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I know how saddened you were that someone took your Queen Faunapicture away. I feel so bad. Butyou know what...

I have a copy of it for you.

So here is my niece looking Fabulous.

They tried to bring you down and that won't happen as long asI'm around. I love you Sweetheart. Hug the kids for me.




Raspberry did another for me, anyway. Now I have atiara and a Queen's crown for my baby.

I really love Raspberry's crown.



Just now checkingin...HOW GREAT that Tina found acopy! I thought about posting to see if anyone had made acopy of it, I'm glad someone did!

Good Job Tina!

Oh Raspberry, I love the crown. She looksawesome. If you don't mind what photo program do you use? I need a goodone and the three I have now are a bit lacking.

Carolyn, No stealing your sunshine allowed;). Baby Girl looks awesome.

Oh My Goodness, Zee!


Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

I take back everything I said to you yesterday about you. :phone:

Maybe the heavenly angel fairy did visit you and wave her magic wand over you!


You're a DOLL. Thank you!

You're very welcome !!!!!

I think you should take back what you said!!!!! :phone: I don't need the fairy to visit me,my devil appearence is just a mask !!!! ;)

Carolyn wrote:
Oh My Goodness, Zee!


Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

I take back everything I said to you yesterday about you. :phone:

Maybe the heavenly angel fairy did visit you and wave her magic wand over you!


You're a DOLL. Thank you!

Just a mask?? OoooKay. Sinceyou say so and since you did this for me, I'll buy that, BUT it is awoman's perogative to change her mind, ya know.



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