeding
Iceberg lettuce is not good for buns but cabbage is very dangerous.