APU: As per usual
BOL: Bursting (or Busting) out laughing
BRB: Be right back
BYB: Backyard breeder
BUMPING UP A POST: Bringing an old post back into current circulation for those that you think haven't read it.
Doc: A veterinarian or Pamnock, ARBA Judge
FYI: For your information
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IP: Internet Provider, also referred to ISP: InternetService Provider. Every 'IP' assigns a numerical address whenever youpost.
J/K or JK: Just kidding
JMHO: Just my humble opinion
JMO: Just my opinion
JMPO: Just my personal opinion
KMR: Kitten Milk Replacer
LMAO: Laughingmy
LMBO: Laughing my butt off
LOL: Lots of Laughs/Laughs Out Loud
O/T: Off Topic
PEEPS: People
ROTFLMAO: Rolling on the floor, laughingmy
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
THREAD: The conversation within a post.
TROLL: Bad behavior will give someone the "troll" name, and will be banished.
BOL: Bursting (or Busting) out laughing
BRB: Be right back
BYB: Backyard breeder
BUMPING UP A POST: Bringing an old post back into current circulation for those that you think haven't read it.
Doc: A veterinarian or Pamnock, ARBA Judge
FYI: For your information
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IP: Internet Provider, also referred to ISP: InternetService Provider. Every 'IP' assigns a numerical address whenever youpost.
J/K or JK: Just kidding
JMHO: Just my humble opinion
JMO: Just my opinion
JMPO: Just my personal opinion
KMR: Kitten Milk Replacer
LMAO: Laughingmy

LMBO: Laughing my butt off
LOL: Lots of Laughs/Laughs Out Loud
O/T: Off Topic
PEEPS: People
ROTFLMAO: Rolling on the floor, laughingmy

ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
THREAD: The conversation within a post.
TROLL: Bad behavior will give someone the "troll" name, and will be banished.