DYSON Vacuum Cleaners

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
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Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Hi, I know this topic has been discussed before but when i did a search i couldn't find it.

I really need to get one of these vacuums:vacuum:, I was at a Doctors appointment this am and he gave me the look when i told him I had 6 rabbits. I told him giving the rabbits up was NOT an option.

He suggested a Dyson Vac saying they were the best on the market. Now my question to everyone is, is the Dyson Animal Vacuum the best to get. Now don't forget I have 6 Bunnies. Chris & I will travel to Buffalo to buy it as they are almost $150 - $200 cheaper. We saw one there a couple of weeks ago (when he bought his Lap Top at Best Buyfor much less than you could buy it here.)


We have the animal one, and we love it!

It picks up pet hair so easily, and really helps my Moms allergies and asthma to the bunnies.

It works great on everyday stuff too.

Defnietly worth the money. Plus, its purple :)
I also have the Animal D17 and I LOVE it. I can't get over how much better it picks up than other vacuums. There really is a huge difference. I also find it really helpful for my allergies. I have 5 rabbits and 2 cats and also get seasonal allergies in the fall and spring. Some of the biggest Pro's to me:

  • Even when I think my carpet of furniture is pretty clean it bring up dust, fur, etc. that I didn't even realize was there.
  • The vaccum works so well that I don't even have to use the animal fur attachment for the carpet. I do use it on the furniture, my curtains, and the stairsand it works amazingly on those.
  • You don't have to change filters. You just wash the filter out in your sink every few months.
  • The attachment wand by itself works like a charm on stray poops and hay. I don't really even put mine away because there is always poop to be found :)
  • I use it every week on the pre-filter of my air purifiers and that works great.
To me the Pro's far outweight the Con's, but here are a few of the downsides to me. I think over the next few years they will do some redesigning to fix some of these:

  • It's heavy.
  • I find the attachment wandawkward to use. You pull it out from the vacuum to put on the animal fur tool, the edge tool, the duster, etc. The stick part is quite long while the stretchy part is kind of short. I find it makes it a little hard when doing the stairs or getting in small spaces. That description might not make sense unless until you've actually seen it. To me, the worst part of it is the long stick of the attachment.
  • For as expensive as it is, it's all plastic. It feels a little flimsy when you accidently run into things.
  • The belt on mine broke after only a few months. However, when I called Customer Service they told me the belt on my model had been redesigned since I purchased it and they sent me a new one right away at no charge. It was very easy to replace myself.
  • It's pretty loud when you use it on wood floors or tile but not when its on the carpet.
I've seen ads for Target and WalMart where you can get a $100 gift card when you buy a Dyson. I wish I would've waited for something like that. I bought on impulse one day when I'd had it with fur floating everywhere :) They also have a pink one now where some of the proceeds go to breast cancer research.

Bottom line...I love it!

I also have a dyson though not an animal one. Its fantastic and i wouldn't change it for the world they are also really good at fixing them for you mine 6 years old and has been fixed once as i broke the stretchy bit :pquick and efficient service.

Mine is purple and turqouise :p( the colour was important lol)
SOOOSKA wrote:
Now my question to everyone is, is the Dyson Animal Vacuum the best to get.
My husband and I have the Dyson DC07 and we love it -- it's amazing! I would highly recommendgetting one! :thumbup

Honestly, the only difference that I notice between the one that we own and their "Animal" version are the attachments that come with it: the vacuum itself is exactly thesame. If you want to save about a hundred bucks,you could get the one without the fancy attachments. We have two Mini Rexes (the really soft, fluffy, floaty fur) and it picks up their fur like a dream! ;)

In addition to Best Buy, I know that Lowe's carries the Dyson and I have seen it on sale in their weeklyflyer before.
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I got the Dyson Canister vacuum for Christmas. I love it. I've only tried it on our Living Room/Dining Room carpet and it works great. I'll do the restof the housetomorrow.I can hardly wait to see what it picks up.

Can you believe Chris gave me a choice to get jewellery or a Dyson, I picked the Dyson.

Susan, when we were on our anniversary trip in May, we saw this on an infomercial and I wanted one!:shock: I still do. Man, they look specatacular!:D Congrats on getting one! Good going, Chris:p.
SOOOSKA wrote:
I picked the Dyson.

The ads on T.V. was breaking me down to look at the Dysonat the stores.
My Filter Queen is still working, and it seems to have more suction than a Dyson, so I will keep my old vacuum for now.

But today, Best Buy/ Future Shop had some for the Boxing Day sales. They ranged from $30 - $100 off.
I went to Home Outfitters and boughtthe DC 16 Limited Edition.
It isa cordless handheld that I can use for small jobs like cleaning the cages and such.
I was able to use $60 worth of Home Outfitters coupons to purchase the DC 16. So I paid CAN$120, cheaper than the US$150 retail.
So far, I would give my Dyson a poor rating.

1. Pebbles is terrified of it.

2. My dog has fits when I run it.

3. Bebe is the only one who would come up and *chin* it. :p
So that is 1 star out of 3 stars. :biggrin2:

Really, I find the suction not that great. Maybe becauseit is only a battery operated vacuum (DC16), you can't expect that much power.
And the battery drains so fast, by the heavy draw from the motor. Good thing I only use it for quick clean-ups, before I have to recharge it again.
I don't know how long the rubber seals will last. I wonder how durable it is if I dropped it.
The clear bin is unsightly, you want to empty it every time you use it. :vomit:

Tome, the Dyson is over rated, and quite expensive. But they got me, because I bought one.
Stan,I love the Dyson. I find it makes the carpet look like new. It's amazing how much fur sticks to the carpet, especially with white rabbits on light coloured carpets. who would have known. LOL

We also bought a carpet shampooer (my sister sent me a small amount of money from my mother {she's in a nursing home}). I really like that too, Chris can shampoo the carpet more often now that we don't have to rent it.


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