Dwarf rabbits

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Have you ever bred anything before??

Im just asking becuase I thought i could breed,,I bredchinchillas,,,,,they were pedigreed animals and I did my research,,etcetc,,but man oh man was it ever hard to sell the kits,,,,,breedingwasnt for me, even to this day keep thinking,,,,I wonder howthe babies are doing? did I make the right choices?? etcetc,,,,its hard not knowing!!

also if you cant sell the babies or find them homes,,,,do you haveenough space, time and money to seperately house all of the kits andkeep them forver if need be?? can you afford vert care if momor babies need it???

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do, and you made the firstright decision,,thats asking questions,,,,ask and ask and ask if youneed to,,but make sure you're in this for the right decisions,remember, these kits and mom will be 100% dependent on you,,,,:D

Ive bred cats before and mice! Very different to rabbits i know lol but yeah

I'm sure I will have the money if i need to take them to the vet, if not i can borrow off my mum or dad and pay them back

thnx for evrythin guyz, i didnt buy my rabbits 2day as i went horse riding and roller skating all day

becc_boland wrote:
i didnt buy my rabbits 2day as i went horse ridingand roller skating all day

remember you wont be able todo those things all day when you havebunnys,im glad you have gotton everything sorted out :) talk to youlater

Yeah I know, my family is home durin the day ifworse comes to worst but i dont usually go out much. I learnt how tohorse ride 2day and then went out with my boyfriend skatin for thefirst time in ages

Call me crazy...

I started with rabbits when I was in the 5th grade, that would make mearound the age of 10. I had a 2 mixed breed rabbits from a pet store,one of which survived up until this past summer. Eight years later. Afew years later I wanted to try my luck at this whole breeding thing. Iplayed it safe. I bred my not so mini-rex doe to another breeder's buckand got 3 kits out of the deal. I was doing it just for fun, and thebreeder had agreed to take on any kits that my doe may have had andfind good homes for them.

A year or two later, I wanted to start raising the little critters. Iwas around 15-16 at the time. I found my perfect rabbits and triedbreeding. Naturally, my BIS rabbit didn't want to be a mother! Then,when she finally gave in, she had about 3 stillborn litters. a total of6 kits. A couple of them were pretty big and somewhat mutilated. =( Iwas very upset. I went out and got myself another doe. I had betterluck with her, and she gave me two litters. The first one was 4 kits. Ikept them inside since it was the hottest part of the summer. two werepeanuts, they both died within the first couple of weeks. But the othertwo survived, and I found homes for them.

I wanted to try to breed my other rabbit one last time. just to see ifI'd have any luck. So I did, but I also bred my other doe, just incase. I got 4 BEAUTIFUL baby bunnies from my first doe. =D One was apeanut, and he lived a good 3 weeks before he died. He was my littleMilton! I've got pictures somewhere... He was SOOOOO adorable! A solidblue Polish about half the size of his sibilings! SO CUTE! (pic ofMilton attached below)

Of course, since that breeding worked, I also had another doe with 6kits, that's a grand total of 10 little rascals running around!:shock:But I'd do it all again. I never wanted to go anywherewhen I had my little guys around. And I always tried to schedule it sothat they would be born on a weekend so I could be home. (The "I needto be home for my bunnies!" argument never worked with my parents...they always made me go to school *sigh*)

Anyway... my point is, that baby bunnies are a wonderful thing. Itdoesn't matter what age you are when you breed them. I know adultbreeders that didn't care for their rabbits as well as I did. It's justa matter of being prepared. And if for whatever reason you can't findhomes for the babies right away, have a plan. Make sure you have thecage space for them, or have another option. It is also a good idea tohave a list of breeders you can call if you have trouble. Everyone whohas ever bred rabbits was new at it once, and more experienced breeders*should* be able to help.

Sounds like you have your mind madeup:)Sixteen is a rough time when everyone thinks you dontknow what you wont.....but I rememberwhenIwas16, that was the time when I set all my goalsand reached them with success. By doing yourhomework is true enough, like anything research is something that istaken into consideration for making any decission inlife.Take the advice and weigh them out, onlybecause there are alot of experienced breeders here who know from justthat (experience). I hope you dont take offence, advise issomething that comesto me even to this day. Goodluck in your choice, I hope your dreams come true with admiration:D
Brandy wrote:
Have you ever bred anything before??

Im just asking becuase I thought i could breed,,I bredchinchillas,,,,,they were pedigreed animals and I did my research,,etcetc,,but man oh man was it ever hard to sell the kits,,,,,breedingwasnt for me, even to this day keep thinking,,,,I wonder howthe babies are doing? did I make the right choices?? etcetc,,,,its hard not knowing!!

also if you cant sell the babies or find them homes,,,,do you haveenough space, time and money to seperately house all of the kits andkeep them forver if need be?? can you afford vert care if momor babies need it???

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do, and you made the firstright decision,,thats asking questions,,,,ask and ask and ask if youneed to,,but make sure you're in this for the right decisions,remember, these kits and mom will be 100% dependent on you,,,,:D
This is some very good advise:D