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I think 2006 is definitely a better goal ElfMommy. Think about it everyone, we have a year to get pictures,experiment in the different months with idea's and we can remember tostore the original photos at the original size so we don't run intoproblems like this. I really don't think 2005 is a realistic goal,sorry.
I agree about 2005 being a very stressful goal.

I think we should definitely START now, though. It would be a pity to lose this enthusiasm and momentum.

Over a year's time, I would have the money and time to put together thequilt. My aunt and sister are both avid quilters, and I've alwayswanted to join them. It will be a first experiment, but I'm more thanwilling to try if you all will allow me, in the name of charity. :)

We haven't picked the charity, have we? How about the House RabbitSociety? or the Rabbit Railroad? ...something along those lines?

I do love the idea of a quilt, myself, Elf, and my mother is anexcellent source for me to learn from. Definitely some great ideas youmentioned about putting pictures on them. Or at least have materialthat has bunnies on them and using them to make a square.

As to the calendar, I'm not ruling out that it can't be done, but firstI want to find out how it's done. As I said, I'll talk to the guys inour Print Shop at School. I'll see if the school would be willing todonate to our cause. Not sure, and they probably won't, but it won'thurt to ask.

After looking at what it takes to do on the net, it doesn't look thatbad, but there are certain steps for photographic calendars that haveto be followed.

We'll see. I'm not making any promises as to if we can get 2005 outthere, but I'm also not going to throw in the towel until we find outmore about the task at hand.

Also, through previous experience, when an idea has been put out therelike this, many folks say they'll participate, when only a minimal fewactually do. Would hate to see that happen, but it's quite possible itwould. The first Beach Bunnies Party, everyone and their brother saidthey'd definitely make it. In actuality, we had less than 1/2 dozenpeople. Very disappointing when you work hard and financially invest insomething and you find out that when push came to shove, no oneparticipated.

It's like doing science projects with students. You have to do things in little increments.

By *date* you have to turn in your topic

By *date* you have to turn in your abstract

By *date* you have to turn in 12 research notecards

By *date* you have to turn in your rough draft


So I think for us to do it, we would have to have points along the waythat we check in with our progress, so we can keep up with it.

Thinking for me it would be something like....

By *December 1* I would have all the bunny pictures chosen and on a disk

By *January 1* I would have all of the bunny pictures printed onmaterial (this gives me time to shop for correct material, pricecompare where I want to have it done, or if it's feasible to do itmyself on my computer, plus have the money to do so)

By *February 1* I would have the material chosen for the borders and background

By *March 1* All pieces would be cut and pinned, batting for inside the quilt purchased

By *July 1* All pieces would be sewn (this gives me enough time to figure out how to work my sewing machine ;))

By *August 1* All finishing touches done and photographs taken

By *September 1* Information is given to who ever it is that is going to be our Ebay representative

So...by *October 1* this piece would be done and ready for the auction for Christmas 2006.

...or something like that. hehe :D
Carolyn wrote:
I will kill you if you bring that picture up again. That is not an option...just put that out of your brain!!

As to the idea, it's a great one! I'm not sure that I have any particular talent, but will have to think about it.

I'd like to even suggest that charity starts at home. Since this forumis free to all of us, what about giving something back to the founderof it: Danielle, the Administrator, or at least letting her pick herfavorite charity and give in our honor?

Danielle lost her hand in a very bad accident years ago. Imagine howlong it would take to type all of what she does with only one hand?

The only thing I can think of off-hand is that some people, yourself,let's say, Raspberry, also MyBunnyBoys, Dwarf_Angel04 have a realtalent for photography. Perhaps something in that area? Don't know. I'mnot crafty.

I suppose it wouldn't be terribly difficult if each one of us made onesquare for a quilt and then had someone put it all together. That'sanother idea. I don't know how to do it, but it can't be that hard tofigure out. Of course, it would have to be a rabbit theme.


Setting it up and going through the logistics wouldn't be hard at all as to selling it on E-bay.

Hi! Carolyn

Have you ever talked to Danielle about the charity and what charity she would pick?

