Elf Mommy
Well-Known Member
course...we could always plan it for next year and really have some really wonderful things put together by that time?
Hi! CarolynI will kill you if you bring that picture up again. That is not an option...just put that out of your brain!!
As to the idea, it's a great one! I'm not sure that I have any particular talent, but will have to think about it.
I'd like to even suggest that charity starts at home. Since this forumis free to all of us, what about giving something back to the founderof it: Danielle, the Administrator, or at least letting her pick herfavorite charity and give in our honor?
Danielle lost her hand in a very bad accident years ago. Imagine howlong it would take to type all of what she does with only one hand?
The only thing I can think of off-hand is that some people, yourself,let's say, Raspberry, also MyBunnyBoys, Dwarf_Angel04 have a realtalent for photography. Perhaps something in that area? Don't know. I'mnot crafty.
I suppose it wouldn't be terribly difficult if each one of us made onesquare for a quilt and then had someone put it all together. That'sanother idea. I don't know how to do it, but it can't be that hard tofigure out. Of course, it would have to be a rabbit theme.
Setting it up and going through the logistics wouldn't be hard at all as to selling it on E-bay.
I agree with you on the calendar idea,also I send you an email on other ideas.I deleted the multiple posts, Pepper.
No, I haven't spoken to Danielle about the charity. First, let's see if we can accomplish it to begin with.
Personally, the way I'm seeing it at this point, a calendar won'thappen this year as none of us have the time or money to put forth init. It would most likely be a next year item, if it's done, and evenso, it would definitely be a group effort because as I said, many willsay they'll participate, but how many actually buy it or offer up themoney to print it is another thing. :?