Aww!! Puddle Duck is precious! What a littlecute. She's got a handsome hubby too. She's pleasantly plump. And lookat that coy expression on her face in the first picture.
Yes, dootsmom, she looks A Lot like Puddle Duck.
Buck hates the idea of having to rehome his herd, but as you know, thisis what has to be at this point in his life. He and The Missus andmyself can attest to the fact that Mitzie is a little doll. She's gotsuch a sweet personality. She had a husband named Maxwell, but when hepassed over the Rainbow Bridge, she didn't get remarried. We thought itwas because she was a one-man-woman, but when we found out that Ernestwas actually Ernestine, we realized why the bonding wasn't working outto well. Even still though, she never attacked Ernestine or vice versa.She just let Ernestine know by a grunt or two to stay away from hercircle of comfort.
Give Puddle Duck a kiss on that nose for me, Dootsmom.

Yes, dootsmom, she looks A Lot like Puddle Duck.
Buck hates the idea of having to rehome his herd, but as you know, thisis what has to be at this point in his life. He and The Missus andmyself can attest to the fact that Mitzie is a little doll. She's gotsuch a sweet personality. She had a husband named Maxwell, but when hepassed over the Rainbow Bridge, she didn't get remarried. We thought itwas because she was a one-man-woman, but when we found out that Ernestwas actually Ernestine, we realized why the bonding wasn't working outto well. Even still though, she never attacked Ernestine or vice versa.She just let Ernestine know by a grunt or two to stay away from hercircle of comfort.
Give Puddle Duck a kiss on that nose for me, Dootsmom.