Ididn't know until I read your post that she lost her hand ina very bad accident.I know how hard it is to do things with one hand.Iwas in that bad car accident 5 years ago and I have Brachial Plexus inmy right arm.Brachial Plexus means-Nerves in your arm and myright arm is affected from the accident with the nerves.I can't lift myarm all the way up and I can't do no lifting of anything heavy withit.I can lift light things with it. If I ever had a job my doctorlimits me to a job where I can do one handed. I can really relate towhat Danielle is going though it's hard to do things when your limitedto one arm.I still have my hand,but it's hard to do everything whenyour limited. The good thing with me is I'm left handed so I canwrite,eat and that without any problems.The thingsI have problems with the most is holding anything heavy with both handsand also certain clothing I have problems putting on due to having touse both hands to put this certain piece of clothing on.I think youknow what clothing I'm talking about. It's what us women have to wear.
Hi! Carolyn

I'm sorry but somehow my post that I wrote to you got posted more thanone time for the same post.I don't know how that happened.

I deleted the multiple posts, Pepper. :)

No, I haven't spoken to Danielle about the charity. First, let's see if we can accomplish it to begin with.

Personally, the way I'm seeing it at this point, a calendar won'thappen this year as none of us have the time or money to put forth init. It would most likely be a next year item, if it's done, and evenso, it would definitely be a group effort because as I said, many willsay they'll participate, but how many actually do so by buying it oroffer up the money to print it is another thing. :?

Carolyn wrote:
I deleted the multiple posts, Pepper. :)

No, I haven't spoken to Danielle about the charity. First, let's see if we can accomplish it to begin with.

Personally, the way I'm seeing it at this point, a calendar won'thappen this year as none of us have the time or money to put forth init. It would most likely be a next year item, if it's done, and evenso, it would definitely be a group effort because as I said, many willsay they'll participate, but how many actually buy it or offer up themoney to print it is another thing. :?

I agree with you on the calendar idea,also I send you an email on other ideas.
Okay, so a decisionis being made to cancel plans for a 2005 calendar and thought beinggiven to whether or not any other funds can be raised by our members todonate to charity this holiday season?


Anybody have something we all want?

No - of course we can't auction off Sebastian on Ebay; or can we?

Carolyn wrote:
Anybody have something we all want?

No - of course we can't auction off Sebastian on Ebay; or can we?

I'd like to keep Sebastian,butyou couldhave his little girl today. However, I doubt youwill get much for her!


I'll take Sebastian's Little Girl, she's an Angel. Better let you know though, they're a package deal.

I can have 1/2 dozen calendars made up for 2005.

From the photos we have, I would need the actual photograph mailed to me in order for the printing quality to come out well.

We could try it on a .tiff format, but no guarantees for clarity, the hard-copy pictures would be the best.

SO...there you have it. It may not be mailed until January, but it's something.

Raspberry,what are your thoughts on the matter?


Are your numberslimited to 1/2 dpzen or are you saying you have tomake atleast a half dozen? When you say "actual" photos....I know alot of these are digital photos...would they need to be on a cd, or howwould you need them? Or is digital not an option?

.tiff format if not the actual photo is what I'mtold, Raspberry. I am limited to 6. Can'tgo too much though because people are donating their time. Irealize it's not much, but for those of uswhoreallywant one, it'd be something.

Wondering if we can get at least one calendar done, how much a PrintingCompany would charge to just print another dozen. For now,just trying to get the logistics down as to what we need in order forthem to be printed.

He said jpeg pictures don't print well...which is why I'd need them asa hard copy picture. He said we could try .tiff format, butthe best pictures come from the actual hard copy pictures.

Well, I don't knowhow you can say no to someone who offers to help with something likethat! That's great! Maybe if he does the original setup and such thenwe can absorb the cost to have more printed up so that others can alsohave a copy. I'd say we would only do that with a pre-order/pre-paymentpolicy since I'm sure it won't be an inexpensive process. I have someprinting contacts here I can check into also after the original is setup.

Well...let's roll with it. If nothingelse, it'll be a good run-through for next year's calendar.For now, don't worry about you getting more copies.The 6 we get will be all we do for this year.

Now, we need to cut off the entries and take a vote as to what one's wewant. People would have to send their pictures to me, andI'll email my address to the final people who's pictures do get chosen.

Would like to have them into the printer's hands by December 1 so it gives him time to get moving on it.

Do you want people to email me or you or one of us to register theirvotes? As I said, I can do it on an Excel sheet.

It won't be on glossy paper.



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