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I love the calendar idea! The ones publishedaren't my definition of 'cute bunnies' (There is such a thing with theones I've seen!).This will make me have to find myconductor hat! My aunt bought me a train conductors outfit for littlestuffed animals. It would be adorable to have as a picture. However,all my pictures look about the same because they are one breed in onevariety! I'm thinking of making myself a bunny calendar of mybunnies to hang in the barn LOL!

Now...where that conductors hat..hmm...

Now it's just a question of choosing which piccysto submit! I've so many (filling 2 cds!) that I've no ideawhat to choose! I might just take some more and see how itgoes! :)

One day, and we have a number of photos that prove this is going to be impossible to pick from.

How will the voting go?

It's got to be by secret ballot to protect everyone's right to privacy, no?

Should we give the photos a cutoff date and then go from there?

Any computer gurus have any good suggestions on how to get good printsof the pictures onto the paper or do we need a Printing group?

Should we also vote on the charity?

I think we shouldsee how things go the first day or two this next week and then pick acut off date. We will have to play around with what works best forprinting. In most cases it will probably work best to go back to theoriginal source if it's still available and have that person e-mail theoriginal photo in it's highest resolution (or whatever the person whois doing the work wants) to whomever is working on the next step.

Yep, we have to start figuring out the voting process. What, an e-mailthing? I don't know.... How many votes should each person get? I CAN'TCHOOSE JUST ONE! I still think we will have to go with collages on eachmonth.

I think we should consider coming up with our finished product "roughdraft", giving everyone a couple peeks of a month or two,takepre-orders, and then let the people who pre-order vote onthe charity to donate the profits to. Do you think that would work?

Doesn't BunnyMommy know a lot about this computer stuff with photos?

I think each person should get to pick 12 photos,1 for each month. Then the majority of those when the votes are talliedwill be the 12 used on the calendar.

That is, unless we're doing rabbit collages! I may be able to work onsome photo editing and doing collages on different backgrounds for somemonths. Or are we doing something like dividing the picture page into 4and putting a picture in each little divided section?
I'm not good whenit comes to numbers, but we have to look at the numbers somehow. Intheory, if we have a couple hundred people vote, which might not be astretch, and if we give them 12 votes, that's A LOT OF VOTES!It might work just fine, but it will be a lot of work to count them andreduce them down to the 12 months of collages. I suppose if we haveenough help....of course that in itself is going to be odd since we are all doing this via computer....I'm so used torunning over to someones house to do these group projects!:)
(of course Sebastian's little girldid ask me today when we could go to Tucker Town)



Personally, I agree with Laura in that each person gets 12 choices, andmay make suggestions as to the months, and whatever pictures are themajority, are the ones to get printed.

I will check with our Print Shop at work to find out what the next step entails.

Collages can be hard to see. Sorry, but I'm back on my eyes issue.Personally, if collages are to be done, I'd rather see them done as afamily. For instance, Laura do a collage of her boys. To mix up all ofour bunnies just seems to lose something. It would be kind of coolthough to put a collage of all the same breed of bunnies on one month.If rabbits are mixed, you could put that cuteness on there too.

With all the beauty we have surrounding us, I guess we should've thought ahead and made a 365 Day Calendar! :shock:


Dear Sebastian's Girl,

Tucker Town is always open to you, your family, and Sebastian.

We are having a Boathouse Bunny party in the spring. That would be a good time to come to Tucker Town.

You are The Best Mom Sebastian could ever have.

Your Friends,
-Carolyn, Tucker,
Fauna, and Cali
When I say collage I mean a few pictures so theydon't have to be tiny and you can see them. Or ones where thebackgrounds are good to use, we can do something like this:


I personally like one picture for one month. Thatway the picture is nice and big and the prime focus. If you get toomany pictures you loose the whole focus of the calendar. I personallydon't like collages as you have to focus on each picture. Rather thenone picture you focus more so on the rabbit thenhaving toslipt your thoughts oneach picture.


I would like to seeus be able to do one photo per month also. But if it just doesn't looklike it's going to happen then what MyBunnyBoys just gave as an exampleis much what I had in mind. I didn't mean something with many, manyphotos. I meant something more professionally put together. Whereideally you have proper colors, proportions, bunnies facing the rightdirections to be in a collage together, etc. Like I said, I would loveto see one bunny per page. I'm just concerned withnotdisappointing an awful lot of people.

