EEEkkkkkk Gads a bear?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
At the begining of the summer my dog was peeing blood, so one night before i could get her to the vet i was up 375,000 times during the night taking her out to pee. So on one of the trips i was standing out there and i thought i heard something. I figured it was the turnpike, not that that it is close to me but it was the middle of the night so i thought that the sound would carry. So i told my hubby and parents at first i thought a bear, then i figured traffic noise.

Fast forward to today, my dad took my son to school (he is doing a jump start program for reading it is two weeks long) and he was talking to one of the moms that lives on our road and they got into talking and said that there was a bear spotted down the road from us, and she seen one in her yard!!!!!!!!!!!! so it is possible that the noise that i heard was a bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What precautions do you take with bear around? We will put the trash away from the house that is one thing we will be doing. My older son plays out back now i am not even sure of that, the back of my house has about an acre of non wooded area and then one and a third acre wooded, and all around our property is farm land, and then across from us its all wooded. What should i be aware of , look for, or do to keep us safe?
Buy some bear mace and send it with whoever is going outside. If a bear charges you you need to STAND STILL! I know it seems weird, but they're testing you on bear standards, if they charge and you don't move they'll usually just run away.

You guys probably have a black bear right? they are usually very calm and aren't prone to attacking people. If you have a garage put your garbage in there until garbage day. It's actually illeagle to put out your garbage before pick up here.
Every once in a while we have bears around here. They are usually just passing through though.
we were out having a camp fire as the kids were calling it and all i kept thi nking was "please god dont let us see a bear" lol. My youngest has this fear of bears, has never seen one IRL , but god forbid we see one in the distance he will have a stroke,lol
Up here in Northern Ontario, we have an overpopulation of black bears to the point where they spend their time in kids playgrounds and behind McDonalds and Tim Hortons (bears love donuts!)

This is what the MNR suggests for bear precautions up here:

From my college program (Natural resource technician) the response we were instructed in was upon encountering the bear, to back away slowly , saying whoa bear, hey bear. Never turn your back, andNever RUN! Keep talking slowly and calmly.

If the bear is becoming aggressive. Drop down on the ground and ball up with your back exposed. Gotta protect your internal organs. BTW, bears are often attracted to dogs, so you may want to be extra alert when you are out and about with your pup.

Spraying bleach or vinegar on our trash deters raccoons up here.

Hope that helps ;)

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