Dwarf rabbits

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rabbitgirl wrote:
Dwarf breeders DON'T SHOOT ME!!! :shock::shock:;)

Nethiescan get a bit "snippy"....mine is EVIL!!!

P.S. Angela and Lanna, your dwarfs are gorgeous. Are they tempermental or have I just been unlucky in the ones I've met?
I have to agree with dwarf_angel on this one. I have seen mean rabbitsin a lot of different breeds. I personally wont be breeding mini rexanymore because the two I had were snippy. (BBB please dont killme....LOL) I love them as a breed and realize after reading posts aboutBo, Valuran and the other mini rex on the board that more than likely Ijust got some tempermental ones.

Of my nethies.....none of them have EVER bitten me. I think geneticshas a lot to do with it. (attitudebreeds attitude) But, Ialso think raising has something to do with it too. While Chloe andBossy have nevertried to bite me, theyre not the mostaffectionate buns Ihave. Their babies that were born herehowever, are some of the sweetest buns I have in the barn. Chloe andBossy were grown when I got them, but those babies we have handledsince birth. All three of them will come to the front of the cagebegging as soon as I walk in the barn. They lick, groom, and generallyare very loveable.

Having said all that....The breeder that I just got the holland lopsfrom has the sameideals thatdwarf_angel has. Shetold me "I refuse to breed a bunny who bitesor shows any kindof agression."Those hollands must comefrom VERYLOVEABLE lines.They are the sweetest bunnies. Even Abbywhois full grown. She comes running when she sees me coming.

Here is the rabbit hutch we are going to build.Imagine it with a big door/ramp at the front. I couldnt scan the betterpic as it was in the middle of 2 pages and my scanner is lil

is it okay? suggestions?
I couldn't agree more! I think it just depends on your particular rabbits and how they are raised.

Bo is handled all the time and kissed on all the time ... he learned tobe a loving bunny LOL! If he didn't have the personality to be a goodboy, he wouldn't have.

He's also a little snit sometimes with Lexi. She wants tohold him all the time and he wants down to play.... so he nips her....cause he knows she'll put him down then LOL!

Obviously BECC is here and researching.... so that's good in itself.

Personally, I have only dealt with mini-rex and a couple of times withother bunnies like a mini-lop who is very snippy and an English spotwho is sweet as pie, and a mini-rex mix who's a velcro bunny......

I can't tell you much about personalities of breeds. I haveheard things... and I know what kind I want to get in the future"coughflemishcough" and I know I will probably always have a rex ormini-rex because of it being my first kind and I love him so much.

To each his own is my opinion. :)
becc_boland wrote:
Here is the rabbit hutch we are going to build. Imagine itwith a big door/ramp at the front. I couldnt scan the better pic as itwas in the middle of 2 pages and my scanner is lil

is it okay? suggestions?
I like that hutch. Looks very good to me. You need to be prepared tobuild 3...possibly four of them though. The doe and buck will need tobe housed separately unless you want continual litters. Maybe if youmade that hutch a little larger you could improviseand add adivider so you have two cages in one.

When you get ready to wean the babies at between 6 and 8 weeks theywill need their own separate hutch. You wont be able to put the doe inwith the buck since rabbits dont have heat cycles they canbecomepregnant just a few hours after they givebirth.

Also, If you have the babies at 12 weeks of age you will have toseparate the babies by sex. Otherwise you might have brother and sisterbreeding. (not good) Dwarf rabbits do tend tomaturefasterthan larger breeds so it's really important to separatethem on time. That's why I said you might need 4 hutches.

At 12 weeks some rabbits get the sexual want.However, you really should breed the rabbits until they are 6 monthsold. ;)You will need to build two cages to start off withunless you do Lanna's idea and have a divder. Upon the breeders thereare rule.. one rabbit per cage. ;)Its for the best intrestsof the rabbits. Rabbits don't have to bond to breed unlike birds whohave to bond to breed. Rabbits just go.. the bucks don't care whose intheir cage as long as they get what they want. ;)
becc_boland wrote:
So when i get my rabbits, will they be ready to breed at 12weeks? i thought i had longer! Ah well i'll be sureto be ready if thatsthe case
Ready to breed...NO....but it will be possible. It's not healthy forthem to breed that young and can result in stillbirth of the kits(babies)and problems for the dam (mother). That's why it'simportant to separate them.

