Ellie is not pooping

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bunnee mom

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Ohio, USA
I'm at a loss on what to do for Ellie our 2.5y/o Holland Lop. I took her to the vet last week on Tuesdaybecause she wasn't eating or going to the bathroom (from what I couldtell).

The vet took an x-ray, said she had a large mass in her stomach(carpeting?) kept her overnight for 2 days, gave her Baytril then toldus she was improved and we could bring her home on Thursday.She did seem a little bit better. But on Saturday I noticedthat her litter box was too clean and I called the vet. Theynever called me back.

Monday night we had to rush her to the Emergency Animal Hospitalbecause we thought she was having seizures. As it turned out,her ears were impacted with wax, she had an ear infection, and her leftear drum was punctured. So, it turns out our regular vetmisdiagnosed her! They gave her a subcutaneous fluidinjection because of the poopie problem and she's been taking Baytriland Bene-Bac.

I thought she was doing wonderful, until yesterday, now I"m not so sure.

She's been very active, and eating up a storm, passed 2 large cecalsTuesday night, regular poopies everywhere, no head tilt....she seemedto be her old self. Now yesterday I noticed there aren't manypoopies again. But she is still eating alot and beingactive. She's still on all her meds. Yesterday Ialso gave her some Lactulose. I'm still not seeing manypoopies. She doesn't like canned pumpkin, but I could try tosyringe some in her mouth.

Any ideas? I'm not sure if I want to take her back to the 1stvet again for an exam, or if I should try to find another vet.

Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to give you all the details on what has happened in the last week.


Give her 3 small syringes (3 ml each) of pineapple juice twice a day by mouth.

Thanks Ed. I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow morning and I'll buy some.

Dawn, thank you but none of these vets listed are reallyclose to me. I live in Medina County which is south ofCleveland. Someone that I work with suggested Dr. Slenn inRichfield. I may consider him. Previously, I hadbeen taking Ellie to Dr. Wilson at Animal & Avian inBrunswick. They did her spay and I had no problems afterwards.

I'm desperate! If our precious little bunny dies I don't know what I'll do.

Sorry to hear Ellie is still not feeling well.

Get well Ellie. Pray for Poops. :pray:

Get her to eat plentyof Hay to help withthe blockage and to get herpooping again. Any type ofhay including Alfalfa hay toget her past this emergency.

Theno poops is aresult of themedicine. Startfeeding her 2 tspof plain low fat yogurttwice a day. This willhelp balance and restoreher stomach's enzymes fromthe antibiotics.

Make sure she isgetting plenty of fluids.Get her todrink.Feed her wetfoods (green lettuce).Even some warm watermight help. You couldtry apple juice or teawith honey.

Get NutriCal, to boost herappetite and gives her energy.

Keep her active. Let herrun around to getthings moving.

How are her ears?


When Ellie gets better, find another Vet.

Aww poor Ellie!

Just make sure she drinks plenty of water,if she's not drinking,syringe it to her

Keeping her hydrated is veryimportant

Will be keeping Ellie in my thoughts!

Poor Ellie! How's she doing today?

It sounds like she probably stopped eating because she felt sick fromthe ear infection. Is she getting pain meds? Ifnot, call a vet and get some for her. Also give her baby gasmeds. Since her intestines aren't moving she probably hassome gas buildup which can be very uncomfortable.

I'd definately recommend another vet visit, but with a better vet ifpossible. They might be able to prescribe gut motility drugsfor her which would help get her intestines moving again.Till then, keep up with the fluids and syringe feed her small amountsof mashed up pellets soaked in water.
Thanks everyone for the advice and concern. Ellie is doing much better now! :elephant:

I took Ed's advice and started giving her the pineapple juice and thatseemed to help a little. But I stopped giving her all themeds yesterday (she was taking 3) and that REALLY helped! I'mstill giving her a little bit of pineapple juice every day....she lovesit! She's been eating lots of wet greens to stayhydrated. This morning there were LOTS ofpoopies!!! I never thought I'd be so happy to see rabbitpoop! :yes:

I have an appt. tomorrow night to take her back to Vet #1 to get herears checked. After that I will check around and see if I canfind a rabbit-savy vet to take her to in the future.

Ellie says thank you:


Thank goodness Ellie is doing much better!

Ohh andEllie is still as gorgeous as ever! :kiss:

I give Pipp diluted juice (carrot, a cranberrymix, apple, pineappleor white grape)two or threetimes a week,and it makes a really big difference.She gets frisky, eats all her dinner, he shrivelled little misshapenpoopsget fat and round,and she generally seems somuch better.

Amazing that the silly girlwon't drink enough on herown. :disgust: I'm convinced that's what helped getrid of her molar spurs -- she'd drink, then eat her varietyof pellets and veggies and that would grind the spurs or break themoff. (She won't eat hay, either).

Glad Ellie's feeling better. :) I was going to postsomething that said not to panic if she wasn't pooping yet, seeing asshe was active and eating, but then she started eating.;) I trust all is well, although if Ellie hasan earinfection, she may need the Baytril and theBene-bac.It mayhave been thepain and dehydration that caused her not to eat as much and not themeds, that's something you have to experiment with Iguess.

Let us know what the vet has to say.

Have you checked for rabbit savvy vets in the listings, btw?

Nose pats and hugs! :hug2:

sas :)