NightPoet00 wrote:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
It might work just fine, but it will be a lot of work to countthem and reduce them down to the 12 months of collages.

You could use a free online poll generator, like http://polls4free.com/.
I've never heard of anything like this.It sounds like an excellent idea to me! I think we should look into itfurther!

I was wondering if maybe a cover for the calendarcouldprint a small picture ofall of the bunnies onhere so no bunnies get left out.

My opinion is that we're going to have to put a deadline on the entries pretty soon because the post is just going to grow.

I also like the idea of one bunny picture per month. No one has to votefor my rabbits. Honestly, I won't be offended. I know my babies arebeautiful.

We all have to accept that if they don't get in, that there's alwaysnext year. People might be disappointed if their pictures aren'tposted, but they'll deal. We're adults and we need to keep thedisappointment in perspective. Besides, take it to the next level. Makeyour own stationery, cards, calendars, etc.

I was thinking more along the lines of using an Excel sheet to tallythe votes, Raspberry Swirl, but if the polls post works...excellent.

Are we sticking to one thing?

We could pick the twelve for the calendar,

pick another 12 for notecards,

pick another 30 or so to have "ironed on" (I don't know what theofficial term is when they take computer images and imprint them onmaterial--I know they do it for t-shirts) to create a rabbit quilt (Iknow I'd bid on that one),

pick one or two for stationary,

pick 25 for Christmas ornaments...

etc. etc. etc. :)
Pepper wrote:
I was wondering if maybe a cover for the calendar could?print asmall picture of?all of the bunnies on here so no bunnies get leftout.

Nice idea, Pepper, but not sure how easy it's going to be to put thiscalendar together with just what we're trying to achieve. Also, we havequite a timeframe to meet.

I think we better save that thought for another time because our timeis limited and unless someone has the time to digitally make a collageof all of our rabbits, then it might just be another hurdle for us toget through.

Things we have to keep in mind is price for materials, postage, etc.

Any ideas folks have on that front would be greatly appreciated. I'msure we'll have to charge people for the cost of sending the calendarout. Realizing we want to keep it fairly cheap, we don't want to haveit ending up costing us $1 less than what we're able to donate to acharity. That would defeat the whole purpose.


Great ideas, Elf Mommy, but because we can't all get together and workon it, unfortunately the logistics of putting it all together will fallon one person - the person getting the printing done, etc. That personwill also probably have to fork out some money to get this done aswell, let alone the time and effort that it'll take up with theholidays already here.

I'll be impressed if we can get this calendar done, quite honestly.

It's a lot of work behind the scenes, and it will fall heavily for theone who steps up. Especially when we all have so many other familydemands, financial stresses, and emotions we're dealing with at thistime of year. (And no, I don't feel that that defaults automatically toyou Raspberry Swirl, considering the size of your family and yourhealth, etc.)

We'll have to see where it all ends up. Not sure it can feasibly be accomplished at this point in time.

I agree that we need to wrap this up soon because if we don't, there is no way this calendar will ever be ready for 2005. :?


I like the one picture idea the best, the only problem is that somephoto's may not work too great... Some are small and to enlarge themwould sacrifice quality. Others are taken as portraits (taller than itis wide)and not in the landscape view (not as tall as it iswide), cropping these pictures may not even be possible without editingout important things. I do have most of the photo's that were submittedthat I took as larger so photo quality will not be sacrificed at alland generally the rabbit is small in the picture and a lot ofbackground so I can easily even use the portrait pictures of mine, too,but I'm not sure anyone else did the same as I have. :?

I think photos should be picked on quality and suitability to eachmonth. Does it really matter if our bunnies are not picked? We all loveour bunnies and it doesn't really matter now does it? I wouldn't beoffended at all if my boys were left out, they're special in my eyes. :)

I was thinking about doing some of the last steps but the problem is Idon't have the access to the sources without disturbing my parentsschedule. Not only that, but I wouldn't know where to begin or themoney to get this idea rolling. :?


Small pictures may not be good because making them all fit together and making them work together may be extremely challenging.

P.S.- The only problem with an online poll generator is people maycheat and vote more than once for their photo so you never really knowif the results are accurate do you?

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