Revolution (selamectin) is considered to have a wide safety margin for use in rabbits and in recent years has been used extensively. It's chemical compound is similar to avermectin. Lab test have shown it to be safer and more effective than the avermectins (Including Ivermectins) and also that it did not adversely affect Ivomec sensitive animals.
However -- *any* medication can cause adverse reaction in any individual with a sensitivity to that particular compound -- no matter how safe it was proven to be in lab tests.
I use a permethrin sprayer in our rabbitry, and although have never had a rabbit have adverse reaction to it, permethrin are notconsidered to have a wide safety margin in rabbits.Permethrins are widely used on livestock, but I did have a horse that had high sensitivity to permethrins.
Due to possibleadverse reaction, I always advise consulting a vet before commencing treatment.