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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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APU: As per usual

BOL: Bursting (or Busting) out laughing

BRB: Be right back

BYB: Backyard breeder

BUMPING UP A POST: Bringing an old post back into current circulation for those that you think haven't read it.

Doc: A veterinarian or Pamnock, ARBA Judge

FYI: For your information

IMHO: In my humble opinion

IP: Internet Provider, also referred to ISP: InternetService Provider. Every 'IP' assigns a numerical address whenever youpost.

J/K or JK: Just kidding

JMHO: Just my humble opinion

JMO: Just my opinion

JMPO: Just my personal opinion

KMR: Kitten Milk Replacer

LMAO: Laughingmy off

LMBO: Laughing my butt off

LOL: Lots of Laughs/Laughs Out Loud

O/T: Off Topic

PEEPS: People

ROTFLMAO: Rolling on the floor, laughingmy off

ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing

THREAD: The conversation within a post.

TROLL: Bad behavior will give someone the "troll" name, and will be banished.

Are we going to have a test on these? I have a very bad memory. :?

No tests! :dude:

Just trying to help those that don't know what the heck we're talkingabout sometimes. We have a lot of new members and want to be surethey're on the same page as us. Sometimes people are too shy to ask.



For terms such as 'binky' and 'bunny flop', read the post called "A Cheat Sheet on Rabbit Care, The Basics"


Since we have some new members, thought I'd bringthis up in case they don't know what we're talking about and are tooshy to ask.


Thought I'd bump this back for the new folks incase they see don't know what we're talking about sometimes.Don'tt them to feel left in the dark.


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