Favourite veggies

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I found all ofthese helpful. As far as I can tell they areaccurate. Carolyn, Buck and Pam would be good to bounce thisinfo off of. I copied and pasted the veggie and fruit listsfrom the web sites into my word program and printed it off to keep onmy refrigerator. Each time I go to the store I try somethingnew. We feed fresh veggies every day as a part of his diet.Sebastian LOVES kale. and parsley. He won't even try the pea pods, anddidn't care for bananas. He eats a lot of romaine, radish tops,parsley, and kale. Oh, and I suppose this is the spoiled bun in him:?but he doesn't like regular carrots, only the alreadypeeled baby kind....which he only gets every now andagain.



Not sure exactly but it is quite a thick leafygreen veg (also in red) and Perry and Pernod love it too. I buy itpre-packed from the supermarket.

Raspberry - mine won't eat carrots unless they are peeled. When I toldmy friend who looks after them when we are away, she gave me such alook - spoiled bunnies!

AnnaS - Dried papaya is very good for them as it helps clear any hair out of the system and prevent hairballs.


Lissa wrote:
Unless it's spinach or a nutrional type of lettuce, therereally is no point to giving a bunny regular lettuce unless you want itto get diarrhea.

Somebody help me out here. This is just what I've been told.

As was mentioned iceberg has virtually no nutritional value and is fullof water. It is so popular because it was the first lettucethat was shipped on refrigerator railroad cars from California to therest of the country in the winter, so people could enjoy a green saladyear round. It is not as perishable as some of the other,more nutritious lettuces and shipped better. Most of us havegotten used to its tastlessness and get put off by the strong tastes ofnutrious greens. I prefer the latter.

The excessive moisture contained within iceberg can cause lifethreatening diarrhea in very young buns and intestinal upset, resultingin diarrhea, in older buns. If introduced gradually, over aperiod of time, it probably does no harm, but neither does it very muchgood, when you could be offering something like spinach, kale, swisschard, mustard greens, dandelion,radish tops, carrot tops, etc.

Lissa wrote:
Whatis kale?
I always find it aroundthe romaine lettuce and such. It is darker green if it isfresh, and not limp. It is thicker and kind of curlierlooking than romaine. I get mine at the Wal-Mart Super Storeso I'm sure it's readily available at most supermarkets. LikeI said earlier, it's Sebastian's favorite!
rabbits can have dark leaf lettuces only. (romiane, red leaf etc)

iceberg lettuce has a very high water content and could cause diarrehain some bunnies with weaker tummies. It is pointless to give iceberglettuce anyway as it has no nutritional value.

Green peppers are fine to give to bunnies but most dont like them, they are excellent for them and high in vitamen C

Fruits should not be given all the time because the sugar will cause adisturbance in the rabbits bacterial intestinal flora and make himsucceptible to stomach problems. Fruits should be treats.

Rabbits need timothy hay and lots of it....it is fiber and it keeps thier bowels working:)

My buns aren't crazy about lettuces, and as Idon't care for Iceburg, they've never tried it before. They're likeyour Sebastian, RaspberrySwirl, they dont like regular carrots either,only the baby ones.

It's funny, both rabbits have their own tastes. Chompers LOVES bananas,but Abby won't touch them. She loves basil, but Chompers won't look atit.They both like green apples, but I don't go heavy on thefruit, only once week or so. Both, however, go absolutelycrazy for raisins. I don't give raisins to them often for obviousreasons, but when those rabbits hear that bag crackle, they litterallycrawl all over me, and go nuts. It's like some sort of bunny drug tothese two.
"Green peppers are fine to give to bunnies but most dont like them, they are excellent for them and high in vitamen C"
Yeah, he did not like it, he tried it a little, same as broccoli.
Also he did not like dried whole wheat bread, I thought it was a treat for them.
AnnaS wrote:
"Green peppers are fine to give to bunnies but most dontlike them, they are excellent for them and high in vitamen C"
Are you sure about that? You would think that just one lick of it would give them a heart attack. :shock:
Lissa: those were not my words, I just quotedsomebody who said it before me. But my rabbit ate a piece of it andlooked fine this morning. Why should greens be bad for them, thats whatthey eat in the nature?
You can give your rabbit whatever youwant. But I sure as hell ain't going to experiment on mybunnies. Better safe than sorry with a dead pet. Ialready lost one...that's why I'm so cautious.
No, she died of wool block. Losing heris what made mea very paranoid mommy.
When fur gets caught in the intestines and stopsthe digestion process. That's why when a rabbit stops eatingyou should take immediate action. I was too late.
Here she is. :(


Oh Lissa, she wasbeautiful! I'm sorry you lost her that way. :(I doworry about Sebastian concerning the fur issues and that is justanother positive reason why to keep them sheared when they start overgrooming themselves. (even though he looks silly!) About thegreen peppers...there may be some confusion along theselines. Green BELL peppers are usually very sweet,there is no spice to them. It is varieties of chilipeppers thatare spicy. Green bell peppersalso come in yellow, orange andred. They get sweeter the redder they get. They are fatterand squat-tier looking than chilipeppers.I bet a lot of buns would reallylike sweet bell peppers and they are on the "good for bunnies" veggielists!

Hope that helps! - Raspberry

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