Okay, we have this other rabbit hutch here, maybei will keep the buck in it and the dam in the new built one. I amthinking of getting my rabbits on sunday or is that toosoon?A friend is selling some and I could get them sunday ifi wanted. If i disappear off here it is because my mum is home, ill tryto be back on later but if i cant i will talk to you all tomorrow sometime.
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
Ohhh discussion on dwarfs. *rubs hands together* my favorite!

Rabbits should be judged on their personality as an individual rabbitrather then by their breed. As you can see, I've got 5 ND's left in mybarn with 3 different personalities! I'm a soul believer that rabbitspersonalities come from their 'lines'. I've never bred a mean rabbitbecause I don't risk that chance of getting a mean rabbit out of abreeding.

I feel bad for those people who want a rabbit so bad and then end upgetting a line with a bad personality. Dwarf Hotots are really dolls ifyou get the right line and the same for Netherland Dwarfs! Rose, I'msorry you've met the rotton apples in a pit full of riped apples. :?

Well, whaddya know!!!:DI have never met a sweet Nethie--Ithink you're absolutely right that the personalities come from thelines--and you obviously do a great job. I can definitely see heredityplaying a part in the temperments of both my Hols and Pal. I bred themfor personality, raised them myself, and love the results. Both breedshad at least one parent with a marvelous personality.

Cool! Always glad to hear the other side! I've a soft spot for large buns, but I know there are bad ones of those too.


P.S. much as I love big buns, there is NOTHING cuter than a dwarf baby.
lanna21974 wrote:
I have to agree with dwarf_angel on this one. I have seen mean rabbitsin a lot of different breeds. I personally wont be breeding mini rexanymore because the two I had were snippy.

Mine was a weirdo too, but Bo is such a doll. Go figure!!! :D

Your dwarfs really made me start to wonder if the breed was sweeter than the representatives I've met.:p

Thanks for the input!

My dwarfs are sweet tempered i get commented onthere temperment. i do breed for good attitude.aggresive mean behavioris not tolerated .rabbits displaying bad attitudes are out of mybreeding program.bluebird
I have a dwarf buck who is not neutered and he is the sweetest. Maybe because we have no female around.
He never bites and is very shy and love to be pet.
All I can really add to what has been said is tryto make sure that you have good homes sorted for them before you startbreeding, rather than having some left without homes. I would agree youneed plenty of cages/hutches. Don't forget that if you don't manage tofind homes for all of them, they will need to be separated by sex at 8weeks. Definitely keep the Doe and the Buck separate as soon as shegets pregnant.

I'm sure you will do all your research and know 100% what you are doingbefore you go into it. Babies are fun but very hard work (an I haveonly had 2 litters accidentally). Don't forget at your age school musttake priority of your time.

Another thing, don't feel that you need to leave over someone elsesopinion. On this board people say what they think and are very honest.Thats what gives us the bond we have - we are all free to say what wefeel and then on the next post we could be getting on well. They don'tsay it to offend anybody - so please don't feel you have to leave - Itis a great board. We just love our bunnies very much and would hate tothink that someone with no experience wants to breed them. They justwant to be sure you know what you are letting yourself into and areprepared for anything that could go wrong.

Good luck if you do decide to breed. IMP dwarf Hotots are just so sweetbut I have never had expericence of them, I have never even seen oneonly in pictures.

DaisyNBuster wrote:
Good luck if you do decide to breed. IMP dwarf Hotots arejust so sweet but I have never had expericence of them, I have nevereven seen one only in pictures.

Seems everyones all of a sudden falling in love with Dwarf Hotots! LOL! They are loads of personality but are dolls!
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
At 12 weeks some rabbits get the sexual want. However, youreally should breed the rabbits until they are 6 months old. ;) Youwill need to build two cages to start off with unless you do Lanna'sidea and have a divder. Upon the breeders there are rule.. one rabbitper cage. ;) Its for the best intrests of the rabbits. Rabbits don'thave to bond to breed unlike birds who have to bond to breed. Rabbitsjust go.. the bucks don't care whose in their cage as long as they getwhat they want. ;)

ugh i wanna say somthing to this but theres little kids who read this! lol so i wont! lmao
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Good luckif you do decide to breed. IMP dwarf Hotots are just so sweet but Ihave never had expericence of them, I have never even seen one only inpictures.

Seems everyones all of a sudden falling in love with Dwarf Hotots! LOL! They are loads of personality but are dolls!

Yeah this is all your fault for posting pictures ofthose adorable little kits :D.
I agree, I blame Angel for making me want a dwarfhotot now
